spy ace

Chapter 3058 Light and Darkness 2 Ways

Chapter 3058
Fan Keqin's conjecture was correct. The scouts arranged by Bai Fengtai were divided into two groups, one bright and one dark. The bright group pretended to be small traders and went to the pier to investigate the situation along the way.There are fewer people on the dark road, and they use stealth to go around in circles.Although it is definitely not easy to go around in circles, no one can see it.In addition, the sense of direction should be stronger, otherwise, there are many forests in this area, and it is easy to get lost after entering.

The targets of these two groups of people are the road between the dock and the military warehouse.Knowing this road, after walking back and forth, they really found something, because along the way, they saw a few people who seemed to be resting on the side of the road, and there were also tea stalls.There was nothing wrong with the tea stand, and it was operating normally, but when some people were resting on the side of the road, when the investigators came back, they saw a person who was still there.

It stands to reason that no matter how tired a normal pedestrian is, it is impossible for a normal pedestrian to take a rest while going back and forth.No matter how weak your physical strength is, you will be tired after walking for a while, and you will definitely need to walk for a while.Impossible to say to stay in place.Therefore, the investigators who knew this way felt that there should be something wrong with the person who didn't move and was resting on the side of the road.

In fact, the dark road is more clearly seen than the bright road.They were going around in a circle, slowly approaching this road.Of course they also saw those people resting on the side of the road.And they have been monitoring, so they found that some people who were resting on the side of the road got up and left after another group of people who seemed to be on the road came.Then the newcomers on the road also seemed to be quite tired, so they also rested on the side of the road.Although the places are definitely different, they are all the same.

And this kind of person resting on the side of the road, every other period, is one.For example, this road cannot be straight. In some places, there is a corner where there is a rest.Some roads are slightly uphill and downhill, so there is one uphill and downhill position.

This kind of position is actually very ingenious, and they are all places where the road ahead cannot see the road behind.Then people rest here, but they can see both sides.It is very particular.In general, the journey is actually not too far, about five or six kilometers.But because there is no nose on the road, there are not too few people resting on the side of the road.

Therefore, the investigators of the Security Bureau judged that most of these people, at the very least, should be the eyes of the Japanese puppets.Also, the investigators along the way secretly found some hidden clues.That is, they were originally observing in a hidden place, but at the same time, they also discovered that there were people in some small woods by the roadside.These people are also very secretive, they seem to be pretending to enjoy the shade, and they also look like passers-by taking a rest.

But it is really difficult to detect them from that road.After all, the sun is shining brightly, and there is no shelter on the road, which means that the sun can directly shine on the road.And when you stand on the road, even if you look at the woods a little further away, you still can't see the existence of these people clearly.Because these people are in the low shade of the tree, they are shadows in themselves.When you stand in the sun and look into the woods, you can only see the shadows formed by the shade of the trees, but you cannot see specific people.

Fortunately, the scouts along the way in the dark were careful, and they also hid in the woods to check, and they made a big circle from behind, which was equivalent to approaching behind these people.Otherwise it is really not easy to find out.

In addition to the way from the military warehouse to the dock, the dock actually dispatched scouts.But at this time, the situation on the pier was normal, and there was nothing wrong with it.

There are also those wealthy businessmen who donated money and goods. Today, some of them gave things to the Japanese puppets.The little devil sent people to escort these things back to the military warehouse.In fact, Fan Keqin thought about doing it before these wealthy businessmen handed over to the Japanese and puppets.Or do it after the handover, when the little devil is escorting him.

After all, at this time, the number of people escorted by the little devil is really not that many.But again, this is the material or money provided by one family.It's not that these wealthy businessmen have prepared everything together and put it together.So at this time, the number that can be destroyed is too limited.For example, there are ten people, and everything they donate will go somewhere.If you want to destroy everything, you have to wait until they really call out all the things and put them in a certain place before destroying them.

Some of these people will give some today, and another tomorrow, you can't make a move.If you make a move, it's like scaring the snake out of the grass.When the other people were handing over, maybe the Japanese puppets would be more vigilant.Even set up traps waiting for you to take the bait.Therefore, we can only wait for them to get all the things out and concentrate before making a move.Otherwise, what you destroy is only one-tenth of the things, and the remaining nine-tenths will be vigilant.It's hard for you to do it anymore.

Fortunately, there are no other moths.The little devil escorted all these things back to the military warehouse, and did not separate them elsewhere.But this is also normal, because there is only a military warehouse, which is the closest to the pier. If you want to transport everything away in one go as soon as possible, it must be better to put it in the military warehouse.Furthermore, the military warehouse is not small. There is a brigade of guards alone, which shows how big this place is.If it is placed in other places, it is actually better to put it in a military warehouse.And scattered placement, on the contrary, is equivalent to dividing troops.The transportation is also several ways, which is too troublesome.

These situations were reported to Fan Keqin before evening.Investigators wrote quite detailed.A total of several highly suspected Japanese fake eyes were found.How often do they work shifts.Where are they located.It's all clearly recorded.

Fan Keqin looked at the investigation report that came up in this report, and after reading all of them, he suddenly had an idea in his heart, but he didn't say anything, but asked Bai Fengtai to continue to let the investigators investigate, as it is now detailed.

Soon, on the second night, Fan Keqin got the investigation report again, this time it was also very detailed.After Fan Keqin finished reading it, he basically confirmed in his heart that the idea yesterday seemed to be feasible.

So Fan Keqin lit the paper according to the old rules, and then smoked a cigarette with Bai Fengtai to cover up the smell of burning paper.Fan Keqin exhaled a puff of smoke...

(End of this chapter)

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