spy ace

Chapter 3024 Behind the Scenes

Chapter 3024 Behind the Scenes

Of course, Fan Keqin knew what Tong's father said was right. If the pharmaceutical business had encountered this trouble a few years ago, it might really be trouble, after all, the little devil's fleet is known as the world's largest.But it's really not working now, the industrial capacity can't keep up, and the resources are limited. Even if it hasn't reached the point of exhaustion, it's only one step away.

Next, Fan Keqin and Tong's father discussed how to support the gang, who to photograph as supporters, and how to support the gang as quickly as possible.And after the gang is established, how to start the drug business as soon as possible and so on.After discussing these issues, Fan Keqin bid farewell to his father and started to go home.

Miss Tong still has a grudge, that is, she wants to have both children.Fan Keqin's attitude is that all children are the same, which must have affected Miss Tong.So after the cub was born, although she was a little girl, Miss Tong didn't have any patriarchal thoughts.

It's just that she has lived a life of rich clothes and good food since she was a child, and her life can be said to be smooth. Only emotionally, she was with Fan Keqin at the age of 27, which was a little bit unsatisfactory.But Fan Keqin was too good, and Miss Tong couldn't love her well, so she made up for this little inconvenience.So overall, she is still living a perfect life.So when it comes to having children, she also wants to be perfect, so having both children is her next goal.

However, Fan Keqin was considerate of her and knew that it was not long after giving birth. Although the recovery was good, it would be safer to wait a while.Therefore, even if you want to have another child, it will take a while to talk about it.However, although they don't want a second child now, they can repeatedly review the joy of having a child.Therefore, Miss Tong didn't say that she was tired of Fan Keqin every day, but she would have fun with Fan Keqin every now and then.It just... made Fan Keqin a little addicted.

Pulling Fan Keqin back to the house to have fun, the night passed quickly, and the next day, after Fan Keqin returned to the company, he called Meng Qingsheng and asked him to call a man named Ma Hongfeng over.

In other words, this Ma Hongfeng is a sales team leader of Fengyu Company, but he was actually a small worker in Fengyu Company, doing everything, but he cherishes the opportunity to enter Fengyu Company, After all, I have been used to hardship since I was a child, and I don't care whether it is a small job or not. I am very satisfied to be able to enter Fengyu Company and get a fixed salary every month.Therefore, Ma Hongfeng, who cherished the opportunity to work in the company, worked very hard. In this way, he became a stocktaker a year later.

After all, Fengyu Company is involved in almost all walks of life, and there are many things for sale and many commodities in the warehouse.After he became a stocktaker, he also cherished it very much. He felt that this was a "promotion", so he still cherished this opportunity very much and did a very good job.So after about seven or eight months, the old Kuguan got old and quit. Before he found someone to come over, he took over first, but he still did a good job.So I started to dry the warehouse again.

In this way, Ma Hongfeng has almost become the all-round player of Fengyu Company, going wherever he needs it.Afterwards, he went to the sales team. Based on his hard life, he knew the local street conditions very well, so the sales of some cloth and other things he sold were quite good.After the sales team grew and a new team was formed, he was promoted to be a team leader.He also participated in the buying and selling of medicines, but his part was receiving goods and taking stock.I usually work normally, and I have been doing it until now.

When Fan Keqin was researching with Tong's father yesterday, when choosing a backstage supporter, there were several candidates, among which Ma Hongfeng was one of them.After all, one of the most important conditions for a supporter behind the scenes is to be loyal to Fengyu Company.And Ma Hongfeng worked hard all the way, cherished the opportunity that Fengyu company gave him so much, it can be seen that he is definitely one of the people who are loyal to Fengyu company.So he was selected naturally.

Moreover, Ma Hongfeng himself had a hard life, especially when he was in sales. With his understanding of the street, his performance was very good.This shows that he will also make the best use of the situation and be good at using the resources he knows.Therefore, Fan Keqin finally decided to choose Ma Hongfeng from several candidates.

After arriving at the company, Ma Hongfeng was thinking about which area he should contact today, so as to get a business.He actually received a call from the general manager of the company's headquarters, asking him to go to Lance Cafe on Nanjing Road in a low-key manner.

Ma Hongfeng put down the phone and nodded to his boss who notified him. Following the low-key principle ordered by the general manager, he made a small fuss and said with a smile, "The business we talked about yesterday may be promising, so I'll go out first."

After leaving, Ma Hongfeng came to the Lance Cafe on Nanjing Road as quickly as possible. After seeing him, the waiter asked, "Is that Mr. Ma?" Ma Hongfeng nodded instinctively, and was led inside by the waiter in a small box.

Just look at the two people in the box, one is Meng Qingsheng, the general manager of the company, and the other is a well-dressed, handsome, and stylish guy.Seeing these two people, Ma Hongfeng immediately smiled and said respectfully: "Mr. Meng, hello sir. I came here a little late. I kept Mr. Meng and this gentleman waiting for a long time."

In Ma Hongfeng's eyes, this handsome guy with temperament and style is Fan Keqin.It's just that Fan Keqin took over Feng Yu's company later, and Ma Hongfeng didn't have a chance to come to the head office at all, so he never met Fan Keqin at all, so naturally he didn't know him.

"It's not too late." Meng Qingsheng waved his hand and said, "Let me introduce you, this is the boss of our company, Mr. Wan."

"Hey, Mr. Wan." As an employee, Ma Hongfeng has never met Fan Keqin, but Miss Tong's husband, Wan Heng, has taken over the company and become the new boss. How could he not know about this? You will know it once you hear it.Immediately said respectfully again: "Hello boss, thank you boss for meeting me, a small person, in his busy schedule. Hongfeng is very grateful."

"You are not a small person." Fan Keqin pointed to the chair with a smile, motioned him to sit down and talk, and said, "You are a talent of our company, and a loyal talent."

"Thank you boss for the compliment." Ma Hongfeng didn't sit down in a big way, but kept his back straight.Always listen to orders.

Fan Keqin said with a smile: "Hongfeng, you have participated in the company's pharmaceutical business, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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