spy ace

Chapter 3035 Goods

Chapter 3035 Goods
But in the market, it is still a very high-end thing, very expensive.It is really possible that Qiu Xingchao has never seen it.So Ma Hongfeng said: "Have you heard of Huang An fan?"

Qiu Xingzhao was startled, looked at the things in his hand, and said, "Ah, I've heard that this... is Huang An Fan. I'm really sorry, I haven't seen this before."

Ma Hongfeng said: "Yes, this thing is very effective in treating traumatic injuries. The current market price is just the bag in your hand. It's a normal transaction. Let's see where it is. Take a look at all the hospitals in Shanghai Beach. Two or three silver dollars. But I also said, this is the market price, but if you buy it normally, who can buy it. So if it is placed on the black market, it will cost as little as five or six silver dollars, and as many as ten or so silver dollars. It's all about it."

Qiu Xingchao nodded, and said: "Yes, I heard that this product is in short supply now. Under normal circumstances, if you want to buy it, it is very difficult. It seems that the... Japanese people have strict regulations on this kind of medicine. Control."

"Yes." Ma Hongfeng said, "I'm looking for you for this business. How about it? Do you want to make a lot of money?"

Qiu Xingchao smiled wryly, and said, "Boss, who doesn't want to make a lot of money, but... we don't know how to do this. I haven't touched it before. This...does it mean that we should pay attention to the situation on the street, for example, Whose family member was injured, and then went to the door to ask and sell things to the other party?"

Ma Hongfeng laughed loudly and said, "How many packs can we sell like this?"

"This..." Qiu Xingchao said: "This year is quite chaotic. There are quite a few people who have been injured or something. I guess if I mobilize a group of brothers, I can still sell a few packs a day. "The more he said, the more confident he became, because what he said was also true. This year is too chaotic, and the person who was injured is really old and young. Moreover, Qiu Xingchao feels that it doesn't take much every day, even if he can sell it. One bag, each bag doesn’t need to be too much, just counting as four silver dollars, that’s 120 silver dollars a month, how fast the money comes in.

This really can't be blamed on Qiu Xingchao's pettiness, after all, things that have not been touched are like this.Or there is a saying that interlacing is like a mountain.But Ma Hongfeng definitely didn't take offense, and he was quite happy to hear what Qiu Xingchao said. They talked about this thing with the little devil before, and it was under control.But Qiu Xingchao still said that, which meant that he didn't care about whether the little devil was in control or not.This is definitely a good sign.

In fact, this is also normal, Qiu Xingchao himself, including his gang of bitter brothers, eat enough today and starve tomorrow.I don't know how long I can live, who cares about the little devil?

Ma Hongfeng said: "So, you agreed to do this business with me?"

"Boss, our group..." Qiu Xingchao said: "Eating may be a problem. Now you are giving us food, and it is a good bowl of food. It is too late to be grateful. So I must agree. Just ...I'm just afraid...I haven't been in this business before, so I'm afraid I'll delay you."

Ma Hongfeng laughed and said: "Well, it's fine if you promise, it's very easy, just do as I say, and I will take care of you and your old brothers, and they will be popular and spicy in the future. In this way, we will I'll tell you the details while we eat."

"Hey." Qiu Xingchao agreed, rewrapped the paper bag, and returned it to Chen Xiaofei.But Chen Xiaofei didn't answer, and said: "You take it, this is a sample."

"Hey." Qiu Xingchao agreed again, and after a while, the car stopped at Guanjiang Hotel.A group of people got out of the car, Qiu Xingchao was a little at a loss because he had been to such a high-end place before.Ma Hongfeng said with a smile: "It's just a place to eat and relax. In the future, as long as you put your heart into it, you can come to such a place whenever you want. Come, let's go in."

Everyone walked in and asked for a box.Su Weize and the others were still winking. After the box was booked, they were not in the box.Su Weize came out and stood at the door of the box, and then ordered: "Let's take turns to eat. I will stand here first to protect the boss."

Several people did not refuse, and went to the hall to eat.Only Ma Hongfeng Qiu Xingchao and secretary Chen Xiaofei were left in the box.After the dishes came out after a while, Ma Hongfeng waved his hands and said, "You're welcome to move your chopsticks. Otherwise, we're all uncomfortable." After speaking, he moved his chopsticks first.

You don't have to be polite, but Qiu Xingchao must be a bit restrained, after all, he has never been to such a high-end place, and there are still things that he hasn't explained clearly.Fortunately, after a while, Ma Hongfeng took the initiative to talk about the situation, saying: "When you were in the car just now, you were right about one thing. But there was also something wrong. That is, you don't need to find the buyer. The medicine itself There are buyers, and what you have to do is not complicated. You just need to connect with these buyers for medicines. Of course, don’t forget to collect money. Among them, the 5.00% I earn is your dividend.

You know, my shipment volume is still very large, even though it is only 5.00%, but that is still a lot of money.How about it?No consequences. You just told me about the cooperation, right? "

"How can it be?" Qiu Xingchao, in fact, does not know how much 5.00% is, and does not have a specific concept.However, this is more or less guaranteed.In any case, it is better than a group of my own, waiting to work hard and moving around.And at the very least, there should be a stable income.The other party has said it, and they are buyers, so there is no need to worry.

Therefore, Qiu Xingchao said: "Boss, we are definitely willing to do it. But... this job should be a little more secretive, and there are certain risks... Don't get me wrong, after all, the medicine itself is too tight, and it is too expensive. It’s worth money. What I’m thinking is that there must be a lot of people staring at it. Although our group of people is also capable, but if someone really peeps, something might happen. Should we prepare in advance and wait for the time to come? Let people have room to resist if they are robbed, and try to save the goods.”

Ma Hongfeng said: "Don't worry about this. When connecting with the buyer, no, when the goods are in hand, you must have a certain amount of force to ensure the safety of the medicine. In this way, I will provide you with funds, and you can contact them yourself. A foreign company, or a black market. Buy a batch of guys, so that’s enough. Besides, if you have guys, you won’t be bullied. Is it possible to be blocked by that guy named Wei San today? "

Qiu Xingchao didn't have the guts to do such a thing, or because of that...

(End of this chapter)

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