spy ace

Chapter 2711 The Best Time

Chapter 2711 The Best Time

Just when Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai were studying the plan to attack and kill Hiroyuki Mizugaki these two days, Hiroyuki Mizugaki brought a group of his men back to the Lusheng Hotel from the secret service directly under the garrison headquarters.

Today, it was because the secret service directly under the local garrison headquarters found a discarded bicycle in a residential area on Father Jin Road.

During these days, after a lot of interviews and investigations, Hiroyuki Mizugaki found a witness a while ago.Under coercion and lure, witnesses recalled that a car at that time stopped in front of the office of a shipping company on Nanting Street, and a person got off, got on a bicycle at the gate of the shipping company and left. .Of course, the car left immediately after it stopped.

In the courtyard of the residential building where the bicycles were parked, Hiroyuki Mizugaki led people and asked them to start the investigation again.But at the end of the day, nothing was found, because it had been several days, although someone noticed the bicycles parked in the yard.But the people in this building complex can be regarded as the type with small wealth, so there are also some people who buy bicycles here.So most people didn't pay much attention to it, and a few people noticed the bicycle and didn't pay attention to it, thinking it was parked here by a neighbor here.

Hiroyuki Mizugaki came back quite late, because many people in this kind of residential area have jobs during the day.So he waited until after get off work at night, when most of the people came back, and asked his staff to visit and investigate again before returning, but there was no progress.

After returning to the headquarters in the Lusheng Hotel, Hiroyuki Mizugaki, Keiyu Kamihoku and other captains began to summarize the gains of the day.The two captains who were in charge of chasing the car had made progress, but unfortunately, progress did not mean a breakthrough.I found out who lost the car in the suburbs, who lost it, and when it was lost, but that's all.

Hiroyuki Mizugaki asked the two captains to continue the investigation tomorrow, to visit the neighborhood where the car was lost, and see if they could find any witnesses.

And Shangbeiji went to read some files today, but there was no progress.It can only be said that I have learned a little bit about ghosts and what they may have done in Shanghai.

However, although Shangbei Jiyu said that there was no progress, he discovered one thing through these files.After today's summary was over, Shangbei Jiyou stayed alone.

Seeing him staying, Mizugaki Hiroyuki asked while making tea: "Shangbei-kun, is there anything else you want to say alone?" He poured out the first brewed tea and continued to add boiling water to the teapot.

Shangbei Jiyou nodded, but hesitated, and said: "There are some situations, but I don't know how to say it."

Mizugaki Hiroyuki glanced at him, and continued to make tea in his hands unhurriedly. This is the Chinese way of making tea that he specially learned before.Because before, Shunichi Terauchi was very proud of this move.He doesn't even like to drink the tea made by his secretary, but is very willing to drink the tea made by Hiroyuki Mizugaki.Said: "It's okay, we can talk slowly. You can also talk about it as soon as you think of it. Is it... You have discovered some things, but you haven't sorted them out yet, so it's not easy to talk about them?"

"Hi one." Shangbei Jiyou knelt and sat opposite the small table, nodded, and said, "That's true. I have been going to various agencies and units according to your instructions these days, looking for information that may be ghosts. Dossier information. After reading some, although I still can't find any clues from these materials, we can continue to investigate and catch up with the ghost. However, I have a faint idea, or feeling, that is I don’t know the feeling, right?”

"Oh?" Mizugaki Hiroyuki poured two cups of the third brewed tea, and put one cup in front of Shangbei Jiyu, and said, "Taste it and see if you are used to it. Drink a cup first, and then say Not too late."

"Thank you very much." Shangbeiji took a sip carefully from the teacup, and said: "The team leader's tea ceremony, to get the essence. It's really slightly bitter in the mouth, but it tastes sweet in the throat, and the fragrance is lingering."

"It's too good." Mizugaki Hiroyuki thanked with a smile, took a sip, and said, "How is it? Shangbei-kun, can you tell me what you found, or the feeling you mean, what does it mean?"

"Hi Yi." Shangbei Jiyou said: "This feeling... If you can sum it up in one sentence, it is a ghost, who seems to have a strong desire for revenge."

Hiroyuki Mizugaki repeated: "Revenge?"

"Yes." Shangbei Jiyou said: "The files of the intelligence agencies directly under the garrison headquarters are still very complete. Let me take one of the files as an example. Your Excellency Osuga Eishi was once specially transferred to deal with ghosts. Arranged The trap is neither fast nor slow, just like a very patient hunter. It seems to move randomly, but every step has a deep meaning.

Ghost, it seems that Mr. Osuka is also competing for patience.The two confronted each other for a long time, but in the end Mr. Osuka's convoy was suddenly attacked.He also died because of it.In addition to this point, there are many other examples.For example, Mr. Hei Liuqinzhi, Director of the Police Department of the Ministry of Industry, also once dealt with ghosts specially.But in the end he was killed by a ghost attack.So, I feel that if we deal with ghosts this time, will the ghosts also deal with us in the same way. "

When Mizugaki Hiroyuki waited for him to finish speaking, he understood what the other party meant.It's not that Shangbei Jiyou was afraid, so he told himself these things.He knows his subordinate, he may really understand how powerful and difficult the opponent is.But it is certain that he will not be afraid of the strength and difficulty of the opponent.

So Mizugaki Hiroyuki thought for a moment in his mind slightly, and said: "So, Shangbei-kun thinks that we should also pay attention to the ghosts' attacks on us. Or... we can also use the ghosts to attack us."

What he said, Shangbei Jiyu's eyes lit up. After reading the dossier today, he felt that the ghost would probably take drastic measures to deal with himself and others, just like dealing with Osuka Yingshi and Kuroyanagi.At this time, Hiroshi Mizugaki said that he could use this point to set up traps, but he also opened his mind, saying: "Hey, what the team leader said is true. It seems that we can really use this point to make a fuss. It's just... ...whether ghosts will do this... This is just my summary after reading the dossier, or my feeling. So..."

Hiroyuki Mizugaki paused, and said: "Whether he will do this or not, we have to be prepared, aren't we? Once the ghost really does this, then it is the best time for us to really find the ghost."

(End of this chapter)

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