spy ace

Chapter 3005 Aiming

Chapter 3005 Aiming
The man felt a little surprised when his shoulders sank, and he could have turned to look back.And as soon as his movement came out, it just catered to Xingxiu's movement.Because at this time, he had already suddenly held the gun in his hand, and from the gap where the man turned his head sideways, pointed the muzzle of the gun at Zhu Anfu, and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang..." I heard several gunshots in a row, but it was not a gunshot.The first shot was shot by Xingxiu.However, at the same time that Xing Xiu almost pulled the trigger, his body was pulled by someone.

It turned out that when Xingxiu slapped the person in front of him away, Yuan Ning felt a little scared after seeing his movements.This fear is not fear, but fear that the other party will leave a bad impression on Zhu Anfu by doing so, so he immediately stretched out his hand and pulled him.As a result, by mistake, this one took Zhu Anfu's stable muzzle a little.Peng Peng shot out, originally aiming at the opposite side's chest, but it missed a bit, hitting Zhu Anfu's left arm.

As for Xingxiu's movement just now, he slapped the person in front of him away, and was also seen by a bodyguard behind Zhu Anfu at the same time.The bodyguard didn't pay attention at first. After all, here at the reception, there are people who came to attend the conference all around, so the probability of accidents is very low.However, when he saw Xingxiu slapping the person in front of him away, the bodyguard felt something was wrong, and the other person made a very threatening movement, which seemed to be the movement of drawing a gun from his waist. Therefore, the bodyguard immediately left his hand, Pushing Zhu Anfu violently, he also pulled out his own gun.

The bodyguard's action of pushing Zhu Anfu and pulling Xingxiu with Yuan Ning played a big role.It is also the key to Zhu Anfu's ability to successfully avoid the fatal shot.And the bodyguard saw clearly that the other party was moving quickly, that is, in a very intense situation, and the stress reaction came out immediately.He just draws his gun and shoots.So it was almost connected with Xingxiu with a shot.

In other words, he was not affected by the pull.In addition, the distance is not far, so the shot was very accurate, hitting Xingxiu's chest.Xingxiu's body was shocked immediately, he knew that he had been hit, and the part of the blow was really fatal, but it was impossible for him to turn back now.Before he lost control of his body, he struggled to aim and shot Zhu Anfu again.

But Yuan Ning played a life-saving effect on Zhu Anfu at this time. When he just pulled Xingxiu just because he was afraid of disturbing Zhu Anfu, but the opponent's gun had already been pulled out, Yuan Ning also put his other hand on it, desperately Throw the stars sideways.

With Xingxiu's second shot, the same shot deviated from the track.But at this time, there was a sudden bang bang bang.Yuan Ning was also shocked, and was shot in the side.Zhu Anfu was also shot in the back, and one of Zhu Anfu's bodyguards had a big blood hole in his neck.

But the dragon head, the iron chain, and the sea lion also made a move.When they saw Zhu Anfu firing the first shot, they were already drawing their guns, but there were people around Zhu Anfu.And it just happened too fast, so they just shot now.

In fact, speaking of it, from Xingxiu's shooting to now, it took only two seconds, or even less than two seconds, just over one second.Their speed wasn't too slow, but the plan didn't change quickly. They didn't know that a bodyguard's reaction and firing speed could be that fast.Xingxiu almost fired the first shot. As soon as the gunshot rang out, that Zhu Anfu's bodyguard followed suit and shot out.

Therefore, the leader fired a shot at Zhu Anfu, and the iron chain fired a shot at the bodyguard who was about to grab him.Still, he fired a shot at Yuan Ning, who was pulling and trying to hug XingXiu.

Zhu Anfu knew something was wrong the first time he was shot. He was the head of the secret service himself, so he reacted quickly.In addition, he was shot and his body was pushed. He bent over and bent his legs, ignoring the pain in his left arm, and ran to the side.His movement itself would lower his body, and he would also bow his body.Therefore, although the shot fired in a general way also hit him, but the oblique ballistic trajectory shot in from the left back of Zhu Anfu's heart, and then did not go into the more deadly chest and abdomen, but towards his shoulder. direction movement.

Therefore, although Zhu Anfu was hit by this shot and fell to the ground, it was still not a fatal injury.The shot fired by the iron chain was quite accurate, because Zhu Anfu's quick-grabbing bodyguard was shooting at Xingxiu at this time, and his body didn't move much, so the touch of the iron chain shot hit him from his choked throat. It went in, smashed the cervical spine, and burst out from the back of the neck with bone stubble.

The sea lion's shot was also very accurate, and it didn't say that because Yuan Ning was hugging Xingxiu at this time, the two of them were close to each other, so there was no hesitation.In fact, this is almost impossible in reality.Unless it is really blocked, otherwise, as long as there is a chance, they will definitely shoot.Therefore, he fired a shot and got in directly from Yuan Ning's side.

The power of this shot is quite great. Although it penetrated from the right side of his body, Yuan Ning happened to be facing the sea lion sideways, so after the bullet penetrated, it penetrated to the left side of his body.Therefore, this shot directly broke his internal blood vessels, lung lobes, and a heart.

Once the large blood vessel is folded, the power will be different. Yuan Ning's strength disappears very quickly. After hitting the bullet, it takes more than a second. It seems that the strength is about to disappear.The inside of the chest is warm, but it is quite comfortable.But he couldn't breathe at all, and his eyes were getting darker and darker.With a thud, it hit the ground.

Zhu Anfu's quick bodyguard was killed immediately, but the bodyguards around him also reacted quickly. When Zhu Anfu was running to the side, two bodyguards rushed up, and when he was shot again, he was beaten. When the dog was eating shit, the two bodyguards had already swooped down and protected him under their bodies.

This is also the reason, several consecutive shots of bang bang bang, the last few shots of the dragon head and the iron chain, spattered the bodies of these two bodyguards with blood.To say that the power of the pistol is still a bit weak, even if some bullets hit different parts of the body, they may penetrate, but that is only one person.At this time, both of them were protecting Zhu Anfu, and it would be completely impossible to penetrate.

The other bodyguards were not easy to deal with, no matter how slow they reacted, they started to shoot back at the dragon head, chains and sea lions.There were a lot of them, there were sixteen people in total, one was killed, and the two who fell on Zhu Anfu...

(End of this chapter)

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