spy ace

Chapter 2954 Takeda Action

Chapter 2954 Takeda Action
Fan Keqin went on to say: "I was scaring myself. I was fine, but I showed my stuff."

"Okay." Bai Fengtai said, "I understand how to do it."

Bai Fengtai quickly arranged this matter, as Fan Keqin said, there are time clues.As long as you search according to the time, the insider named Takeda Takeshi will definitely be able to find out.It's just that it's up to Takeda Takeda to judge how the opportunity will take me.Such as, is like a strategy is to steal out.In other words, take a look at it openly and aboveboard.The specific choice must be that he himself is more aware of good or bad.

On Fan Keqin's side, he continued to assassinate members of the local Japanese and puppet agencies.For four consecutive days, 38 people have been killed by agents of the Security Bureau.In the next day, Fan Keqin asked Bai Fengtai to let him play a big game, so on the same day, nearly No. 30 Japanese puppet personnel were killed.However, Fan Keqin immediately ordered that everyone stop their actions and enter a latent state.

The reason is the same as the person who assassinated the Nagata Mansion before, the other party could not allow himself to be killed and collapsed.They are bound to find a way.And no matter what methods the Japanese and puppet agencies use, it will make the agents of the Security Bureau, when they assassinate, encounter the traps that were arranged there in advance.Then the security bureau agents who stepped into the trap would be in danger.Therefore, Fan Keqin immediately called a stop and took a break.Anyway, in the past few days, dozens of Japanese and puppet people have been killed by them.Take it easy, be safe.

This move by Fan Keqin really caught the local Japanese and puppet agencies a little off guard.That's right, they're not fools either. The whole city has been dying for so many days and so many people have died in a row.Even if no one died in this unit, but people in other units died, it spread throughout Shanghai within a few days.One advantage of assassination is the deterrent effect.

Therefore, many people in the Japanese and puppet organizations trembled for a long time when they went out, and they even refused to go out if they could.And I don't like to be alone, I like to be with a group of people.I was afraid that a cold shot would come from somewhere, and I would kill myself again.In such a situation, naturally, the efficiency of the Japanese and puppet agencies will be greatly reduced.This is the subsidiary result, and what Fan Keqin wants to achieve.

However, in this case, it is impossible for the local Japanese and puppet agencies to allow the matter to continue. The local security committee took the lead and united many local agencies.They had a meeting together to study how to break the situation, and naturally there were people from the Nagata Mansion among them.This person immediately reported to Nagata Mizuo, who immediately continued to explain.Soon the representatives of the Nagata Mansion told them how to deal with this kind of assassination.

It's not that other agencies couldn't figure it out, but that the Nagata Mansion itself has encountered this kind of thing before, and it already has a way to deal with it.And other agencies have to find a way now.Nagata Mitsuo was a bit unwilling. In the previous arrangement, he really expected the assassination of the ghost to continue, so that the trap he arranged would take effect.However, after he finished the arrangements, the ghost side actually stopped.This annoyed him very much.

But now that I have such an opportunity, I must continue.But he made a wrong judgment again, because Fan Keqin had asked people to stop the assassination.Therefore, the trap jointly arranged by the Nagata Mansion and a number of local agencies was still in vain.

In fact, it was already a few days later, and Takeda Takeda on the other side had already started to act.The reason why he didn't move for several days after getting the order was because Takeda Takeda himself was more cautious.He needs to observe the situation before speaking.And at the very beginning, after receiving Fan Keqin's order, Takeda Gang had already analyzed it in his mind.

Allow yourself to obtain, at a specific time, the content of a coded message, or codebook.Takeda Tsuyoshi himself works in the garrison headquarters and the telecommunications department.So I am very familiar with it.He knew that all telegram information exchanges were not the will of the telegraph personnel themselves, but had a source.

For example, the commander of the garrison headquarters, because what is it, let the telecommunications room send a report, this is the commander's own will is in control.The reverse is also the same. When a piece of information is sent back from a certain place, the source is not the will of the telecommunication personnel itself. When the telegram is received here, the telecommunication personnel will also report the content of the telegram to the corresponding person for processing.In other words, the telecommunications room is like a tool, without any thought in itself.

And now the things I let myself obtain are highly confidential.So how should this telegram be received?Takeda just thought carefully in his mind.The first person to receive the message was the telegraph operator, who would write down the received message with a pen.Then, if the confidentiality level is very high, it will be handed over to the director of the telecommunications room or the sending and receiving specialist immediately.The director of the telecommunications room and the sending and receiving specialist will hand over the specific telegram to the source of the information transmission.

After the order came down, it said that it was sent from Chongqing, and there was a specific time.This is a good judgment, it must have been sent by the spy team over there.And the intelligence team lurking there must have a high level of confidentiality.That is to say, after receiving the telegram, although the sender and receiver here copied the content, it must be encrypted.The telegraph operator himself cannot decipher it, and the director of the telecommunications room and the sending and receiving commissioner basically don't know how to decipher this kind of confidentially registered code.Then if you want to know the specific content of the telegram, or get the code book, you need to find the source instead of staring at the telecommunications room.

Just as Takeda gathered his thoughts, he began to think about how he should act in his mind.When everything was considered, he secretly observed the situation in the entire telecommunications room while working normally.Then one day, after he went to work, he said to someone, "Miss Mizushima, can I treat you to dinner tonight?"

The person named Mizushima is one of the senders and receivers of the telecommunications department, and she is also the attendance officer.Hearing Wu Tiangang say this, she hurriedly looked around, no one noticed, then she relaxed a little, and said: "Mr. Wu Tian is no different, I just did a small favor last time, you don't need to remember it." That's what she said, she seemed to be refusing, but she was actually full of expectations in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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