spy ace

Chapter 2919

Chapter 2919
Yutenji Makoto's arrangement had an effect. This kid had already arranged the arrangement after discussing it with Nagata Mizuo. He interviewed a total of several people and prepared how many groups of follow-up and surveillance personnel.Of course, this must be done with some extra, so as not to find out that the prison guards of the second prison are paying special attention, it may be necessary to interview one or two more people.

Therefore, as soon as Yu Mao came out of the second prison, he already had a tail.In other words, Yu Mao was already very careful, but after all, he did the mental calculation without intention.After all, it is really not easy to be discovered by the little devil spies arranged in advance.And it is tracking in turn, or tracking in advance.

And when Yu Mao transmits information after work, he can't say to do a few anti-stalking actions. In that way, others may not be able to follow, but once you perform anti-stalking actions, others can be sure: "Oh, you alone The prison guards working in the second prison are so professional in anti-stalking actions, you don't need to ask, you must be professional."

In addition, Yu Mao himself was a prison guard in the second prison, so he must have never done any systematic training. Although normal people, as long as they have a normal IQ, they may think a little more and come up with some anti-stalking methods. Actions, such as going around in a certain place back and forth, or entering a certain small restaurant, and then suddenly slipping away through the back door.But thinking and doing are two different things.Yu Mao is an ordinary person who is good at thinking but has not been trained.He knew that it must be very lame to do it himself, and it might even make people suspicious.

Therefore, it is better to do nothing, go home as usual, and when you go to the vegetable market to buy some food, take advantage of the opportunity and pass the information to your contacts.

The little devil Youtian Sicheng dispatched several spies who followed Yu Mao to the vegetable market along the way, and saw that he first bought some vegetables, and then bought a prawn candy from a candy buyer.Then he left.The following devils immediately left two people behind.

Although Yu Mao's actions seemed to be fine.It is true that they did not see Yu Mao handing the note to the sugar vendor when he was trading with the sugar vendor.But after all, Yu Mao hadn't come into contact with other people along the way, so they must leave two people behind to investigate these hawkers.

After Yu Mao left, the ghost spies followed up again.This time, Yu Mao didn't do anything else, but went home.Seeing this, the little devil's spies began to find a more suitable place to monitor.

In other words, the two devils who stayed in the small vegetable market each stared at a hawker, one stared at the vegetable stand, and the other stared at the sugar seller.But soon, the ghost spies monitoring the sugar sellers realized that something was wrong.Because only ten minutes after Yu Mao left, the sugar seller also started to leave.

In fact, if it is under other circumstances, even if a ghost agent visits the vegetable market and sees someone not selling and closing the stall, he will not feel anything. After all, in this small mobile market, every small businessman may have different opinions. Condition.It is possible to close the stall early and close the stall later, or if relatives and friends come to the house today and want to sell something from similar vendors, this is all possible.So it can't be suspected.

But today is different, this sugar seller had contact with Yu Mao, and then closed the stall in about 10 minutes, so the level of suspicion, in the eyes of the little devil spy, can be said to have increased by at least [-]%.So he found that when the sugar seller was closing the stall, he immediately walked back for a while and found another accomplice who was monitoring the small vegetable stall.Said the situation quickly.Then he turned and went back, just in time to catch up with the sugar peddler.

This little devil spy is very good at follow-up and investigation. Therefore, he is not far or near, and always mixes with passers-by. It can be said that even professionals may not be able to notice him if they look back generously.What's more, the sugar seller didn't look back much.

In this way, I followed the hawker who sold the sugar all the way, and turned around twice not far away.The little devil felt even more wrong.Because you have already closed down the stall and stopped doing business, why didn't you take it easy?If you want to say that you can find another place to do business, that's fine.But followed a few streets away, and then turned around a few times. Why?

Not long after, the little devil followed the sugar man into a small fly shop.This time, it's a bit difficult to follow the little devil's spy.Because the Little Fly Restaurant is in the middle of a row of buildings on the street, if there is the right back door of the Little Fly Restaurant, if you guard the door, you will be lost.But if I immediately make a detour to the back, in case someone doesn't go out from the back, when I get to the back, the other party comes out from the front, then I will be lost as well.

As for directly following him into the little fly restaurant, the little devil was also in a dilemma.If the other party is really eating after entering, then he has shown his face once.And tracking this thing is to avoid repetition rate with all our strength.A person appeared twice by his side, and ordinary people may be big-hearted and don't care.

But professionals are different.He must be distracted. If you really reappear in a short period of time, you will basically feel that there is a tail behind you.At that time, pretend not to notice, and then suddenly play a little trick, it will be very difficult for the people following behind to follow.

The little devil quickly took a look around, and suddenly found that from the alley on the side of the street not far from his right, two local inspectors carrying batons walked out.The little devil's eyes lit up immediately, and he trotted over immediately, flashed his ID card, and said, "I'm number 76, and I have a task that needs your cooperation."

That's right, after these little devils came to the local area with Nagata Mitsuo, they basically used the ID No. 76 to walk around Shanghai Beach, and the IDs were naturally real.It's just that it was not archived on the 76th.

The two inspectors checked the documents, nodded immediately, and said, "What orders do you have?"

The little devil immediately said: "Take off your coat and hat immediately, and give me the baton. In the fly shop opposite, there is a man in black, black pants, gray cloth shoes, and short hair. He used to be a candy seller." Man, when you go into that restaurant to eat bowls of noodles, don’t stare at him all the time. After making sure he’s inside, you eat yours, but you must eat slower than him. As soon as he comes out, especially from the back, you Come out and report right away. Got it?"

(End of this chapter)

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