spy ace

Chapter 3009 The Immortals Are Hard to Save

Chapter 3009 The Immortals Are Hard to Save
Hearing this, Pu Yingrui raised his hand and pointed at the car in front of him, who was waiting beside him, and said, "You are the driver, right? Your car has been confiscated. Leave the key behind, and get out of the way!"

"I'm the Security Committee..." The driver didn't finish speaking.When Pu Yingrui ran up to him, he waved his hand and was interrupted by an unreasonable mouth, shouting: "The key!!! Otherwise, I will kill you right now!!"

The driver saw that Pu Yingrui was so fierce, and there was a group of people behind him. These people seemed to be carrying a person with guns in their hands, so he didn't dare to insist.So he said, "The key is in the car!!"

"Go away!!" As he said, Pu Yingrui kicked him aside, and quickly opened the car door with his hand.Then he waved his hand to the back and said, "Bring the officer in. I'll clear the way!" As he spoke, he rushed to a car next to him, snatched a key from a driver again, and sat in the driver's seat. Room started the car.

"Wait!" There was a sound behind, and the door was pulled open.Then three people sat up, they were Zhu Anfu's bodyguard team.One of the people in the co-pilot said: "Hurry up and drive! The nearest hospital."

"Understood!" Pu Yingrui quickly shifted gears, kicked the accelerator and drove the car out.So, just like that, he led the way.The car behind followed him all the way to the nearest German Medical Hospital.So Zhu Anfu's bodyguard team is not afraid of being intercepted on the way?

Why not be afraid!Very scared, but now Zhu Anfu has been shot several times.It's really dangerous if you don't send it to the hospital.So it must be sent to the hospital.Another point is that Pu Yingrui's previous performance has basically gained their trust.After all, Pu Yingrui had already handed over the gun to someone else at first, and even took off his coat, leaving an empty holster around his waist.In addition, the security of so many venues before also proved Pu Yingrui's identity.By now, there is naturally some basic trust.

Another point, that is to go to the hospital, the enemy cannot know.That is to say, the road to take cannot be determined in advance, so ambushes on the road are basically impossible.

They were right, and the journey went smoothly.The nearest German medical hospital, based on the normal distance and speed, would take seven to eight minutes, but at this time the car was driving so fast that the accelerator was almost fully pressed.Therefore, in more than two minutes, the car had already broken the crossbar of the hospital gate abruptly and drove into the yard.Originally, this crossbar was used to block the car and then register, but this time, several security personnel inside were stunned.

The two cars stopped directly in front of the main entrance of the hospital clinic building.Pu Yingrui opened the door and didn't even close it. She jumped out of the car and rushed to the hospital, yelling, "Doctor! Gunshot wound! Emergency!!! Emergency, where is the doctor! Gunshot wound!! !!!"

A nurse at the guidance desk at the door rushed out from behind immediately after seeing it, and asked, "Where is the patient?"

"Behind!" Pu Yingrui said, "Where's the doctor? Call the doctor quickly!!"

Instead, the nurse ignored him. She came to a nearby window, banged on it a few times, and then pulled a flat car and headed for the door.At this time, Zhu Anfu's bodyguard team had already carried Zhu Anfu down and entered the door.The nurse immediately shouted: "Put the patient on the bed quickly."

When these people heard the words, they immediately put Zhu Anfu on the bed in a panic.On the other side, three doctors rushed out from the next room and began to take over. Maybe this room is the emergency department on duty, or something.

After the doctor took over, a group of bodyguards gave way to the back, and the doctor pushed the flat cart in front, while ordering loudly to prepare blood packs and medicines.Another doctor asked how many times he was shot and where he was shot.When these bodyguards sent Zhu Anfu back, they already knew all of Zhu Anfu's injuries, so they answered quickly.

During the question and answer period, the flat car had already passed the hall, turned left and went straight to the emergency operating room at the innermost part of the corridor.Halfway through the journey, the car passed several infirmaries next to it.It's almost time to reach the operating room.Pu Yingrui knew that he couldn't wait any longer. After entering the operating room, he couldn't get in at all.Even if you break in, you will definitely be stopped.And I don't know if the operation will be successful, but it's impossible to say that this thing is in the hands of others.After all, it's not something you can control.In case Zhu Anfu did not receive absolutely fatal injuries, if we say the most dangerous, it might be the two shots in the stomach.

What's more, it is even more impossible to have a chance in the future. During the operation, I am afraid that the Japanese puppet manpower will arrive. At that time, under heavy guards, it will only be more difficult for him to find a chance than it is now.Therefore, after a doctor asked another question, Zhu Anfu said: "I have type A blood, and you can find me if you need a blood transfusion. I will write down any medicines I need, and it is okay to send them to other hospitals immediately."

While he was talking, he had already taken the pen from the breast pocket of his shirt.This pen is the pen gun that Fan Keqin and the others provided him.But his words, coupled with his previous performance, reassured the bodyguards. Therefore, his action did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

After taking down the pen, Pu Yingrui took off the cap of the pen. He was following the car at this time, and he answered the doctor's question before, as if he had rushed forward for a while in order to be clear, so Pu Yingrui was basically at this time. The side of the flat car.He took off the cap of the pen, pointed the direction of the pen tip at Zhu Anfu's heart, immediately held his breath, and twisted the second half of the pen.

With a chirping sound, the bullet flew out of the pen gun immediately.It hit the middle part of Zhu Anfu's chest, and this bullet was unusual, it was a mercury explosive warhead.The mercury inside will shrink back after the bullet is fired.When the bullet hits the target, it is equivalent to an emergency brake.However, due to inertia, the mercury inside will continue to move forward instead, and burst the bullet apart upon impact.

Therefore, after the bullet hit Zhu Anfu, it instantly tore open a terrifying big blood hole in Zhu Anfu's chest.It was as if someone's palm was so powerful that it punched Zhu Anfu's chest hard.The several large arteries inside the chest, the heart, the lung lobes, the duodenum, and a series of viscera in this place were directly twisted into fine pieces.With this kind of injury, it can be said that it is difficult to save the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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