spy ace

Chapter 2910 Luck

So I immediately made arrangements and sent someone to find out the public phone and investigate the surrounding situation to see if anyone saw the person who answered the call at that time.The second point is to send someone to pretend to be a guest staying in the hotel, sneak into the Changxia Hotel, find out the room where Qiu Nan entered, and find out the situation of the Changxia Hotel's occupancy at this time, so as to get all the guests in the hotel list.The last point is to send people to the Bund clubhouse to support Qiu Nan's team, and to enter it as a guest to find out who Qiu Nan has contacted in this clubhouse.

However, Mizuo Nagata had just completed the arrangement, and the information came back again. A person entered the Bund club shortly after Qiu Nan entered. About half an hour later, this person came out again. Now the tracking team has been divided. Track it.

Nagata Mitsuo was very happy to receive news again and again, because he had a premonition that this time the situation would be rewarding.

After coming out of the clubhouse on the Bund, Mr. Li naturally started to walk back.After wandering around the street a few times, and walking back and forth in two small alleys.Only then did Mr. Li really go back.After randomly finding a public phone on the street, he began to report the situation upwards.

In other words, the little devil who followed Mr. Li was indeed very clever.After he followed Mr. Li out, he followed him not far or near at first.But when he saw Mr. Li walking into an alley, he knew that the other party was going to take anti-stalking measures.

After all, things like small alleys are really hard to follow, so go in, what if the other party returns?Maybe I'll run into you face to face.But if you don't follow, if you turn back and forth in this alley area, who knows where the other party is going?Therefore, after seeing this, the little devil spy did not rush forward, but immediately left and right Guanqiao. He quickly went up to the door of a nearby residential building unit, and then swished up several floors.Then he took a rough look at the area surrounded by small alleys.

Although he was at a high place, people walking in this small alley area were greatly disturbed, and it was impossible to see each other.And the farther away the other party was, the more blocked his sight was.But he could vaguely see the end of the alley.At the end, there is also a two-story and three-story building.Most of the small alleys are one-story bungalows.Does that mean that the place where the building connects to the alley is the end of the alley?
Of course, this requires some luck.After all, the area of ​​the alley is said to be small, but if people walk in it, they still need to walk for a while.Therefore, this little devil spy ran down the corridor again, and saw a row of bicycle racks next to him, and there were still several bicycles, so he walked over, picked up a stone, and slammed it round for a few times .Break open the curved mortise lock, push the car and start riding along the road.

Passers-by saw him like this and thought he was a bicycle thief.However, this kid moved quickly, and he rode quite a distance soon, then turned to the right, and rode fast again along the road. , These buildings and the bungalows in the alley area are not next to each other, and there is a road in the middle to block them.This is consistent with the speculation I just observed.

So, this little devil started to park his bicycle aside at this corner, and he hid in the small alley formed between the two houses, watching quietly.His way is indeed a bit of luck.

What does it mean? It is also very simple. Although the alley area is mixed, it must have an end, like a zigzag.The alleys inside are complicated, but there must be an end to the complexity.Unless it is an extremely large area, there must be a normal road at the end.So this little devil is equivalent to riding a bicycle to the upper left corner of the word "字". He hides and observes here, and he can see the horizontal line on the top of the "字" and the vertical on the left side of the "字".The horizontal and the vertical are equivalent to the two ends of this area.If a person comes out inside, there is at least a 50.00% chance of being seen by him.

If this were Fan Keqin, he would be able to use his extraordinary observation ability and simulation computing ability to determine whether he should walk faster or not according to the target's gait, speed, and even the mental activities of walking in the alley. Pretend to be a normal passer-by and pass through the situation, etc., and roughly estimate the time when the other party comes out in your mind.And when the time comes, if the target has not come out, Fan Keqin can use his explosive power to quickly come to the other side of the word shape again.After all, the area is so big, it is impossible for him to teleport directly.

But this little devil definitely doesn't have Fan Keqin's calculation ability, so he can only block the 50.00% probability.He really couldn't estimate when people would come out after entering.After all, there is only one "Big Brother" like Fan Keqin in this world.

But this little devil is quite lucky, the probability of 50.00% is indeed not low.But over time, can you guarantee it?As time goes by, can you know if the target has gone elsewhere from other places you can't see?Do you want to hurry up and ride around in a circle?In other words, the target is still inside, if you circle around, what if he happens to come out.

Fortunately, this devil is quite calm, waiting here for nearly 10 minutes.After many struggles in his heart, just when he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to look at the other side, he looked at the target he was following before and walked out of an alley on the left.

The devil immediately breathed a sigh of relief, why is it so difficult to track a single person.It is here that after the other party uses the anti-tracking action, sometimes it really depends on luck alone.But it’s different when there are too many people. You can make arrangements in advance, or if the target enters a certain place and needs to start anti-tracking action, then use the advantage of the number of others to place a few key points around the area where the target is located. Keep it safe, after all, it is impossible for the opponent to fly again.

As long as you guard the key points around you, the opponent will always come out.As long as it comes out, it can continue to be attached.If the other party doesn't come out, then don't ask, he must have arrived at his destination, or what he is doing inside.When Mr. Li came out, the little devil saw...

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