spy ace

Chapter 2956 Confirmation

Chapter 2956 Confirmation
Tsushio Hyuga checked it, and found that it was a very ordinary letter.So I took out the letter and unfolded it. When I read it, I saw that it said: "Dear Miss Mizushima, hello. When I wrote this letter, I felt a little nervous. Because I don't know when the letter is opened. , will you accept me..."

The words of this love letter are sincere and very heart-wrenching.After Hyuga Toshio finished reading it, he checked it again to see if there were any word games, but it was unlikely in itself.After all, the sentences written in this letter are very fluent, without any sense of coercion, so it is impossible for such a letter to try to hide the head.But he checked it again, and found nothing, so he smiled, put the letter back in the envelope, and looked at Takeda Takeda and Mizushima.

Hinata Dushinan said: "I know this is your private matter, but it is during work, so next time something like this happens, it should be resolved in private. Finally, I still want to say that this letter, The words written are sincere, and Takeda-kun is still very careful." He said, smiled, and handed it to Mizushima.

"Hi one." Mizushima took the letter and bowed.And Takeda Ko also bowed and said: "Please trouble the minister, I won't do it next time."

"En." Tsushio Hyuga said, "Okay, that's it." Then he turned and walked to his office.

When he left, the three of them seemed to be relieved.Chiba Jiang Huishi said: "Okay, then I won't bother you. This time, I said it was caused by me. If I didn't make a big fuss with Takeda-kun, it wouldn't attract the minister's attention. But fortunately, It's nothing. Wait... let's talk about it later." Then, he patted Takeda on the shoulder, and then made a "godfather" gesture towards Mizushima.He turned and returned to his work station.

"I'm really sorry, Miss Mizushima." Takeda Takeda said, "I didn't expect to bring you trouble."

"It's...it's okay." Mizushima's face was still very ruddy, and he held the letter with great strength, and said, "Takeda-kun, didn't you... have an appointment to have dinner together in the morning? Why didn't you send the letter to me at that time?" What about me?"

"Oh." Takeda said: "I was very happy when I heard that you agreed to have dinner with me. In the end, because of this joy, I... forgot the letter I wrote yesterday and handed it to you."

"Yeah." Mizushima couldn't help but smile on his face, and said, "I will... I will take a good look at it."

"Hi one." Takeda said, "Then... I'll go back, let's be together when we get off work at night."

"Okay, Takeda-kun." Mizushima said.

Takeda had just returned to his station and started working normally.But while he was working, he recalled the situation just now in his mind.Overall, it should be fine.After all, there must be no problem with my own letter.And in the morning, I asked Mizushima to make an appointment to have dinner in the evening. Therefore, if there was an extra love letter, it would be a very reasonable situation.Furthermore, both I and Mizushima have no experience in love, so if they are a little clumsy about this kind of thing, it makes more sense.Therefore, in this matter, there should be no faults.

In this way, his purpose, which is actually to check the attendance status, will be covered up.Takeda Takeda is definitely not a professional, he is a clerk himself.However, it cannot be denied that Takeda Takeda's logic is much stronger than that of ordinary people.And he's more rational.

In other words, Jiangshan and beauties are often the most intriguing things in women's novels.But this thing is really different from men.Is this still a choice?I want both Jiangshan and beauties. If you set a ratio, it must be that Jiangshan is more important than beauties.Because with Jiangshan, you will definitely have beautiful women.But a lot of women's fiction is not, and nothing is as important as the heroine.The hero will give up everything for the heroine, at least he has such a decision.

But at this time, at least it is impossible to switch to Takeda Takeshi.His first order must be to complete the task first.In fact, this kid is a bit like Fan Keqin.The order of precedence must be the current task, among others.And Takeda Tsuyoshi did have a crush on Mizushima, but this did not hinder him, he could use this to achieve his goals.As for guilt?Maybe a little bit.But this thing itself didn't hurt Mizushima, so the slight sense of guilt, that is, a fleeting level, disappeared soon.

There are a total of three names related to the names he saw just now.The telegraph operator that night, wait under the wind.Sending and receiving commissioner, Gao Wangshan Keiji.And the intelligence agency of the headquarters, the director of the information department Furui Maruhisa.Obviously, Fengxia Houyi was the recipient of the first telegram, and then, as required, he gave the received secret telegram to Gao Wangshan Jinger, the sending and receiving commissioner.After the latter was filed, it was immediately handed over to the accepting terminal, Furui Maruji.

Then Fengxia Houyi and Gao Wangshan Jinger, it is definitely useless to investigate them by themselves.Because although the telegraph operator and the sending and receiving commissioner can see the content at the time of reception, it does not mean that the content at that time is true.Or a series of unknown so-called things after encryption are also possible.Therefore, his target can be confirmed. It is the head of the information department of the intelligence agency directly under the headquarters, Furui Maruhisa.

Takeda Tsuyoshi still knew Furui Maruki.After all, they all work in one place, even if they are introverted, it is impossible not to know each other.Furui Maruhisa's information department is a department with a very high level of secrecy.Although it will definitely deal with other departments or units.But the secrecy measure is one of the highest in the entire garrison headquarters.

In this way, it is really difficult to investigate in the next step.I belong to the Ministry of Telecommunications. In fact, it is already one of the departments that have the most contacts with the Information Department of the intelligence agency.But how can we answer our purpose?password book.This thing itself belongs to the top secret, and it is indeed difficult to handle.

But Takeda just thought about it again, as for the password book, it is impossible to hold something with such a high level of secrecy.This thing must be kept in a relatively proper place. It must be easy to take and use, and it must not be easily obtained by others.Then this place seems to be only Gujing Maru Hisashi, his office of the Minister of Information.

(End of this chapter)

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