spy ace

Chapter 3011 Tracking

Chapter 3011 Tracking
If you want to chase the car with your legs, it is impossible.So they raised their hands and started shooting in the direction of the car.Of course, the car cannot be bulletproof, but after all, it has already driven a certain distance.In addition, Pu Yingrui also understands that he is not in the safe range yet.

Therefore, he bowed his waist, wrapped his arms around, just enough to hold the steering wheel, lowered his head, and stepped on the accelerator desperately.Therefore, the first few shots did not hit him. After hitting the car, the car shell, the rear seat, etc., even if you shoot straight, it will still deviate.Therefore, after Pu Yingrui dodged the first few shots, the distance was further shortened.The hit was even lower, and in the end, he escaped from the shooting range of the pistol.

Several bodyguards were very unwilling.Especially the guy who gave orders before turned his head and shouted: "Car! Come here quickly." But when he finished yelling, he heard the sound of a car engine being turned on in the yard.

It was the bodyguard who was directed by him to drive away before, but when he arrived at the nearest car, he didn't find the key.There are still a few cars parked in the courtyard of this hospital, but these cars are parked neatly. It looks like the kind of car parked in normal driving. The owner forgot the key when he got off the car and there is no possibility of pulling it out. Sex, that must be very low.So he didn't change the car either.Instead, he ripped off the wiring tray under the keyhole.

Then he started to unplug the wires and try to start the car with a short circuit.The two thread ends touched each other, slightly sliding together.After touching twice in a row, finally, the car caught fire.

The bodyguard immediately put into gear and drove out of the hospital yard.When he got outside, he braked. After the other accomplices jumped into the car one after another, before they could sit still, they kicked the accelerator again and chased forward.In fact, at this time, Pu Yingrui was driving the car and turning a corner.They can still see the rear of a car in their field of vision.

That's fine, at least you know which direction to run in.So, Zhu Anfu's bodyguards drove and chased after him.After arriving at that intersection, there was almost a sharp turn on the line.The car almost skidded.But this time, after all, it didn't skid, so when the vehicle was turning, it didn't stall too much, but turned around faster.But there was still no trace of Pu Yingrui's planning car.

After all, Pu Yingrui drove here before them.And after the other party gets into the car, there is also an acceleration process before they can come over.Therefore, after he drove over first, he knew in his heart that he couldn't drive along the big straight line.After all, the road cannot be a pure straight line. After driving a long distance, the curvature of the road will definitely be able to block him.But that would have to be driven a long way, and it might not be possible in time.So how can we cover ourselves?Turn at the nearest intersection.

Pu Yingrui thought so and did the same thing, so he opened a paragraph.After passing through an intersection, I turned the steering wheel and turned directly into the intersection on the left.Then drove for a while, turned right once and entered an intersection.He turned these few turns quickly and fiercely, and also minimized the stall during the turn, but he still had a few small slips, and the sound made by the tires rubbing against the ground was a bit sharp.But fortunately, it was only a small slip, and it was controlled in an instant.The same is true, so those enemies chasing him will lose their vision.

But Pu Yingrui was slightly unlucky, because one of Zhu Anfu's bodyguards who followed him was good at tracking.I used to specialize in tracking this kind of work. Although it is not extremely clever, it is also capable.After losing their vision, the bodyguards were a little confused, but he was the first intersection, so it was a good idea, because he could make a rough judgment based on the time when he drove over.

The approximate time it took for him to chase after him, and the approximate speed at which the other party drove.Then the other party disappears as soon as you come over, and based on the first two conditions, it is also possible to roughly judge that you turned in at that intersection.But it will not work after that, because there is no vision, you can't see the other party.They are not Fan Keqin, who have such powerful brain simulation, judgment, and logic abilities.Even Fan Keqin, no matter how long he loses his target in his field of vision, it is impossible to determine the direction the opponent is going.Let alone them.

Therefore, after turning a fork in the road, they still didn't see Pu Yingrui's car. These bodyguards really felt that this time, they probably couldn't catch up.But at this moment, a bodyguard sitting on the co-pilot leaned forward and stared at the appearance seriously, and suddenly said at the intersection in front of him: "Turn! Turn here!!"

It turned out that the little trace of friction on the ground he saw was a small section of trace caused by a small friction between the tire and the ground when Pu Yingrui turned at a high speed before.Just happened to be seen by this bodyguard who is good at tracking.So he immediately spoke to remind his companion to turn into another intersection.

After Pu Yingrui, who was running ahead, turned into the second intersection, he drove a little further.Because you can't turn from the first intersection every time, and you can't keep turning.You have to turn all the time, no matter how good your driving skills are, it is impossible to get up to speed.Therefore, when he entered this road, he dodged forward for a while.At the third intersection, it turned again into an intersection on the left.

It was precisely because of this that the group of Zhu Anfu's bodyguards who had just turned into this road after following him saw the rear of his car again.See Pu Yingrui turn outside.The bodyguard of the co-pilot immediately pointed at the intersection on the left, and said, "Turn around, don't chase after him!"

It was right for him to do so, although they were at a certain distance from Pu Yingrui's car at this time.But if you chase straight, if the opponent has already turned, you will lose the opponent's figure again.But when they are turning now, they almost turn left together with Pu Yingrui's front and rear feet. Although it is a different intersection, as long as Pu Yingrui does not stop immediately at the next straight road and turns around again, he will almost certainly be able to enter his line of sight again. .

After turning in, drive straight ahead, and when you reach the next intersection, the bodyguard who is driving doesn't need to be reminded by the co-pilot, just turn the wheel and turn to the right.Sure enough, Pu Yingrui's car came into their sight.

In fact, when Pu Yingrui just turned around, he also saw the pursuers behind him from the rear view mirror, and even followed him.But he has already turned the corner, so he can't change it...

(End of this chapter)

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