spy ace

Chapter 2930 Falling Down

Chapter 2930 Falling Down
The little devil fell straight backwards.And although the little devil fired a second shot with great vigor, he was so beaten that he was trembling, and the second shot went straight into the floor.no longer a threat.

The Security Bureau agent in the head actually knew that he had been shot, but he couldn't stop.Furthermore, unless one hits a few shots in a row, otherwise, a person's adrenaline rush, coupled with a burst of vigor, can keep moving in a short period of time.

This agent also knew that his injuries were not too serious, so instead he aroused his will: "Fuck you, here it is! Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky!" Therefore, he held the gun and continued to go. Rush.At the same time, he hooked his finger on the trigger, shot at the door on the left, and rushed into the room with two big strides.Gritting his teeth, he started shooting frantically at the inside.

In fact, the little devils in this room are all on standby. After all, they are the support team.Therefore, we must always keep some people on standby. In this way, as long as we hear any movement from Yu Mao's house, or receive a call, we can immediately set off to support the past.

The reaction speed in this state is quite fast. After the first person rushed out, the second person rushed out with a gun in his hand a little more than a step away.But as soon as this kid arrived at the door, he was hit by a series of bullets from this agent of the Security Bureau, making him tremble.

And the agents of the security bureau didn't stop, they swept them together after entering the door.The devils inside are the same, after all, they are all on standby, ready to support at any time, so these people also have guns in their hands, and when they see someone rushing through the door, they just pull the trigger and shoot.

This time, the Security Bureau agent at the head really couldn't stand it anymore, and was shot four or five times almost instantly after entering the door.However, he used a submachine gun, entered the door and swept across, holding the trigger, and a series of bullets also swept three or four people.Among them, two devil agents were shot in the vital parts of the chest, another was shot in the right rib, and another was shot in the right forearm and thigh.

After sweeping down a few devils around the door, the agents of the security bureau who took the lead in the charge felt the strength in their bodies disappearing rapidly.However, a bullet hit his left chest, which is an extremely fatal part.The heart was hit, although it was not the type of brain that would die instantly after being hit, but it was not much worse.

The blood gushes out crazily, and the strength of the body will disappear very quickly with the loss of blood.Maybe when it hits just now, it can still use its inertia to continue a little bit of continuation through the previous coherent actions.But if you follow closely, you will lose control of your body.Then the blood function is insufficient, and the brain will quickly fall into a shutdown stage, waiting for death to come completely within a few seconds.

Now that's the way he is, there's really no way around it.This is not something that can be compensated by willpower. He wants to control himself desperately to shoot as many bullets as possible into the house, but the muzzle of the gun only swings from to left again, and then he loses strength. The strength of his fingers have all disappeared.With a thud, he fell to the ground.

Just as he fell to the ground, a grenade was thrown into the house, which bounced off the wall next to the door and entered the house.Immediately afterwards, another grenade bounced into the house in almost the same way.These two grenades were thrown by the subsequent security bureau agents.

It wasn't that they didn't want to throw grenades, but that they had just knocked open the door, and when they rushed in, the door on the left at the end of the corridor let out devils.The leading Security Bureau agent almost tried his best and gave them a time to throw a grenade.

There is a saying, "It's too late to say it, but it's fast then." From the time the two sides fired at each other until the leading Security Bureau agent was hit to the end, it was actually only a little over three seconds.Both parties can say that neither was wasting time.It was when he smashed the door open that he underestimated the lock on the door.Besides, neither the devils nor the agents of the security bureau made any mistakes.

After the two grenades were thrown in, the gunshots rang out, and the two guns fired alternately, and they were in the corridor, shooting at the door.Although the angle is very small, it cannot hit the people inside.But the purpose of shooting now is not to hit the devils, but to block them.The effect they want is to block the devils inside and prevent them from getting out, and then once the grenade explodes, they will gain a very large advantage, and even a huge battle result.

This trick really worked. After the grenade was thrown in, maybe less than half a second, several devils and spies rushed out from the door.These ghost agents understood that it would be too passive to wait in the room to digest the two thrown grenades and bet on their luck.It's better to rush out and give it a try.Maybe there is still a chance.

Therefore, the few devils who fell at the door were not counted. In addition, the devils who were not hit by the leading Security Bureau agents saw two black grenades being thrown in, and their first thought was to rush out.The fastest devil reached the door with only a big step. He stretched his arms forward and turned his wrist so that the muzzle of the gun pointed to the right.He didn't stop, and continued to rush out.In this way, the gun in his hand will be poked out first.

As soon as the muzzle of the gun came out, he was still in the door, and he started to pull the trigger.Snapped!Snapped!Two shots were fired.When the first shot was fired, he was still inside the door, but when the second shot was fired, he had already rushed out.But in an instant, he was hit by a small string of bullets, which made him stagger and fell to the ground.

The two shots he fired before had little effect, and one of the shots grazed the scalp of an agent of the Security Bureau and flew diagonally upwards.Another shot directly hit the side wall. Although it formed a ricochet, it also missed anyone.

In fact, the decision made by this devil is completely correct.Because he was inside the house, if he rushed out, what he was most afraid of was someone blocking the door with bullets.Therefore, before he could get out of his body, it was right to stick out the muzzle of the gun first and shoot.It's just a blind shot, and it's really not accurate.

But on the contrary, when the agents of the Security Bureau blocked the door with a submachine gun, it was completely different.Although they don't know when the devil will charge out, they naturally know the approximate height of a person.Therefore, the security bureau agents outside the door can come and shoot in the middle.So, as long as the devil in the door rushes out, whether it can fly, if it comes out close to the ceiling, or if it sticks to the ground to play snakes, it is basically sure to hit...

(End of this chapter)

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