spy ace

Chapter 2698 Grenade

Chapter 2698 Grenade
The arresting team was heading towards Lu Kaiyu's house along the buildings on this side, and was preparing to arrest people.The liaison officer at Lu Kaiyu's family threw a gun to Lu Kaiyu, together with two magazines.He himself took out a mirror box in the diagonal pocket, commonly known as the box cannon.

Liaison Eye said: "Be careful behind you. Tan Xiujuan must follow the path closely."

As he was talking, he suddenly opened the front door, and he was inside the door, revealing one eye and the arm holding the gun, facing the team of devils coming, snapping!Just a few shots in a row.

The capture team of six devils was caught off guard.Fortunately, they basically lined up in a row, so these few shots knocked the first devil to the ground, but the people behind were fine.

These devils immediately dodged to the side and hid in the narration building, putting themselves under cover.The liaison officer, after firing a few shots at this side, turned back, and at the other side, blocked the two cars on the street, and the figure behind them fired several consecutive shots.Only this time, no one was hit.

The purpose of the contact person's shooting this time was not to hit anyone, but to attract firepower and deter them.Therefore, he fired a few shots to the left, knocked down a devil, and then fired a few shots to the right, and immediately retreated his body back into the house.

Shangbei Jiyou hid behind the car on the other side. Seeing this situation, he was not too worried. After all, Lu Kaiyu's house had been completely surrounded. In other words, the people in the house were nothing more than trapped animals That's all.So he started shouting orders for the capture team to move on.

This is a tactic to lure the enemy, that is, to attract the opponent to shoot.Shangbei Jiyou believes that they must not have many bullets in their hurry, and once the opponent runs out of ammunition and food, they can only obediently catch them with nothing.

The devils of the capture team heard the order and continued to move forward.However, they walked very carefully, keeping an eye on the cover in front, then quickly ran to hide, and then kept on running forward while watching the next cover.

The liaison officer at Lu Kaiyu's house once again dodged two shots at the door.Once again, one of these devils was injured.Not that serious though, just shot in the arm.It's just that at this time, it is still tantamount to withdrawing from the battlefield.The arm is injured and can't catch people.

Of course, these few people are not good enemies, but they need to keep approaching outside, and there is always a place with no cover, so they are always at a disadvantage.But they soon began to shoot back, which was not really a counterattack.After all, what they want more is to catch a living.Fire a few shots, use cover fire, and let yourself move forward again.In this way, it is tantamount to constantly maintaining pressure on the people in the room.

And just about two minutes later, several members of the devil's arrest team were already quite close.It may be about fifteen meters away from the main entrance of Lu Kaiyu's house.To know this distance, if there are strong athletes, it may be more than one second, and it can be run in less than two seconds.

And these ghost spies, although they are not professional athletes, they are definitely a strong and healthy generation, much stronger than ordinary people. Even if they start slowly, it takes more than two seconds, and they can run fifteen minutes in less than three seconds. rice.In this case, the opponent can rush forward almost at any time.

After seeing this situation, Shangbei Jiyou was already happy.Turned around and waved his hands.But another capture team he had prepared was already on standby.So he waved his hand, and the second capture team, also six people, began to follow the footsteps of the first team, from the edge of the building, and began to advance to support the first team.

In other words, if the first team of people came out of the road, why stand in front of it.So they were quickly behind the first team.The two teams got together and were about to follow the plan, one team continued to advance, and the other team was ready to support at any time, when Lu Kaiyu's family attacked again.

All of a sudden, I followed Lu Kaiyu's house, counting from the door, the street on the right, two cars that were blocked, and then went on.There was a series of explosions suddenly.

Boom boom boom!Almost indiscriminate roar sounded.It was also accompanied by the screams of nearly ten ghost spies hiding on the side of the car.

It turned out that just now, Nian Gaoyuan, an agent of the Security Bureau, led a team of people lying in ambush and started to act.They are only starting to act now, not because they were not prepared before, but because they are looking for an opportunity.

When they arrived by car, they saw the devils and spies, and they put the car in the middle of the road to block off the area of ​​Lu Kaiyu's house.So Nian Gaoyuan immediately led the team, turned around, and hid in the door of a residential unit on the side of the street.And tilt it, use the window of the unit door to observe.

They had no intention of making a move before, because Nian Gaoyuan was waiting for the best opportunity.When he saw the devil's other team start to come forward and approach, Nian Gaoyuan felt that it should be now.Because don't look at it, the intensity of firefights between Lu Kaiyu's house and the outside is not high.But it was very dangerous, and the little devil already had an arresting team, approaching fifteen meters.Therefore, the little devils are not in charge of attacking, but are only responsible for blocking people. Their attention is actually no longer on the door of Kaiyu's house and the arresting teams of the two teams.

Therefore, Nian Gaoyuan waved his hand immediately, and while leading them downstairs, he ordered three people in succession.Said: "The three of you each fire a grenade and throw it into the crowd of people blocking the side of the vehicle. Then we rush forward and kill all the blocking people on this side!"

In just one sentence, Nian Gaoyuan had already led the team out of the unit gate.These people all had guns in their hands at this time, but they were in a hurry. They only had four Thomson submachine guns this time, and the rest were all pistols.Fortunately, they brought a lot of grenades.Everyone carried a bag slantingly, which contained several grenades and spare magazines.

As soon as they went out, Nian Gaoyuan and the others quietly came out from the building door, and the three security bureau agents who were named had already taken out a grenade, pulled out the insurance, and after a delay of nearly two seconds, leaned forward and threw it out.

In other words, the ghost spy hiding behind the car has already attracted the attention of the situation in front of Lu Kaiyu's house, and there is a gunshot, plus it was delayed by nearly two seconds before.Therefore, the devils on this side may have just discovered that there is a grenade under their feet, and it is too late to take any action.With the sound of booming, they were directly blown to the ground.

When the explosion rang...

(End of this chapter)

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