spy ace

Chapter 2704 Prepare to Rescue

Chapter 2704 Prepare to Rescue
When you are suddenly attacked, it doesn't matter how high your tactical ability is, after all, you have to know it.

So it was just a meeting, the devil's capture team, and the former spy spies who had joined them.He was killed and turned his back on his back.

There are nearly [-] people in total, which sounds much more than E Zhenhai and the others.However, he couldn't hold back against the enemy in both directions, and one side was a sudden side attack.It can be said that the loss was heavy in an instant.

And in things like war, the one who takes the lead is very advantageous.Under a wave of blows, you didn't understand it, so you lay down a batch first.Let me tell you whether you are fighting back, or whether you want to save your own life first.If you fight back, it's tantamount to standing up against a two-way attack, and the probability of your survival may not be very high.After all, the opponent's attack will not stop after hitting you a few times, he will attack continuously, a wave of grenades will go down, and after the explosion, the gun will come again.Then maybe the grenade flew over again.

How are you doing?Wolverine has infinite lives.Then you retreat back, in fact, it may not be a good choice.Serial attack, you retreat, you face the enemy and retreat, and someone from the side hits you, and your speed of retreating front will definitely be very slow.But if you want to retreat from the enemy, it means that you have no ability to fight back.You will still face continuous attacks in both directions.

Therefore, when fighting a war, it is very important to have the upper hand.E Zhenhai's on-site commanding skills are pretty good, so he commanded everyone to attack continuously, and quickly knocked all these little devils to the ground with one sentence.This is equivalent to directly cutting off the little devil's pursuit ability.

Seeing this, E Zhenhai shouted, "Retreat!"

Everyone listened to the order and started running directly to the residential building they had avoided before.Because there is a hidden car parked here.A crowd of people got into the car one after another and drove away.

E Zhenhai and several of his brothers retreated separately from everyone else.But he still has a task, which is to notify the online situation.Therefore, after five minutes, the car made continuous turns in seven turns and eight rounds to keep itself away from possible pursuers.He directed the car to stop on the side of an inn.

He had seen a public phone booth here before, so after E Zhenhai got off the car, he immediately went into the phone booth to pick up the phone, dialed an agreed number, and after he connected, he heard a specific code word from the other side: "Yes Old head?" Then he began to say directly: "The mission is completed. More than [-] devils were killed, and the target was caught. But the liaison officer was shot in the back..."

He explained the situation concisely and quickly, and hung up the phone directly.After exiting the phone booth, he got into the car again and drove away according to the plan.

In other words, the actions of Xiao Boda, Lu Kaiyu, and Lei Zhemao in the three places can be said to have been successful.The simple rescue plan arranged by Fan Keqin can be said to be very successful.Ask the liaison officer to lead the three people away, and then a team of people ambushed beside them. If the little devil's capture team is there, they will suddenly rush out at the right time.Simple and clear, not complicated at all, but extremely usable.

These three people, out of Xiao Boda's own direct success.The remaining two people can be said to have made this plan, reflecting the value.

Sitting in the office, Fan Keqin heard the content of E Zhenhai's phone call from Bai Fengtai to the one in front of him.But he was not very happy, because there was still one person lost, and that was the liaison officer.And it is very likely that the losses will be heavy.

Why do you say that?It is because the loss is the liaison officer.And this liaison officer is indeed very capable, called Wan Xinzhi.This Wan Xinzhi himself was the backbone of this group of people when he first entered Shanghai.

What does that mean?These are the people, although scattered.But in order to increase the executive power, although they will not have horizontal connections, there is one person who acts as the backbone of these people, which can also be said to be the role of the fuse.Because once something happens, for example, if the enemy wants to completely take down this group of people, then Fan Keqin only needs to ask Bai Fengtai to transfer Wan Xinzhi, who acts as a fuse, away.Then the enemy, even if they were lucky enough to take down a few of them, would have no effect.Because the main line was broken, it was useless for them to interrogate and question.

The reverse is also the same, for example, if the enemy has captured someone and wants to look up.Fan Keqin can also send Wan Xinzhi away, as long as he leaves, it will also completely cut off the enemy's way of following the vine, and there is no way to find it.

And Fan Keqin's fuse is not just Wan Xinzhi's one, there are two layers of protection on it.Last but not least, there are Meng Qingsheng and Bai Fengtai.

But no matter how you say it, now Wan Xinzhi is injured.When E Zhenhai saw the enemy dragging him away, Fan Keqin had to act.After all, Wan Xinzhi has worked on trunk lines and fuses, so he knows more than ordinary agents.

Bai Fengtai thought for a while, and said: "Brother Heng, the brothers below will follow the plan and disperse and evacuate from Shanghai Beach by themselves after the operation. And I just need to send Wan Xinzhi's online and Tai Chihao away. Even if he vomits in the end Well, the devil has nothing to do with us."

Fan Keqin definitely agrees with Bai Fengtai's statement, but his style is different, he will only give up when a fact fails.Furthermore, in his opinion, Wan Xinzhi is really not hopeless.

So Fan Keqin said: "I understand what you mean. However, I think it shouldn't be too difficult to rescue Wan Xinzhi. As long as we make up the time difference. And we have to try it. Otherwise, the brothers below will be disappointed Heart."

Bai Fengtai was a little puzzled, and said: "Brother Wan, you said it's simple? What do you mean? I don't understand it a bit?"

Fan Keqin said: "What I said is simple, as long as it is timely, there will be no problem. Think about it, even if the devil on the other side reacts quickly, it will take a certain amount of time to regroup the manpower. But we have a group of mobile troops that don't If they move, they can go directly to the hospital and come out with Wan Xinzhi.”

Bai Fengtai frowned and said: "Then we need to send someone to each hospital to check first, where did the little devil send the other party?"

Fan Keqin didn't speak, but waved his hand, and took out the detailed map of Shanghai these days from the cabinet under his desk.This map is finally relatively complete. After he arrived in Shanghai, he has been letting a group of his men run around Shanghai...

(End of this chapter)

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