spy ace

Chapter 2979 Attack Group

Chapter 2979 Attack Group

Fan Keqin went on to say: "Then, will the top management of the puppet Wang strengthen their defenses that day? According to the information provided by the insiders, there should be no plans in this regard. But it is not guaranteed tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. Someone started to take care of that.”

After hearing this, Bai Fengtai nodded and said, "Well, then we have to plan according to the opponent's level of tight defense."

"No." Fan Keqin said: "One set of plans won't work, but three sets of action plans. The defense plans with low, middle and high registrations must be targeted, and timely adjustments must be made, so as to be safe."

As he spoke, Fan Keqin took a pen and began to draw the composition of the broadcasting building.After all, there are still some insiders, as well as Nian Taian and others who have entered and exited the broadcasting building. These insiders have already provided the situation of the broadcasting building.In addition, they also have investigators to investigate, take pictures and so on.So Fan Keqin and the others have a relatively detailed understanding of the situation.

Fan Keqin combined these information as much as possible to restore the composition and painting.A total of many pictures were drawn and placed on the table.He pointed with his finger: "Look at these streets. Although we don't know if there will be enhanced security measures that day, let's first follow what he has. If I am in charge, then combined with the present, the security level is so high. Looking at the situation, no one can find out the specific content from the outside. Then when the day comes, I will definitely arrange some eyeliner around.

In addition, a mobile force will be prepared to garrison somewhere on the periphery, so that if something happens, it will be killed immediately.But in this case, I personally feel that it is unlikely to happen.After all, the Japanese puppets still have actual control in the local area.So it is better to put more power directly into the broadcasting building, so that if something happens, I can deal with it faster.In the final analysis, no matter how strong the maneuverability of the mobile force deployed outside, it will take a very short time to rush over.It's better to be directly inside the building, even omitting the process. "

Bai Fengtai said: "That's right, so there should only be some eyes or clips on the periphery. If it's just like this, we can rush in at the first time. But we may encounter very strong resistance when we get inside."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, there is almost no good way to deal with this situation. We can only tear the opponent apart with speed. Before the opponent reacts, we have already entered. Our people have this kind of training, and People in Shanghai now basically have actual combat experience in this area, and I believe they can break in quickly."

Bai Fengtai nodded and said: "That day, even if their security level is high, it is impossible to block the entire road. As long as they don't block the entire road, our people can use normal passers-by as disguises to meet at a certain moment. Then Suddenly start together and charge in."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, even if the opponent keeps vigilant when they make a sudden attack, they don't know it in advance, and they will be prepared and unprepared in an instant. The firepower is strong enough, so even if it is in the courtyard of the broadcasting building and the buildings in the courtyard Before, there are defensive measures. It will be eaten by us in an instant."

Having said that, Fan Keqin pointed to the blueprint, and said: "The distance from the gate to the broadcasting building is about 30 meters. If you run fast, a normal human being can run from the gate in four to five seconds." Entered the building. If there is a layout in the courtyard, then under an instant blow, it will be doubled, that is, ten seconds, I believe it is enough."

"Enough." Bai Fengtai said: "How long does it take to shoot a person? It's just a matter of moving your fingers! Double the time, and automatic weapons can fire at least dozens of bullets. If the opponent is not killed, the operation may fail."

Of course Fan Keqin understood this truth, and what Bai Fengtai said was still polite.A person has to make a move, especially in the case of a deadly move.So in fact, it's basically over in just a moment, unless it's on the frontal battlefield, where the opponent's people are too many.That could take a lot longer.But special operations are definitely different, life and death can be separated at the touch of a button.It's like when you run in, there is someone standing in front of you, and you immediately sprint down, and if you don't kill the other person, you will basically die the next moment.But it is basically impossible for such a situation to happen. You are mentally calculating but not intentional. How bad is your marksmanship? If the opponent is unprepared, you can't kill him with a single shot?That can only mean that the other party should not die.And you are destined to die here.If this happens, there is no way.

But don't forget, the action is not alone.You have comrades-in-arms, even if you are very unlucky and didn't kill the other party, but what about your comrades-in-arms?Infected with bad luck by you?It's impossible that there are so many people, and they are all people who have undergone strict training and actual combat experience. They can't beat each other to death, right?Therefore, if there are comrades in arms, they can complement each other.For example, if ten submachine guns fire together, it doesn’t take long, five seconds, do you know how many bullets each gun can fire?A shuttle, ordinary [-] rounds of magazines, can be used up.And ten submachine guns are [-] rounds of bullets.

Three hundred bullets in five seconds, the firepower is very fierce.Even if there are many people on the other side, unless there are so many people, they will definitely be defeated in an instant.Make up for each other and sweep left and right, how many people can be defeated?Therefore, if you really can't rush in under such circumstances, then God will kill you, and there is no other way.

Fan Keqin nodded, agreeing with Bai Fengtai's statement.He added: "Our people are divided into two groups, a group of 12 people. The first group of attack, four triangle assault formation. Just rush into the building. The second group, two by two cover formation, follow behind the first group After breaking in, guard the stairwells on each floor along the way, control all corridors, and kill anyone you see. As for the attack team, rush up to the fourth floor. I believe this process will not take too long. One of the attack groups broadcasts room, another group occupying the hallway. The last two groups storm the conference room. Presumably that's the plan."

Bai Fengtai looked at the drawings drawn by Fan Keqin, combined with the plan Fan Keqin said in his mind, and finally said: "I think it will work, then you need to prepare 24 submachine guns. If you want to attack the roof in one go, it is best to use all of them." Drums. At least the members of the first attack group must use drums..."

(End of this chapter)

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