spy ace

Chapter 2933 paper clip

Chapter 2933 paper clip

After quickly killing the devils who followed the monitoring point, the former Security Bureau agent immediately drove into the street in a car.This street is not too long, and they arrived at Yu Mao's house in a short time, and after they got off the car, they immediately shouted: "Paper clip, paper clip operation, old Yu, old Yu! Come out quickly!!" On the one hand, he came towards the door of Yu Mao's house, and then began to knock on the door.

The paper clip was the code word for Yu Mao when he became an insider.As long as someone holds an iron pattern, is twisted into a kind of irregular paper clip, and uses the paper clip action as a code word, it means that you have been exposed and are in great danger, and you must evacuate immediately.

By the way, Yu Mao is at home, spending time with his wife and children.Suddenly, I heard extremely intense gunshots from both ends of the street where my home was located, almost simultaneously.Yu Mao's heart suddenly trembled, and he immediately came to the closet in three or two steps, and took out the pistol in his closet.

Yu Mao's wife was also a little scared when she heard the gunshots. Seeing that her husband had also taken out the gun, she was even more worried, and said, "Old Yu, what are you doing with this? The child is still at home."

In fact, what Mrs. Yu Mao meant was to shoot when you shoot outside, and it's not for us, what are you doing with the gun, and then scaring the children.Or it means don't mind your own business.It's not that Yu Mao's wife is submissive, and she won't fight back when someone hits her door.

But she didn't know that Yu Mao felt something was wrong.Although he is not a professional agent who has undergone systematic training.But after becoming the inside line of the Security Bureau in the second prison, he naturally had to be more careful.You know, once this kind of thing is discovered, then I am afraid that I will not end well.

At this time, in his own home, there were such fierce gunshots on both sides of the street suddenly, how could Yu Mao remain indifferent.He naturally had to consider whether he had exposed himself first.If this is the case, he can't sit still and wait for death. Naturally, he will take out his gun and fight back desperately.What if it's not about yourself?That would be even better, holding a gun by yourself, as long as you don't go out and take the initiative to find trouble, you should be fine.

Yu Mao said: "It's just for self-defense, it's okay, stay away from the windows and get under!"

After all, he was a prison guard, so he naturally knew what to do to be safe in this situation.He pulled his wife and children to a corner of the house, squatted on the ground, and waited quietly.

But it was just that he took the gun and talked to his wife so little, the dense gunshots accompanied by the sound like an explosion suddenly became much quieter.Then there was the sound of clicking and clicking, and then it stopped completely.

Then Yu Mao's family heard the sound of the car motor and stopped at the door of their house.Yu Mao tightened his grip on the gun in his hand and said, "Get down!" Then he aimed the gun at the door of the side room.

What he thought was that as soon as someone broke into the door, he would shoot immediately.If you can, see if there is a chance to kill it.I can drive, and the other party should come by car, so if I can snatch the car, there is a probability, and I will get out of danger as soon as possible, and take the whole family to a safe place.right!Let's go out of the city first, and then go to the suburbs.

Yu Mao had already had several thoughts in his mind at this moment, but at this moment, he heard someone shouting outside: "Paper clip, paper clip action, Lao Yu, Lao Yu, come out quickly!"

Um?Hearing this voice, Yu Mao immediately realized that he was going up to the peak and sent someone to pick him up.As for the really intense gunshot just now, he didn't have time to think about it.Because Operation Paperclip is the highest level of evacuation.That means that he has been exposed, and there is a huge danger coming at any time.You must retreat immediately.

So Yu Mao pulled up his wife and children, and said: "It's my own." Then, as he came to the door, he shouted: "I'm here!! Is it Lao Tan?"

"Don't lie to me, Lao Lin is also in danger, you come out quickly, we have to retreat now!!"

While speaking, Yu Mao had already come to the door, opened the door, and saw three people outside, one was facing him, and the other two were holding submachine guns, and the muzzles of the guns were facing the two sides of the street outside, and they were guarding.On the street not far behind them, there was a black car parked, and the driver of the car was watching the surrounding movement very vigilantly.

So Yu Mao believed them so much?Of course, because the previous gunfire was too intense, with such a strong firepower, if you mess with yourself, you will be pinched with your hands.In addition, the code given by the other party was also correct. They had already reached the door, but they just knocked on the door vigorously, but they didn't force their way in. Basically, they must be their own people.In addition, Yu Mao also has a heart, he talks about Lao Tan, but in fact, he should always call him Lao Lin when he is online.

If there is nothing wrong with the other party's answer, then there is no problem.And the most important thing is that his wife and children are all there. If the other party wants to deal with him, it is simply the biggest leverage, and there is no need for these routines at all.

"Don't worry about the things at home. The most important thing now is to evacuate from the urban area. Then go back to the rear headquarters." Leading Yu Mao's family to the car, an agent of the Security Bureau said quickly.

Yu Mao's wife also knows the priorities, and she is not a moji person herself.What did the gun look like just now? It is impossible to say at this juncture: "Wait a minute, I will pack up the valuable things at home before leaving." Isn't that sick.

As for Yu Mao's child, maybe he was really scared?Or are newborn calves not afraid of tigers?Anyway, there was no reaction, and it looked a little dazed.But that's fine too, holding the fucking hand and just walking along, neither crying nor making trouble.

Their family is in the back seat, and the driver and co-pilot are sitting.The other two agents from the Security Bureau ran over and squeezed into another car.After they all got into the car, they immediately started driving forward.It took a while to drive out of this street.

The Security Bureau agent sitting in the co-pilot still maintained a vigilant look, and said in his mouth: "Shangfeng asked us to escort you back to the rear. It will be fine when you reach the suburbs. We have already arranged another route and vehicles in advance. At that time, you change your clothes. Then we will leave. It will be fine when you go back. The summit will arrange a place for you, and you will need tools and money at home. So don’t worry about living..."

(End of this chapter)

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