spy ace

Within the scope of Chapter 2906

After trying his best, Nagata Mizuo took the list and looked at it.It is said to be a list, but the content on it is definitely not just a list. It contains the basic information of these people, as well as various information such as the duty list that Luo Haichao asked the superintendent and checked in the archives room.

After reading them all, Nagata Mitsuo did not speak for a long time, but sometimes looked at the situation on the list again, as if doing a before and after comparison.After a while, he took a pen beside him, circled the names of five of them, and said, "These five people need to be investigated."

"Hi one." Luo Haichao said, "I'll arrange it later."

"No." Nagata Mizuo said: "You don't want to arrange it, Luo Sang, it is not convenient for you to be in prison. This kind of investigation should be left to us, but Luo Sang still needs to cooperate with us, for example, these people will be on duty in the future. The situation, and when you are working normally, you should pay more attention to these people. If you have any information, communicate with me in time. "

"Understood." Luo Haichao said, "Except for these five people? Can the rest of you relax for a while?"

"Just pay attention normally." Nagata Mizuo said: "The reason why I chose these five people is that they are qualified for their positions, areas of responsibility, and time. The rest of them are weaker. But being weaker doesn't mean it's definitely okay, in short, the point is that these five people, and others, can relax for a while, but pay more attention."

"Understood, I will pay more attention." Luo Haichao said, "Does General Nagata have any orders? If not, I won't disturb your rest. I'll go back first."

Mizuo Nagata smiled and said, "No, Luo Sang should rest early when he goes back. As I said just now, we communicate in time."

"Okay." Luo Haichao said goodbye to Nagata Mitsuo, and then drove back again.Mitsuo Nagata lit a cigarette and looked at the list brought by Luo Haichao again.There are a total of twelve lists on this list.The reason why he delineated the five key points after reading it and comparing it before and after is indeed because he explained it before, based on the time, position, the area in charge, the duty situation and other conditions, etc., I think this Five people are actually the most likely to help Edge.

And the [-]-point list is not just basic information.Some past situations are also recorded.A lot of information can also be seen from a person's past records, family members and the like.A powerful person can even see the basic character of this person at once.

For example, if this person has no record of asking for leave, and no family members, then this person's work status should be more serious.Or there are family members, but they have submitted manuscripts to some newspapers and publishing houses. This person is probably a relatively introverted person with a rich heart.

In short, a person's information can actually reveal a lot of things.Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, it may be nothing.But what does old devil Mizuo Nagata do?He is a professional old spy himself. Although he must have never learned some professional knowledge of psychology, he is a solid practical fighter.How many years have you been in this industry, how many things have you met, and how many people you have seen.He has already formed his own set of methods in his mind.

In fact, there is a famous book called The Case Study of Sherlock Holmes, which has described this principle.If one person solves a thousand cases of various kinds, he will definitely be able to solve the thousandth case of another kind.Why?Because everything is the same.In fact, the methods and methods are in Huahua, and the core routines are actually leftovers from the predecessors.Even though it looks fresh, the core is actually the same. It is nothing more than "the shell of the 530th case, the flesh of the [-]th case, and the core of the [-]th case". .

But in fact, a detective who has cracked a thousand various cases can also win this seemingly novel case.Non-professionals will look at it and think, "Fuck, this B is a criminal genius." But in the eyes of this detective, it feels that way.

Of course, Nagata Mitsuo is not Sherlock Holmes, but the meaning is the same. After all, he is a well-informed person, so he must be able to see some information from these lists that ordinary people cannot see.

In other words, these five people are from the Second Prison, Sai Feichen, Ke Hongguang, Fu Liangpeng, He Yang and Qiu Nan.That's right, Qiu Nan also became one of the people who received the most attention at this time.After all, the information on his profile shows that he lives alone, is not married, and has no elders. He can eat enough for himself and the whole family will not be hungry.A proper single person, which is very in line with the characteristics of a potential spy.If you are single, you can do everything conveniently, and without the fetters of your family, you will not be intimidated.

In addition, in Qiu Nan's information, except for this point, there is nothing worthy of special attention.But this made Nagata Mizuo suspicious, and even he suspected that Qiu Nan was an undercover agent who broke into the Second Prison by an anti-Japanese force at the very beginning.

On this point, although Nagata Mizuo must have misunderstood, after all, Qiu Nan must have been a good person before.But who made Qiu Nan himself on the list?So looking at it this way, his information was like this, which naturally made Mizuo Nagata aggravate his doubts about him.

After reading the documents again, Nagata Mizuo called his adjutant, Yutenji Makoto, into his office.After the latter came in, he asked respectfully, "General, what do you want from me?"

"Come on, take a look at this list first." Nagata Mitsuo said, and handed the list brought by Luo Haichao to the other party.Not the key five people, but a complete list of twelve people.

Yutenji Makoto has a very good mind, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be the adjutant of the spy chief Mizuo Nagata.After he finished reading, this guy basically remembered the names of the twelve people and some basic information.So he said: "I finished reading the general, is this the list sent by the second prison Luo Haichao?"

"Yes." Mitsuo Nagata said, "You saw the names of those people I circled with a pen, right?"

"Hi one." Adjutant Youtian Sicheng recalled a little, and said: "Your Excellency, there should be five people, right?"

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