spy ace

Chapter 2718 Fire

Chapter 2718 Fire

There were a few blood holes on his body, and Kamiki Yu, who had an incredible expression on his face, glanced in the direction of the opposite machine gunner.Then he somersaulted to the ground.

Seeing this, Hiroyuki Mizugaki was stunned. At this moment, he didn't seem to understand why the machine gunner he arranged would hit his own people?Wrong type?No, the idea did not enter his mind at all.After all, he himself is a professional expert in this area.How could it be possible to make a wrong call, and all three people including Shangbei Jiyou were wrongly called at once?So something must be wrong.

As expected of the leader of the little devil's investigation team, Hiroyuki Mizugaki's thoughts are absolutely correct.It turned out that when Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai were discussing, Fan Keqin said: "It's just that before that, we still have a premise."

The premise is that when Fan Keqin was discussing with Bai Fengtai, he had to guard against Hiroyuki Mizugaki's ambush.Because when the two of them were finalizing their plan, that was when their subordinates went to investigate.Fan Keqin noticed something was wrong. Hiroyuki Mizugaki and his gang of spies always changed cars at random places after going out. Just looking at it this way, it seemed to be some kind of safety measure to prevent being attacked on the way.

But what about their headquarters?What about Lusheng Hotel?But it still looks the same as usual.In this case, there are only two possibilities. First, Hiroyuki Mizugaki did not move.Second, Hiroyuki Mizugaki moved, but it was very subtle.

But the first one might not even be considered at all.Therefore, Fan Keqin is very inclined to the second one.Therefore, it is necessary to figure out the layout of Hiroyuki Mizugaki in Lusheng Hotel.

In terms of direction, Fan Keqin arranged an assault at the main entrance, attacking and killing Mizugaki Hiroyuki and others.Therefore, the first thing to confirm the situation must be the main entrance.After these days of covert investigations, it was finally discovered that there was a hidden firepower point in a window of the building directly opposite the Lusheng Hotel.

Nothing was found in the first two days, until an investigator from the Security Bureau sneaked into the front building of the Lusheng Hotel and found that the opposite building was an office building.There are small shops and restaurants on the first floor, and several business companies above the second floor, working here.Therefore, this building is very loose.Anyone can enter.

And after this situation was reported to Fan Keqin, Fan Keqin immediately felt something was wrong.After such a long time of fighting secretly, Hiroyuki Mizugaki did not seem like a person who could make such a big mistake in Fan Keqin's eyes.They all used the method of exchanging vehicles and left them halfway to be attacked and killed, but the building in front of the Lusheng Hotel is in such a loose situation that he would ignore it and use it while he was alive, which is unreasonable in itself.

Therefore, let the investigators investigate again, and at the same time send a message to the agents who pretend to be guests and normally settle in the Lusheng Hotel, asking them to pay attention to the situation in the opposite building.

So, finally, two days later, something was discovered.The first is the agent who pretends to be a guest and lives in it.They can use the natural shadows in the house, the curtains of the windows, etc., to observe and record the windows of the opposite building for a long time.

So after two days of observing the records, they found that there was a window in it, which seemed suspicious.Because they found that one day, before eight o'clock in the morning, the window opened, even at seven o'clock.

The act of opening the window itself is nothing.But the timing is a bit suspicious.The companies across the street are quite formal. They go to work at 05 o'clock every day and leave work at 30:[-] in the afternoon.

However, this window opened some time earlier.The reason why is just a little suspicious.It's not very suspicious, but the agents of the Security Bureau are not sure. After all, it may be a sanitation, and it's normal to clean up in advance.But in this case, it is only considered suspicious.So the investigator was notified to investigate the suspicious window.

This investigation naturally found that it was wrong, because the door of this room itself was locked.It is said that it is rented to a person, and it is definitely not possible to continue to investigate the leaser or something, so I can only observe secretly.In the end, it was discovered that there were people in the room itself, but they didn't go out much at all. The investigators found out that there were people inside after long-term observation.Because someone brought food to this house.

To be on the safe side, the investigators began to observe the rest of the rooms as well.In the end, it was discovered that only this room had food delivered to it.

Upon discovering this situation, Fan Keqin understood that Hiroyuki Mizugaki was indeed not simple.He even used the secret arrangement of Lusheng Hotel to set himself a trap.Therefore, we had to guard against it, so on the day of the operation, in addition to the execution team, the response team, and the mobile support team, three people were specially dispatched.Specially sneak into the opposite building in advance.Regardless of whether it was an ambush fire point or an observation window, they were all killed.

At this time, the machine gunner in this firepower point has been replaced.Mizugaki Hiroyuki didn't know yet, so he was a little startled when he suddenly killed Shangbei Jiyu and others.

This moment was a bit broken, Hiroyuki Mizugaki could only cling to the vehicle as a cover.In fact, the front of the vehicle is okay, and it has an engine that can block the shooting of bullets.The rest of the positions aren't quite bulletproof.But it is able to hide the figure so that the other party will not look directly at him.Therefore, the remaining group of people, like Hiroyuki Mizugaki, hid behind the car, huddled together, reduced the area to be hit, and lowered their bodies.

Hiroyuki Mizugaki understood that he couldn't wait any longer at this time, if he was waiting.The people on both sides of the other side of the street rushed up... There was no need to rush up, the closer they were, the greater the threat to themselves and others.I and others may not even be able to run.

Therefore, Hiroyuki Mizugaki roared and said: "After a round of shooting, retreat to the hotel door!"

This choice was also a helpless move. The reason why they didn’t evacuate directly to the hotel door was because they had just got off the car and there was still a short distance from the entrance of Lusheng Hotel. If they evacuated inward, the distance would be a “vacuum” , without any shade.Such a withdrawal will inevitably cause heavy losses for the opponent to shoot. It is better to rely on the vehicle to hide for a while, wait for the machine gun on the other side to fire, and cooperate with others to form a pincer attack on the attacker.

Unexpectedly, the firepower of the machine gun turned into the opponent's, and Hiroyuki Mizugaki could only choose to fight hard.After he finished speaking, he felt that the gunshots were not so dense at the next moment, and immediately shouted, "Fire!"

After finishing speaking, he squatted up slightly, slapped in the direction of the person, fired two shots, then turned around and ran towards the hotel entrance.Several other devil spies, after hearing him say to open fire, also stood up and shot.

(End of this chapter)

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