spy ace

Chapter 2924 The Hedgehog

Chapter 2924 The Hedgehog
Fan Keqin had hidden TNT bombs in the vicinity of more than a dozen government agencies.The power of these bombs may not be that great, but it is very easy to blow up an ordinary house, or if there are a group of people around, it is very easy to kill and injure.And the people guarding the dozen or so bombs don't have to do any other work. Their responsibility is to bring these not-so-powerful bombs into the place as quickly as possible from the moment Fan Keqin summoned them. in the car.Then use the prepared wooden support to rush the car to the nearest agency.In this way, there will be more than a dozen explosions in the entire city in an instant.

Moreover, the location of the explosion was an agency unit, and there were more than a dozen at once.Therefore, whether it is the puppet or the devil, they will definitely fall into a certain chaos because of this continuous explosion.I don't know how long this chaotic time will last.

But Fan Keqin judged that there must be, and as long as there is, he can let Miss Tong and Xiao Zai safely evacuate Shanghai with him.Because after the explosion, there will be a second step, everyone evacuated from Shanghai urgently.In this way, there will be more people wanting to leave the city at the edge of the entire city in the shortest possible time, and it is impossible for the little devils to block it in such a short period of time.Furthermore, even if there is an elite pursuit, I don't know which wave to pursue.

Fan Keqin picked up the phone and made a call to somewhere near his home.After picking up the phone, Fan Keqin said, "It's me, what's the matter?"

"No." The other end of the phone said: "It's still calm, as usual."

"Yes." Fan Keqin promised and hung up the phone.It seems that the current situation is okay, and the several insurance measures I have arranged are still effective. Otherwise, it is impossible for the company, the family, and other people on Yu Mao's line to be unharmed. .

In this way, Fan Keqin smoked his cigar slowly, and sat patiently in the office waiting.After smoking almost all the cigars, Bai Fengtai came back after a while.After closing the door, he immediately said: "Brother Heng, Yu Mao and his upline are under surveillance. Now the little devil must know that Yu Mao is an undercover agent. But after I checked the situation on this line, the first The fuse was locked, but nothing happened after that. Obviously, the measures arranged before have worked. Should we, find a way to notify Yu Mao and his upline to evacuate?"

Fan Keqin said: "If you haven't touched them now, it means that you won't move for the time being. The little devils are not stupid, they will find a way to touch them up along the line, and they will not do anything to them until there is really no way to touch them. Now They're still safe."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin thought for a while and said, "Did you cut the insurance measures?"

"It's already been done." Bai Fengtai said: "After the second insurance measure, all people on this line will enter a state of silence."

"En." Fan Keqin said: "That's good. In this way, it is impossible for the little devil to find it along this vine anyway." He said, pointing to the opposite chair, and said: "Sit."

Bai Fengtai pulled out the chair and sat on it.Fan Keqin looked at him and said: "Just now I also made a phone call to confirm the situation, and it is in compliance, so we are still safe now. You have cut it again, so as long as we don't mess up, the devil's side just can't find it."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, and said: "It is basically confirmed now that the guy named Youtian Sicheng talked to Yu Mao. It is indeed a trap, and the purpose is to let him send a message. Test him Will there be any action? Now it seems that the little devil's goal has been achieved. At least he found Yu Mao, our undercover agent. I even suspect that Youtian Sicheng not only talked to Yu Mao alone, but also Others, as for our other undercover agents in the second prison... I think it may be that the little devil has not come in a hurry."

Bai Fengtai said: "Then the other undercover agents can't be exposed like Yu Mao. Do you want to inform them?"

Fan Keqin said: "I remember when they became insiders, did they have the agreed emergency evacuation, backup contacts, and keeping silent in danger?"

"Yes." Bai Fengtai said: "Once we find out what's going on, we will draw the graphics that represent the meaning at a certain agreed place."

Fan Keqin said: "Then use this method to give Xiao Mo in the second prison to keep silent and wait for the call. In this way, even if the little devil's side traps again, Xiao Mo can only keep silent and will not leak out." Any tell-tale."

Bai Fengtai nodded and said, "No problem, I'll do it right away." Then he got up and was about to go out again.However, he was stopped by Fan Keqin and said: "Wait, you are doing another thing. Arrange people around the Yongtian mansion to keep a safe distance and set up surveillance and observation points. People who come out and enter the mansion , How many. What kind of car to take, the protection measures on the outside, etc., as long as they can see the information related to the Nagata Mansion, I will know."

Bai Fengtai didn't wrinkle, and said, "Brother Heng, do you want to attack the Yongtian mansion and take away their lair? I know that the old devil of Yongtian has been attacking us frequently, and he almost attacked us on Yumao's line. It succeeded, but the Nagata Mansion is too tightly guarded. You don’t need to look carefully, you can see the crossfire of two light machine guns just by the door. The opposite building of the Nagata Mansion is also a firepower point. Devil soldiers patrolling around the mansion , almost non-stop, every wave of patrols is followed by three rounds, and there are light machine guns on the sidecars of the three rounds. In addition, the strength of the troops inside must be at least as large as a squadron. If we destroy their hedgehog-like lair, it cannot be said that it cannot be done, but... we will also suffer heavy losses."

Fan Keqin waved his hand and said, "It's not about attacking the mansion of Old Devil Yongtian, I have another idea. You just do it."

"Yes." Bai Fengtai agreed, and said, "Brother Heng, I'm going to arrange it now."

"Well." Fan Keqin glanced at his watch and said: "It's getting late, I'll go home first, if you have anything to do, call home directly. Let's discuss tomorrow how to keep Yu Mao and his upline safe." withdraw."

"Yes." After Bai Fengtai said that, he turned and left the office...

(End of this chapter)

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