spy ace

Chapter 3065 Burning

Chapter 3065 Burning
The reason why he thinks this way is really not complacent.Because Wanshu Xingtai knows that there are many eyes on this road.Moreover, there is only one eye every other period, and there is almost no blank area.In addition, there is another one of these eyes in the dark, which is used to monitor both light and dark, which is equivalent to being able to see clearly the situation on this section of the road.So, what can the other party do if they attack?Can a large number of troops be invested?For example, if there are 2000 people, so many people come, unless they are really blind, otherwise, how could they not be found.

And the reverse is also the same, don't want so many people.A small troop is coming.That's even worse, because it's impossible for a small group of troops to beat him.Furthermore, I dispatched a mobile motorcycle troop in advance to go to the end and end of the road from the pier and the urban area, set up checkpoints, and patrol, which is an extra insurance.So to sum up, this is the source of Kota Wanshu's confidence.

Sitting in the car, slowly looking at the road ahead.Sure enough, after turning into the road that leads directly to the pier, there is an eye on the side of the road every other section of the road.Very well, Kota Mantsusu, who found nothing wrong, continued to move forward with the team at an unpleasant speed.But after driving for a while, Wanshu Xingta suddenly looked at the side of the road, turned around and ran towards the side of the road, and then fell to the ground with a swoop.

Um?what happened?Wan Shu Xingta immediately felt that something was wrong, because the other party could not do this for no reason.And this kind of tactical action is avoiding something.But what are they hiding from?Although he didn't know, Wan Shuxing's vigilance broke the watch in an instant, and he was about to yell when he opened his mouth.What he originally wanted to shout was the command "Enemy attack, prepare to fight!"

Although the car is driving now, there must be a short buffer for the order.But if you don't order at this time, when are you waiting?Definitely the sooner the better.Even if you take ten thousand steps back, nothing will happen in the end, but you have nothing to lose.

But everything came too fast, and before he could make a sound, the roar of the bomb rang in his ears.There was a loud bang, and Wan Shu Xingta's head buzzed, and then he didn't know anything.It turned out that after a bomb exploded on the side of the road, although no shrapnel flew out, stones and the like hit him.But the flames of the explosion spread.At this time, this road is a dirt road, not the kind of two-way eight-lane road in later generations.It's not that wide at all.Therefore, the flames of the explosion and the shock wave were instantly wrapped in huge power, covering the car of Kota Wanshu.Naturally, the devil captain was bombed without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

In fact, the same is true for the driver, even if the co-pilot can block him, but what's the use of that.It was shrouded in the range of the bomb's power, and fell into darkness at a glance.His body was blown sideways, his hands and feet were detached from the steering wheel and accelerator.The speed of the car itself was not fast, and it slipped forward for a short distance before stopping.

The same goes for other cars.When a convoy of cars stops, the rest of the cars will stop if they don't.Because I hit the back of the car, I stopped.In addition, on narrow roads, the tires were blown off or rolled over, which caused the entire convoy to stop congested.

At the moment when the explosion happened, the commander roared, rushed forward and pressed the timing device of the bomb in his hand.In fact, the sound of the explosion was the order, and as soon as the hidden bombs exploded on the roadside, they would start charging.It can be seen that there are dozens of people on this side, forming a skirmish formation, one of them is separated by a long distance, and they get up and charge towards the road ahead.Like the person in charge of the operation of the Security Bureau at the scene, some people pressed the timing switch of the bomb. These timing devices have been modified and adjusted in advance, and they will explode in a few seconds.Feeling that the distance was almost the same, they waved their hands and threw the bombs out.

After throwing out the bomb, the agents of these security bureaus immediately fell to the ground.In the earlobe, I heard: "Boom!" A series of explosive sounds came.The cars, the people in them, and the goods were immediately hit by a second round of explosions.

In fact, when the roadside bomb detonated for the first time, many of the devil soldiers on the scene were still alive.But the distance from the explosion was so close, and they all suffered a certain amount of impact.Moreover, the car rolled over and pretended to be dead, crushing part of it to death.And the second round of explosions came almost immediately after, and even knocked those devils who still had the ability to resist to the ground.This is mainly the second-round bomb, which is very particular, because the outside of the bomb is covered with a layer of steel balls, stones, iron nails, these things.

After all, the bombs thrown in the second round were hand-held and not that big.Therefore, it is particularly important to increase the damage, especially the damage of the vitality.Therefore, when every bomb explodes, there are steel balls, iron pins, stones and the like flying across.It seemed that there was a heavy rain on the road.Those devils who had just experienced the first explosion and still had the ability to resist, after carrying a round of blows on their backs, killed a lot of people again at once, and then they screamed and fell down.

But that's not all.The sound of this round of explosions may have just fallen, and a kind of security bureau agent lying on the ground had already taken out another kind of equipment, the Molotov cocktail.They waved their hands one after another, and threw them in the direction of the road ahead.

In this round of attack, most of the Molotov cocktails were not actually lit.Because it can be thrown faster, otherwise there is still the stage of ignition, which will take a few seconds.Although a few seconds is nothing, it may be left.Because a few of them are slightly behind some Molotov cocktails.These people are different. They all light the cloth strips on the mouth of the Molotov cocktail.After being thrown, the bottle falls to the ground or shatters on the vehicle, and it burns with a whir, which can ignite the previous incendiary bottle.

And the Molotov cocktail is a bit like a range attack weapon. After the fuel in it shatters, it splashes in all directions.These flames that are splashing everywhere are very difficult to extinguish when they reach people.In addition, before the bomb exploded, it might ignite the clothes on some devils, or the goods on the truck.All of a sudden, there seemed to be a very wide and extremely long fire ditch on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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