spy ace

Chapter 3042 Lock Address

Chapter 3042 Lock Address
Fan Keqin went on to say: "If I can't play well, I will not make a rash move. Moreover, we will know the progress at any time. If it is really only one or two people, I will not make a move. It is just in case. .”

Hearing what Fan Keqin said, Bai Fengtai was relieved a lot.In fact, he knew Fan Keqin, and his ability could be described as unfathomable. So far, he had never seen anything that Fan Keqin could not solve.Besides, he didn't mean that he didn't want to go for Fan Keqin.Bai Fengtai himself is also a master among masters, but no matter how tall he is, he can't keep up with Fan Keqin. If there is something that Fan Keqin can't handle, he can't help it.

The two discussed the details, divided those people into a group, what kind of weapons would be more reasonable to equip, whether they needed to prepare vehicles or bicycles, and so on.However, it is useless to discuss some things now. After all, it is not very clear where the [-] fake Wang people observed live.Only wait until there is information feedback in this regard before making a decision.

Sure enough, Fan Keqin was right, the eighteen Wang Puppets, it seems that there is still one week before the New Year's Eve banquet.Therefore, these people also hurriedly carried out the rehearsal. They also held it before, but the interval was relatively long. This was also in consideration of not leaking secrets in advance.But this time is different, the time is almost up, so naturally we have to hurry up and concentrate on rehearsing.Control the time within a certain range, so that you don't have to stretch the time so long.And the longer the time, the greater the possibility of leaking the secret.That's why they do it.

In fact, even if they didn't do this, they still need to rehearse intensively.This is almost unavoidable, but they have done a rehearsal with security. Everyone comes out of their respective agencies and units individually, in batches, and dispersed, which can also make the target smaller.

But they didn't expect that an insider provided information about the safe house to Fan Keqin and others.This is directly equivalent to grabbing the place where the opponent is concentrated.While they're rehearsing.The investigators and tracking team sent by Fan Keqin are already in place, and they will follow up as soon as they finish their work.

Their rehearsals are quite formal, and the sequence, who says what, and what emotions they show, are all said and done.And the vast majority of them do this themselves.It can be regarded as a real performance, so the rehearsal went smoothly.But in order not to lose the chain in the live broadcast, you must be familiar with it.Therefore, after entering the safe house, this group of people started at around ten o'clock in the morning and ended just after four o'clock in the afternoon.

It's the same when you leave, walk in batches and spread out.This one goes out for a while, and the next one goes out again.What they don't know is that leaving in this way will give the agents of the security bureau a better tracking environment.If you make a big crowd and all go out at once and disperse in an instant, it may happen that you don’t know who you are with, and you will eventually miss one or two people.But now they walk one by one at intervals, and the people from the security bureau follow each other when they come out.That's not down at all.

In this way, one by one followed, these are [-] puppet people, most of them are not professional spies, they are people from the court, defenders, or some office staff, these people There is no anti-tracking capability at all.So it doesn't take much effort to follow.

On Fan Keqin's side, at around 05:30 in the evening, he had obtained the home addresses of sixteen of them.The remaining two people may need to wait, because one of the two people went to eat, and the food was very slow, so they were very leisurely and enjoyed that kind of food.After rehearsing in the safe house, I took a rickshaw and arrived at a small restaurant.Then I ordered a few small dishes, as well as drinks, and drank slowly by myself.

But it is estimated that his home should also be in this area. If he simply wants to have dinner, he should not have to travel so far in a rickshaw.So this small restaurant should also be near his home.

The other one is a young man who has gone to talk to someone.At first, the security bureau's tracking master thought he was home.Followed him to a rich family, but the kid didn't have a key, so he knocked on the door, and a man who looked like a butler invited him in, probably for a meal, because the family's house was smoking when he entered .So the Security Bureau agent who followed him waited for about an hour, and then saw that the kid came out again from this very high-end residence.

And not only himself, but also a woman.It was obvious that it was a target, so the agents of the Security Bureau began to follow the two people again. They went out to watch a movie, and after watching the movie, they drank coffee and ice cream in the coffee shop as a petty bourgeoisie.This is how to send this woman back.

It can be seen that this kid should be coaxing this woman, and this woman's home should not be ordinary, after all, the house can be seen to be of a special grade.In the end, the agents of the Security Bureau followed this kid back home. It can be said that this person's home is okay, but it's just ordinary, not very high-end ones.

Knowing this time, the home addresses of all [-] people who were live broadcasted by Wang Puppet for the big trial will be known.And not only that, tracking is not so simple, but also the situation of the target's home, such as which floor you live in, which street is next to it, and what buildings are there. These buildings basically have several floors, and the streets are connected. Where, where they all lead to, you have to figure it out.

Therefore, it was not until very late that they were brought to Fan Keqin's place.While Fan Keqin was waiting at the company, he reported to Miss Tong.And the reason is very useful, that is, today is the day of shipment.

That's right, since the establishment of the gang that Ma Hongfeng supported Qiu Xingchao, or the company, today is the day to ship.In the past few days, people from Fengyu Company have basically passed on all the precautions needed for the handover of medicines to Qiu Xingchao through Ma Hongfeng.

For this matter itself, Fengyu Company has done a good job under Fan Keqin's command, nothing happened, and the road was smoothed out.So as long as Ma Hongfeng transfers these things to Qiu Xingchao, he will be able to work.It's just copying homework, who can't.Therefore, Qiu Xingchao and his group worked until midnight, received all the goods, put them into storage, and then started shipping the next day, that is, today.

(End of this chapter)

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