spy ace

Chapter 2967

Chapter 2967
Fan Keqin then asked: "What is his background? Can you tell me?"

"Yes." Director Jin said: "He is from the headquarters, and the door is very strong... Brother, I don't think it's time to wait for four o'clock. Let's go there now, and I will tell you in detail."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "But my goods are still sealed on the pier, don't go back and make mistakes again."

"That can't be done." Director Jin said: "Although this kid is smelly and tough, he has to pay attention to a procedure after all. No matter how fierce he is in the investigation, the last part of the cargo storage will eventually come to me. You Don't worry, your shipment will be fine."

"That's it." Fan Keqin said: "Then I will thank my brother first. Then we will see you in a splendid manner."

"Hey, good." Director Jin said, "I'll see you later."

After hanging up the phone, Fan Keqin felt that the matter might not be that simple.Although Director Jin said that he must be responsible for the safekeeping of the goods in the end, but if the other party is particularly strong, something may go wrong.Therefore, before going out, Fan Keqin brought Le Xichen and Dongyang De over, and asked them to investigate this Chang.Then he walked out of the company.

Soon, Fan Keqin arrived at the Jinbihuihuang nightclub, which had regained its former atmosphere.After all, it is one of the few nightclubs in the local area. Therefore, after the previous bomb incident, after the renovation, the customer flow has completely resumed over time.

Fan Keqin went in and asked. Director Jin hadn't come yet, so he was waiting at the door for a while.Not long after, a car drove up to the door, and a well-built man got out of the car.After meeting Fan Keqin, he laughed and said, "My brother is still so handsome."

"Naturally beautiful, it's hard to give up." Fan Keqin said with a smile: "My brother is much richer than when I saw him last time. Don't ask, it seems that my wife is serving you well."

"Hahaha." Director Jin was overjoyed again, and said, "Well, it's not bad. Let's go, let's see what good wine you have."

"40-year-old Shaoxing yellow." Fan Keqin said: "30-year-old whiskey, let's kill them today."

Director Jin was even more happy when he heard it. That's right, Fan Keqin had done a survey when dealing with this Director Jin before, and what this old boy likes most is to drink.But for Fan Keqin, wine is nothing.If he loves wine, then give him good wine to drink.Just do it for me.

After the two of them went in, Fan Keqin called the resplendent manager surnamed Chen, glanced at Director Jin and said, "Hey, old brother, you can't drink dry, you have to call two little girls, see what you have become now." A more powerful body, we have this capital, so we have to show off." Then he turned to the manager and said, "Arrange two top princesses for my brother. I don't need it. It's hard for you to save yourself from turning around."

After hearing this, the manager surnamed Chen laughed, nodded and said: "Okay, then I will arrange it."

With that said, he was about to turn around and leave.But Director Jin immediately stretched out his hand and said, "Wait...well, Xiao Chen, princess or something, wait for a while, I will have a chat with your husband, and then we can talk."

Manager Chen looked at Fan Keqin, who nodded and said, "Listen to my brother. I will inform you later."

"Hey, those two take it easy first." Manager Chen said, nodded to Director Jin, and walked out of the box.Director Jin said: "I'll tell you the business first, so I won't have a lot of fun later."

"I knew you had this temper." Fan Keqin said with a smile, "Say, brother, I'll listen."

"I'll put your heart at ease first." Director Jin said, "I've already had people start shipping your batch of goods to our warehouse before they come out. You know, my brother and I are in charge of this matter. Don't worry." , although it is not possible to return it to my brother right now, but you also know that the warehouse is all in charge of my brother, so there must be nothing wrong. No matter how tough that surname Chang is, he is only in charge of the inspection work, and the follow-up work But it's not his turn yet. So, let me give you a reassurance first."

Okay, nine out of ten what Lao Jin said is true.After all, this is not the first time they have dealt with each other. Why does Fan Keqin manage so many people in the police station, but the most important thing is this old Jin, because this guy attaches great importance to the words "doing things with money."As long as I collect your money, I will definitely help you.

"Next..." Director Jin said: "I have to tell you some bad news. Before I come out again, I got a piece of news. Otherwise, I will be late because I am so close to here. I heard , this guy named Chang has been sending and receiving telegrams with the Nanjing side quite frequently some time ago. Guess, he got in touch with the chief he used to talk to, that’s why he’s doing things so hard now. So, brother, we can go back to the way we used to It’s the same, it’s nothing more than waiting for a while, and when the wind has passed, I’ll say hello here, and you, pay some money to share with my group of people, and then you send someone to the warehouse quietly to take the things away It's over. But... I'm afraid it will be different this time."

Fan Keqin nodded.It turned out that this was indeed the case. Lao Jin was in charge of the handling, storage and other things of the investigated and prosecuted goods in the police station.It's like a police officer arresting people, but he is only responsible for arresting people, and what happens next, whether he will be sent to court, how many years will he be sentenced, and which number he will live in prison.That has nothing to do with the police.

And Lao Jin is in charge of the latter part.In the past, it was not that there was no such thing, just like what he said.Put the things in the investigation warehouse of the police station, wait for the rumors to pass, spend some money, share the people a little bit, the warehouse will open a door for you, and you can take the things away in a low-key manner with the car and it's over.Since everyone has benefited, no one will talk too much.It's the same as if it didn't happen.

Fan Keqin said: "It's still the reason I mentioned before, the captain Chang, the correspondence with Nanjing?"

"Yes." Director Jin nodded, and said: "This kid was originally a subordinate of Lei Shizhi, the deputy director of the General Inspection Bureau. Now that Lei Shizhi is the director of the General Bureau, this guy named Chang must be more stubborn. But how he transferred to Shanghai, I don't know. But after coming to Shanghai, this kid is really tough. Basically, he doesn't give face to anyone, and he looks like a businessman. And just because he It's a little bit helpless for anyone to take more or less of him. So brother, this time, it's not surprising, but I have to remind you, even if your goods are taken out later, this kid will keep an eye on your company , then there will definitely be troubles in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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