spy ace

Chapter 2813 Brave

Whenever anyone came out of a room in the building, or jumped out of an upstairs rear window into the backyard, he would shoot and kill them.

How long does it take to go upstairs?It's an offense, not an old man, walking slowly up the stairs.After a few steps, he came to the second floor with a whoosh.At this time, the last of them stood in the middle again, guarding here.

But Ju Jianming was very brave and continued to take the lead. After he spotted a room door, he slammed it sideways again.They have already rushed in with people.This room is the one suggested by Fan Keqin, because when Fan Keqin inspected it himself, he saw that the light was on in this room, and it was on for a long time, until he left, the light was still on.

When Ju Jianming and the others rushed in, they really gained a lot, because this place was used by Waka Senxiu as a study and office.So as long as he is not sleeping and resting, he will basically stay in this room.Waka Mori was born in the army. Although he is also a spy engaged in intelligence work, he has been with the old devil Neji Okamura all year round. His military literacy is still very high.And also follow the training from time to time, not the kind of person who sits in the mechanism all the year round and loses his skills.

But this time it really caught Hege Senxiu by surprise.Because the most terrifying attack is always unexpected.It's like two boxers in the ring.The most terrifying thing is that most of the fists that knock down the opponent are very sudden cold punches.

If it is expected and you are prepared, even if you get punched, you can tense your muscles in advance, or use your arms and other parts to cover it, so that you won't be knocked down all at once.But the cold punch is different. When you punch down from this side, you are prepared, but the opponent obviously retreats as if to delay the attack, but suddenly rushes over again. After hitting you with a punch, then you are directly Senseless.It is because you are not prepared, this kind of cold punch, no matter how hard you usually train, it is very uncomfortable to get hit.

He Ge Senxiu suddenly felt a sense of fear, because he didn't just hide here and do nothing during this period of time.Instead, he was studying various old cases and files involving ghosts.He found that there were many incidents in which the ghosts did not show any signs when they shot.

This was the case with Wakamori at this time. Half an hour ago, he had just used his telecommunications team to report the work to the old devil Neji Okamura.At the same time, he wanted Neiji Okamura to come forward and communicate with the upper echelons of the Kwantung Army. A large-scale investigation may make ghosts suspicious.Of course, his work is only superficial.If something really happens, take a look, don't blame me for not saying hello to you in advance.

Wakamori really couldn't judge such a short incident.But he doesn't have to judge either.After hearing the second sound, he immediately dropped the pen in his hand, then pulled out the drawer, took out a pistol from it, and pointed it at the door.At the same time, he shouted: "Enemy attack!! Pay attention to vigilance, contact support!!!"

Ju Jianming actually didn't expect that he would attack so quickly, but the person in the room could react so quickly.But he doesn't care about these things at all. Ju Jianming himself is the leader of the fierce general type.As for the brave man, even though his shoulder was in severe pain, he gritted his teeth and moved the muzzle of the gun without any delay, allowing the Thomson submachine gun to strike back immediately.

But in fact, Waka Senxiu thought about it carefully later, and Boss Lei's doing so would be more conducive to his own concealment.Because after Boss Lei attracted the ghost's attention, the possibility of the ghost finding himself would be reduced.In this way, if I hide in the dark, can I find clues of ghosts by focusing on Boss Lei?
He was thinking about this right now, when he heard a bang outside, he was a little suspicious, what's going on?Hearing the sound came from the impact of something, it was near the front door of the small villa where he was.But after the sound sounded, it might only be two or three seconds, and then there was another bang.He Ge Senxiu heard this sound more clearly, it was the door on the first floor of the second floor where he was, and it was hit by someone.

With a snap, this shot hit Yu Jianming's right shoulder.In fact, if it weren't for Ju Jianming, he would have kept his sideways appearance after he slammed into the door sideways.After entering, if it is head-on, I am afraid that this shot will be directly hit in the heart.

He shouted in Japanese to remind the radio team members in the other room who lived with him.And at the same time as he yelled, the door of his room was knocked open with a bang.So Wakasenio reacted quickly and pulled the trigger.

In addition, Ju Jianming was followed by other agents of the Security Bureau, and they entered in file.In this way, for Wakamori, there are several goals.So after he fired a shot, he had to move the muzzle immediately, hoping to knock down other threatening targets in the shortest possible time.Only in this way can you ensure your own safety to the greatest extent.

All of a sudden, the thunder came.But now, after He Ge Senxiu heard the two impacts, the fear in his heart came from the research and conclusion of ghosts: there was no warning, the thunder attack.This time, it has come down on my own head?

But Ju Jianming's bravery was indeed beyond Waka Mori's judgment.There was no delay at all, and the shot was fired the next moment.Wakasenxiu shuddered suddenly, relying on the remaining instinct, he hooked his fingers vigorously, and fired again.

But when this bullet was fired, he was already trembling by Ju Jianming.Therefore, the shot hit the wall to the left of the door, and no one was hit at all.Da da da... Ju Jianming and his companions all fired, at least everyone fired another short burst at Wakamori.But when several guns fired at the same time, they also smashed Hogsonio into a sieve.Even if he didn't put a gun in his head, this devil would never be alive.

Ju Jianming turned his head and led the people out of this room again, heading straight for the next room.He was still the same, and he slammed into it when he fit, but the next room was empty and the door was not locked.Continuing, they took the third room directly.But before they could hit the door, there was a sound of gunshots inside, and there were a few more bullet holes in the door.

Ju Jianming immediately hid to the side and said, "The second plan."

The two companions behind all immediately took out a grenade...

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