spy ace

Chapter 3068: The 1st Strike

Chapter 3068 Desperate Strike

Nagata Mitsuo immediately called for his adjutant Yutenji Makoto, who arrived soon: "Your Excellency, General, are you looking for me?"

"Well." Nagata Mizuo said: "Youtian-kun, since you came to China, how do you think we are doing?"

Youtian Temple was really puzzled and didn't understand what Nagata Mizuo meant, but he still said: "I think I did a lot of hard work, and I was almost the one who caught the ghost. If it wasn't for bad luck, I would I wonder if our progress will be even greater. In addition, the strategy you set makes us invincible. The ghost is too good at finding the loopholes of the opponent, and launched an attack without warning. See the information You can know that many people have targeted ghosts before, but they all undoubtedly failed and died. But we are still standing here now."

Nagata Mitsuo nodded, and said: "Invincible...I'm afraid it will fail now."

Youtian Sicheng was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Your Excellency, why did you say that? Did something happen? We are indeed invincible. Although we have not made the latest progress in dealing with ghosts, we are still invincible. Yes, ghosts can't deal with us. We are still here, which is the most solid proof."

Nagata Mitsuo said: "Sicheng, you have been concentrating on studying ghosts these days, so you may have less contact with other information. Have you read the intelligence materials on various battlefields? The Soviet army has already counterattacked. And it has already begun to attack the German mainland. Germany may fail. No, it is not that it is afraid of failure, but it will inevitably fail. After that, the empire will become even more difficult to support. The people may not know it now, or many people may I don’t know yet, because the empire won’t publicize their failures to them, all they know is that the empire has won one victory after another.”

Having said that, Nagata Mitsufu paused, pointed at himself and at Yutenji Makoto, and continued: "But you and I can't help but know that the empire is really in huge trouble now, and it can't be done. Extricate yourself. And once the battle is defeated, we will naturally lose together, so I said, I'm afraid we are really going to lose."

After Youtian Sicheng listened, he didn't speak, but remained silent.What Nagata Mizuo said, as a senior military officer, he is not clear.It's just that no matter what the purpose is, he usually just keeps himself from thinking about it.But now that Nagata Mizuo said this, he couldn't help but stop thinking about it.

But I thought a lot quickly in my mind. No matter what the situation is, it seems that for Japan, the war will eventually fail.Yes, once the battle is defeated, then myself and the general will naturally also lose together.

Nagata Mizuo did not bother him, but lit a cigarette.Smoking silently, he looked at Youtian Sicheng, knowing in his heart that his adjutant was still very capable.So he must be able to understand what he said.

In fact, this is also the case, just look at Youtian Sicheng's frowning and thinking from the very beginning, and it seems that he is not very confused.In the end, it seems that I have to face some things, so I relax with a trace of helplessness.Nagata Mitsuo knew it, he had already made it clear.

Yutenji Makoto looked up at Nagata Mizuo and said, "Your Excellency, is what we are doing now meaningful? It seems that everything has lost its meaning. What can we do to reverse this situation?"

Nagata Mitsuo said: "The cornered beast is still fighting, and we are desperately fighting. If we are still doing routine work, it is absolutely impossible to turn the situation around. We must use the cornered beast's will and determination to fight to the death. It is only slightly possible to launch the most dangerous and courageous action, and you can see a possibility of turning things around. I believe you must have been thinking just now, what else can we do to change this situation? Right?

But you have thought about all kinds of possibilities and methods, and in the end, the empire will face failure.That's because you're still stuck in the rut and haven't really jumped out of the rut. "

Youtian Sicheng said: "Break out of the routine? Has Your Excellency the General found a solution? Please tell me."

Nagata Mitsuo said: "I did think of a way, but this way is too absolute, and it may really make us die without a place to die."

Youtian Temple said sincerely: "Your Excellency, General, just said that a trapped beast will fight to the death. I agree with it. Therefore, no matter what the general said, I think I will understand it."

Nagata Mitsuo said: "Yesterday, when we attended the meeting, when we were studying the next step of the battle, we had done a deduction. Under various possibilities, our final direction was not very ideal. In this case, a colleague Very sad, he said, I don't believe in defeat, because we have great courage. If anyone wants to defeat us, we must face our highest courage. If we can, we can resolve to fight to the last man, Even [-] million pieces of jade. At that time, our lieutenant general will win the final victory."

Youtian Sicheng said: "[-] million pieces of jade?" His eyelids twitched, and said: "That is almost impossible. Isn't this too crazy?"

"Yes." Nagata Mitsuo said: "People must be different, [-] million pieces of jade... If it can be done...But we all understand that it is impossible. But what he said is really true. If it is implemented, it will definitely allow many people to participate in this plan, and it will also cause heavy damage to the opponent... But I think about another direction."

Youtian Sicheng asked, "Another direction?"

"Yes." Nagata Mizuo said: "Youtian-kun, if it were you, please think about if you have an opponent who is almost impossible to defeat head-on. Would you choose to bring everyone together to launch a jade broken attack, or Find a way, try to drag his family and friends to die together, and let him pay the heaviest price."

Youtian Sicheng said: "Is there such a possibility? If there is, I will not rule it out. I will risk everything in the end. But it is impossible? Will he expose his family and friends?"

Nagata Mitsuo said: "Of course it is possible. What the colleague said, Yu Sui's attack is actually to fight to the end, even if everyone in the empire dies, they will never surrender. But I think this method can also be smarter. Why? All the people of our empire? Instead of the other party's nationals?"

(End of this chapter)

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