spy ace

Chapter 3061 Here Comes

Fan Keqin went on to say: "Then, tell the brothers to rest immediately and take their positions after dark."

"It's dark?" Bai Fengtai said: "It's a bit early, isn't it? If the brothers have been lurking for too long, not to mention physical exertion, but the longer the time, the higher the risk of exposure."

Fan Keqin said: "There is no way. The information says it will be tomorrow, but the little devil is really not sure now. He may come later or earlier. What if he arrives in the middle of the night today? The little devil is so anxious now, he will Will it start delivering supplies to the pier without a temporary decision? This possibility cannot be ruled out. So I can only let the brothers work harder. Rest now and be in place at night. , act according to the plan. Otherwise, the devil will walk ahead of us, and we will lose our chance forever."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, and then said: "Tell the brothers, when you are in position to lurk, you must restrain yourself, and don't let the enemy find out. Otherwise, the whole plan will be ruined once, and other operations may be affected. Brother's life. Therefore, we must pay attention... I will wait for their good news."

Bai Fengtai felt the same after hearing it, it was just in case, the devil's boat came ahead of time.If at that time, I and others are not in place, it is even more risky to say that I can't start now.So after he went out, he immediately followed the contact password and started to contact the contacts of each group, and conveyed Fan Keqin's instructions.

In other words, when people are fighting, there is something called morale, which actually involves psychology.After all, it is not material, it can be seen and touched.But this thing does exist.As for the formation of morale, there are many factors.For example, you have seen the other party's skills, and have done detailed research and training on the other party's skills.At this time, you have the bottom line in your heart, so if you play against the opponent, then you must have a psychological advantage.This is like what is said in the Art of War, know yourself and the enemy and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Also, for example, supplies, you are wearing a combat uniform, carrying an automatic rifle, a pistol on your waist, and combat boots.The front and rear are also armed to the teeth like yourself, well-trained and well-armed, then your morale cannot be too low.As small as having food to eat, as big as having an extremely strong motherland behind me, as well as beliefs, etc., these will all affect morale.

But now, the morale of Fan Keqin's subordinates is quite high.Why?Because Fan Keqin first targeted the puppet Wang and the little devils to loot the financial industry in various regions. At least the Security Bureau is really not short of funds now.And with funds, you can even pay for supplies yourself.It can also benefit some of the key figures in Tate, Laomei, such as aid, and more.Or something more specific.

Therefore, the materials of the Security Bureau really feel a bit unique.And Sun Guoxin, the head of the Security Bureau, admired Fan Keqin so much that he even introduced his wife and sister Lu Xiaoya to Fan Keqin, and the two became bridges and relatives.So how could Sun Guoxin not support Fan Keqin?Therefore, adding all these factors together, all of Fan Keqin's actions and various weapons are really sufficient.It's a bit like opening a small stove.But because Fan Keqin did one credit after another, no one can say anything.Therefore, over time, Sun Guoxin's small treatment for Fan Keqin has become a logical norm instead.Even the other directors of the Security Bureau thought it was normal.

In this way, when Fan Keqin's subordinates are now in action, there is indeed no shortage of equipment.That's a morale-boosting situation.Also, Fan Keqin's ability is indeed superb.This thing is like fighting with someone who always loses battles, and you naturally have no bottom in your heart.But if you go to fight with a general who has fought all kinds of battles, subconsciously, you will think: "We can win this time." As long as it is not arrogant and complacent, then the morale must be high.

It seems that now, after receiving the mission, the morale of Fan Keqin's subordinates is indeed high.The higher the morale, the virtually a bonus to the combat ability, that is, the execution ability will become stronger.And the stronger the execution ability, the success rate will naturally increase.This is a very benign domino linkage effect.

With this kind of morale, even if the crime is committed early, the subordinates will ignore it. For example, if you want an ordinary person to lie on the ground and crawl like this overnight without moving, he will quit long ago.But what about people who have been specially trained themselves?Then it must be done.And under this condition, the prefix of high morale was added.That would be even better.

Therefore, the agents of the Security Bureau hardly had any complaints, because they had never failed following Fan Keqin.It's right in place.Most of these people are operatives who will attack after the incident begins.One by one, they used their own methods, lying on the attack position quite secretly, and then lurked down. No one thought: No, I'm so tired of lying on my stomach for so long, so I didn't do it.No, not a single one.This is where morale matters.

If it's the other way around, it's over. If you always lose the battle, you may think in your heart before you can sit on your stomach: "I'm a dog! I want to die again. Let me find a chance to give him a fight!" Black gun." So, before the real fight, it may be doomed.

That's it, after the personnel from the Security Bureau took their positions and lurked, time slowly passed, but Fan Keqin made a mistake, the little devil's boat didn't come early at night.But it's normal, after all, Fan Keqin did this to prevent accidents, and it's a good thing that there are no accidents now.

But this time is early enough, the next morning, it may be not long after the sun has risen.On the horizon, two small black dots appeared.As time went by, the two small black dots also gradually became bigger, and finally slowed down and drove into the No. [-] and No. [-] docks that had been completely blocked by the little devil.

On the other side, the military warehouse guarded by the little devil actually received the telegram from the ship a long time in advance.It started to move. After all, the goods are piled up in the warehouse, mainly food, and it is impossible to put them outside...

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