spy ace

Chapter 3030 Hiring

Chapter 3030 Hiring
The last person also opened his mouth and said: "Yes, in short, we will do our best to keep you safe before we die."

After hearing this, Ma Hongfeng nodded, and said, "I am quite satisfied with your answers, and I will give you good treatment. I hope you can do what you say."

The man who spoke first said, "Please rest assured, we will do what we say."

"Okay." Ma Hongfeng said, "I trust you." Then, he turned his head to the guy from the recommendation office and said, "Okay, let's prepare the contract."

"No problem." The clerk at the recommendation office agreed, and said, "Boss, please wait a moment, I'll get it, and I'll be right back." Saying that, he walked out of the room.

Taking advantage of this time, Ma Hongfeng chatted with several people again, and learned that Chen Xiaofei, who is also his future secretary, is a local.There are still parents at home, and the mother is not in good health.In fact, both parents are not in good health, but his father's walking and so on are not a problem.But his mother couldn't do it anymore, she was paralyzed on the bed.Therefore, when Chen Xiaofei went to work, he hired a nanny to take care of the two elderly people, cook some meals, sweep the floor and so on.

But after he lost his job, Chen Xiaofei took care of his parents by himself. After all, his income was gone, so he still had to spend money to hire a nanny.However, Chen Xiaofei was very lucky, there were not many days in total, and now he found a job again, just in time, he could spend money to hire a nanny again.

As for the four bodyguards, the one headed by Yin Yin is Su Weize, who is 28 years old this year.He is from the north, from Benxi, Liaoning.His father is a Lianjiazi, but his father is about 1.7 meters ten, which is quite normal for a man in the north.But his grandfather, second master, and uncle are all big.So his father felt that it might be because he practiced martial arts since he was a child. He had practiced a little too much, so he didn't grow up. Therefore, before the age of 16, his father didn't let Su Weize practice martial arts.At that time, it was already the time when foreign guns and cannons were very powerful in people's hearts.

Therefore, Su Weize's father bought a lot of firearms and let Su Weize play with foreign guns since he was a child.As for playing with guns since he was a child, his level is very good now.Of course, he is a bit of a eccentric, playing with all kinds of pistols.I haven't played with long guns much.When he was 16 years old, Su Weize was already 1.8 meters five, and he was not growing any longer. His father was very satisfied.That's why he started to practice martial arts.But 16 years old is actually a bit late, so he put his energy on wrestling and fluttering skills.

Wrestling is sumo wrestling, of course not the Japanese one, where two big white fat men collide.Sumo refers to our Chinese, a kind of martial art in unarmed combat. It is described in the Water Margin, and the prodigal Yanqing's sumo is very powerful.In fact, Japanese sumo wrestling was also passed down from China, but it is the same as our ancient karate technique. The Japanese learned it in the past and they made some improvements, combining some martial arts of Ryukyu itself. It is called Tang Shou, because it was learned from us.Eventually it was renamed Karate.

Afterwards, his father was dissatisfied with optics, but he learned late, so he could only learn Western boxing.It's okay to grow up and learn this thing.But Su Weize is indeed very talented, no matter what he learns quickly, he learns very well.Now he uses guns when he is far away, fists when he is close, and sumo and wrestling when he is close to him.It can be said to be quite sharp.

The other three were named Wei Yanchang, Xiao Junzhe, and Luo Peng.These three people are also very capable. They even used martial arts when they were teenagers, but the three of them are a bit alike. Because they practiced martial arts when they were young, they felt that they were very powerful, so they liked to fight a little bit.Later, when they grew up, they got better and started to find their own jobs.But in this age, the guns are too sharp, so they have also started playing with guns for several years, but they are not as good as Su Weize and can point and shoot, but the marksmanship can be said to be very good.

What should I do if I don't have too much culture, but I don't want to be bad, so I can only find a job as a nursing home.In the end it became a bodyguard.

After a while, the clerk of the recommender office entered the room with a few pieces of paper, and explained the key points of employment in the contract to both parties responsibly.In fact, this recommender office is one of the few, and the kind of intermediary is very similar to that of later generations.And when hiring people these days, there are actually very few labor contracts, and both parties rely on virtue to restrain each other.Therefore, although this recommendation office is quite formal, the terms of the contract are much simplified compared to later generations.It is easy for people to understand the meaning.It was over after a while.After all, there are only a few.

The two parties signed a contract and made a pledge. From now on, Ma Hongfeng will be their boss.After coming out of the recommender's office, Ma Hongfeng let them squeeze into a car, and then drove to another car dealership, which was for maintenance and car purchase.And some cars, they also collect them sporadically, which is a bit like the kind of car dealership that sells second-hand cars in later generations.

When he got here, Ma Hongfeng looked at the car and bought a black ordinary Ford, but this Ford was second-hand.It is an old car that has been used for almost eight years, so it is quite cheap, but after the dealer came, he changed some parts and did maintenance, which can be regarded as repair and renovation.But it's still much cheaper than buying a new car.In addition, Ma Hongfeng is not short of money now, so he just paid the money and drove away.

In this way, he is more stylish now, come out and go in, two cars.Among them, the secretary and Su Weize sat in the same car with him, one was the driver, the other was the co-pilot, and he was sitting in the back seat like a big boss.The other car was driven by Wei Yanchang, Xiao Junzhe and Luo Peng.In this way, four bodyguards and one secretary are still very stylish.

After finishing these things, Ma Hongfeng led them to a tailor shop, and each of them bought a new set of clothes.This makes it even more poised.After leading them to have a meal in a high-end restaurant, they drove to the small villa.Although the yard of this small villa is not big, it is no problem to park two cars.

After getting out of the car, Ma Hongfeng said: "Well, let's stop here today. Tomorrow, you will officially follow me, just come here directly. But I may not be at home tomorrow morning, so you can do your own activities in the house when you come. At noon or in the afternoon, I can come back. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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