spy ace

Chapter 3063

Chapter 3063

Although they can't fully see the situation inside the military warehouse, part of it is still possible.I saw the little devils inside moving, and from time to time, cars drove to each warehouse, came out and went in, and carried things.You don't need to ask, the little devil is about to start loading the car.So he immediately made two gestures to the telegram team.

After seeing the gesture, the telegraph team immediately installed the battery and antenna, put on the earphones and started sending the telegram as agreed.In fact, they are in the middle of a high ground, and this terrain is not very suitable for sending reports.Because there are hills blocking it.But don't be afraid of this, their radio stations have relatively high power.Another one, not too far from the city itself.

Therefore, after the receiving team members received the signal, they immediately picked up a phone line they had secretly connected and started calling.That's it, about a few minutes.A liaison officer passed one by one, and the information was passed on to the Security Bureau operatives ambushing on the road.

Then the commander of the on-site operation immediately passed the news to everyone layer by layer, so that they must not expose it in advance, the little devil is coming.The first echelon, on the other hand, immediately began to carry out clean-up activities.

In other words, the first echelon here is really not short of people, there are thirty people.Among them, nearly [-] good fighters have sneaked into the small woods on the left side of the road in a roundabout way.Their goal is to stare at Wang Puppet's secret whistle in the grove.

One person, or several people stare at one.In fact, there are not too many secret sentries of the puppet Wang on this section of the road, there are only seven in total.The reason why there are NO.20 Security Bureau's action masters here is to prevent accidents.After all, these people have always been the eyes in the woods, that is, the dark place.It is also insurance to be fully prepared.

After receiving the signal, the operators of the Security Bureau immediately started to act.In fact, this is a good time. The first notification is to let them prepare to do it at any time, because the devil may come out of the military warehouse at any time.But these secret sentries have a changing of guard time.So, it takes a good amount of time.Don't kill the other party now, but you didn't wait for the cargo convoy to arrive, but the change of guard came, it would be another trouble, and there is a risk of exposure, right?

So when they were ready, less than an hour later, the second signal came.Moreover, during this hour, they really encountered a changing of the guard, which is also normal.After all, Wang Puppet's eyes, no matter it is bright or dark, will change positions every once in a while, and it cannot be said that there is only one person in each position, and they just stay in their seats, and no one can bear it for a long time.It's just a matter of time.

But now it's all right, when the second signal is received, it means that the devil's convoy has come out.Then no matter how slow the opponent is, he will definitely arrive at this section of the road before the next guard change. As soon as the opponent arrives, he will be attacked immediately. At that time, it doesn't matter whether these eyes change guard or not.

Objectively speaking, these fake eyes are not so serious and responsible.After all, if you are serious and responsible, you will be too tired, staring at a certain section of the road, scanning back and forth non-stop.That would be boring.This is the same as going to work. Even serious people will inevitably have a little errands.What's more, each round of these eyes is relatively long, so it is even more impossible to stare at them all the time.

But in this way, it will bring some small troubles to these security bureau operators, that is, there are some eyes, which can move their necks, or change directions, and sometimes look backwards, change postures and so on, so that get more comfortable.

Therefore, these experts from the Security Bureau should approach with caution.But in general, it is impossible for these eyes to turn their backs on the road.Therefore, a little trouble for these experts in the Security Bureau is not too big.It's nothing more than slowing down and finding out the reality.

When he came to him, he suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and the knife in the other hand stabbed down fiercely.And there are so many of them, the average is almost three to one.Therefore, those who hold down the arms and those who control the legs have more than enough. Therefore, it didn't take a total of a few minutes.Then the agents of the Security Bureau immediately stepped forward to fill their positions, and some even took off the other party's coat and put it on themselves.It seems to be looking at the situation on the road just like the eyes before.

Others quickly dragged the dead to a deeper place in the grove without burying them, and threw them in some natural low-lying places, raised the soil on both sides a little, or picked up some dead branches and rotten leaves to cover them up A few will do.In fact, they just throw it, but they do it as a precaution.Then the gang came back and everyone started distributing bombs and Molotov cocktails.

These are the eyes in the dark in the grove, the eyes on the bright side of the road, in fact, they are more difficult to deal with than the eyes in the dark.Because people who hide in the dark are very difficult to be found.But once discovered, and killed.Then he himself is hiding in the dark, and he will not be easily found if he is killed by someone.

This is not the case for people who are on the bright side. On the main road, even if someone passes by, they may find that you are attacking him.It's like breaking it all at once.Therefore, at this time, we must act at the same time.

On this section of the road, there are observation posts set up by the Security Bureau at the front and back.After the observation posts were in place, they immediately began to explore the road ahead.The same is true for the rear, and began to observe the road behind.As long as the two observation posts do not send a signal, it means that no one is coming.

At first, their luck was not very good. Two cars happened to come from the direction of the pier.So the observation post immediately sent a signal to the rear.So the people from the security bureau didn't do anything.Waited until the two cars drove past before starting to act.

And while waiting for two cars to drive past, my heart was raised.I'm afraid I don't have enough time.What if the other devil convoy moves fast.Fortunately, after a while, the two cars drove normally and left this road section.And this section of the road has temporarily entered a vacuum period.

So after the hands were in place, they started together and rushed up suddenly, covering their mouths, stabbing them with knives, and pulling people.On the road, Wang pseudo's eyes are basically in no particular order...

(End of this chapter)

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