spy ace

Chapter 2972 Flaws

Chapter 2972 Flaws
This discovery made Otsu Gusheng feel closer to the truth, because the person who came into contact with him was probably Zhang Peng's upline, or the two were meeting and reporting the situation.It may also be the reason for Zhang Peng's evacuation.After all, I was investigating and visiting the surrounding situation these days, so it might be the superior who is suspected of Zhang Peng, and it is possible to notify him to evacuate.

Noboru Otsutani thought about it carefully, from the beginning of his own investigation to the present, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he should be on the right path.It's just that there is still a difficulty now, that is, the boy Zhang Peng disappeared, and he probably ran away. Judging from the situation at home, he didn't run for a long time. After all, judging from the dust and the degree of corruption of some garbage in the house, etc. , this time is very short.So is it possible for me to catch the other party?

There was still some work to do, so Noboru Otsuya took a car and quickly came to the Nagata Mansion, where he met Mitsuo Nagata.After reporting the matter, he said, "Your Excellency, I request that Zhang Peng be wanted, and please allow me."

Nagata Mitsuo's mind is still very sharp, and he already understood what was going on after listening to his report.Regarding the request made by Otsu Gusheng at this time, he thinks it is reasonable.So he nodded and said, "I will ask Youtian Sicheng to call the city defense. In addition, I will also send people to guard the train station, dock and other places. Have you got Zhang Peng's photo?"

"I got it." Otsu Gusheng said: "The information of Zhang Peng used by this kid is known to many people, so his identity certificate must also be this, and there must be a photo on it. At this time, Zhang Peng's With this identity, we have names, addresses, etc., so it should not be difficult to check."

"Okay." Nagata Mizuo said: "Go and check immediately. After you have the video information of the other party, immediately go to Yutenji Makoto, the people who distributed it to us, and the people who guard the city at the docks, train stations and other places."

"Yes." Otsuya Noboru said, "I'll go right away." Saying that, he quickly got up and left Nagata Mitsuo's office.

He said that Zhang Peng's information should be easy to check, and he was indeed right.In fact, he didn't even check it. Instead, he made a few phone calls and went to the identity document management department of the police station, and it was basically settled.In fact, these days, the household registration and so on are really incomplete, and it is quite incomplete.What do you mean, that is to say, if you walk on the street and check the IDs of some people, the other party is likely to be a criminal, and there is no ID for you to check.

But this kind of situation also happens in special industries, deliberately pretending to be black households, and then engage in high-level activities.But Zhang Peng's situation, Otsu Gusheng's analysis is obviously not the case.First of all, Zhang Peng didn't have a fixed occupation. Although he fit the situation of a black household, he was seducing women, or cheating men, to make so-called investments in him.This identity may allow him to act more freely, which is why Zhang Peng pretended to be a liar.However, because of this, when he is cheating, he needs investment and the like, and it is [-]% related to some contracts and the like, so he must have a certificate.

Therefore, Zhang Peng's identity, whether it was a disguise or not, must have a normal certificate.What Otsu Gusheng expected was not bad, and in fact it was almost the same. Except that Zhang Peng was faked as an agent by Fan Keqin, he analyzed the other situations almost exactly.

With a specific name and address, even if it is not the same computer and office automation as in later generations.It is also very fast to check. With the original certificate, it is equivalent to mastering the appearance. Through certain techniques, the photos are reproduced, and the photos are started to be developed in batches.Then it was quickly issued to the secret agents of the Nagata Mansion.And where are the city defenses that have received orders to set up checkpoints at railway stations, docks and other places.

Not only that, some main streets, shops, hotels, etc., were also posted with arrest warrants by the police officers mobilized by the little devils.But that's it, and there is still nothing to gain at the end of the day.

Regarding this point, Mizuo Nagata had already expected it.After all, Zhang Peng had already run away when he found out.Then he and he may have already left the city, or they found a safe place to hide, and they didn't show their faces at all.Either of these two possibilities, whichever it is, is not easy to spot.Needless to say, if you go out of the city, if you hide somewhere, to put it bluntly, in these days, you can only recognize faces with the naked eye. Find a hidden place to hide. The city is so big and has millions of people. Where can I find it?

The most anxious person here is Otsu Gusheng. After all, he found this clue, but now it is obvious that he can make great progress in catching people, but he is just short of the last breath, and he is unable to move forward. This naturally makes everyone Tsugu nobo was very annoyed.

He was in a hurry, but Fan Keqin was more relaxed on the other hand.Bai Fengtai, who was sitting opposite Fan Keqin, said with a smile: "At present, there are Zhang Peng's arrest warrants posted on the railway station and docks, as well as at the intersections of some important streets in the city. It shows that our strategy has succeeded.”

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Well, that's a good thing. In addition, it also shows another problem, that is, the time is really long, and Otsu Gusheng didn't even find a guest at that time, a guest who noticed me. In other words, even if there is, I forget it, or I don’t care much at all. At present, this is quite lucky.”

Bai Fengtai said: "It's not easy to remember. Even if someone knew it at the time, they might forget it later. After all, there are performances every night in Jinbihuanghuang, and the people who perform the performances are also very mobile. Time, a certain performance, after such a long time, if anyone can remember it, then I am afraid it must be a memory genius."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, we can't completely expect no one to remember it. We still have to pay attention. If the little devil still investigates in the future, please notify me immediately."

In fact, Fan Keqin is not very worried now, there are still two shields, no matter what, it is impossible to get his turn.Unless the little devil is unlucky, otherwise, it is almost impossible to doubt his own head.And as time goes on, this possibility will become smaller and smaller.In other words, it will become increasingly impossible.That's right, Fan Keqin knew that there was basically no flaw in his identity now.

(End of this chapter)

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