spy ace

Chapter 3074

Chapter 3074
Directly in the post office, in a corner with few people, Fan Keqin wrote: "The traitor is now named Wang Yan. He worked as a security guard for Teko in Gansu in [-]. He also met the owner of the Sanyuan Bookstore at that time. He was arrested by the military command during the execution of the mission, and then turned against him. Half a month ago, this person accidentally recognized..."

Fan Keqin wrote Wang Yan's situation and the current situation of Sanyuan Bookstore on it.Including the fact that the military command is now cooperating with the little devil and so on.As for how to avoid this, it is beyond Fan Keqin's control.But he believed that since he had written it so clearly, the underground party of the Red Party would definitely be able to deal with it.

After finishing writing, Fan Keqin folded the letter and stuffed it into the envelope.Then he came out of the post office and carefully observed the situation behind him again.After confirming his safety, Fan Keqin headed towards Sanyuan Bookstore.

In other words, according to what Qian Jinxun said, it is diagonally opposite to the left of the main entrance of Sanyuan Bookstore.Surveillance points have been set up by the military commanders.So when Fan Keqin was about to approach the Sanyuan Bookstore, he began to observe silently.And I didn't actually go to the Sanyuan Bookstore, but found a small restaurant to eat on the street on the left side of the Sanyuan Bookstore, walked in, sat by the window, and began to observe.

Sure enough, Fan Keqin saw something in the time spent on a meal.That is a two-story building opposite me that looks like a residence. A window on the second floor has a curtain drawn. However, if the curtain is in another place, it may be normal, but it just happened. At the approximate location Qian Jinxun mentioned, it is not normal.The curtain seems to be closed, but in fact, there is a very small gap on the side.

Fan Keqin's eyesight is so good that he can compare them without any telescope.And it was also because of his good eyesight that during the meal, he saw the curtain move slightly.It's impossible for anyone else to see it, but Fan Keqin just saw it.

In addition, the small movement is the side where a small gap is opened on the side, the lower part.Fan Keqin speculated that there was a person sitting on the side, and because the gap in the curtains was very small, when this person watched again, he couldn't help but move his head very close, so he accidentally touched the curtain slightly, which caused the curtain to move. down.And he is sitting, therefore, is moving slightly in the lower half of the series.

After Fan Keqin made sure of the situation, he finished his meal, paid the money and came out of the small shop.Without pausing, he went directly to the back of the Sanyuan Bookstore.Behind the Sanyuan Bookstore is a residential area with many coal sheds in the middle.Fan Keqin carefully searched around the back, but did not find any monitoring point.But that doesn't mean there really isn't one.He understands some methods of military command, because he taught many of them.So just because you can't find it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.It is possible that surveillance points have been set up at several openings in the back leading to the outside.

So Fan Keqin went out from the other side like a normal person, and then walked to the street this time, and came to the street of Sanyuan Bookstore again.At this time, he saw a newsboy selling along the street.So Fan Keqin covered his mouth with one hand, coughed twice, and said, "Young man, please do me a favor."

As he said that, he took out a banknote from his pocket with the other hand, and said, "You get a copy of Ta Kung Pao, Yahui Daily, and New Evening News. Then help me deliver it to the Sanyuan Bookstore in front. The boss is a man wearing glasses. , My name is Comrade Tong Yin, you just say I sent it, and he will know. This is money, don’t need to look for it.”

While talking, he gave the money to the newsboy, but his other hand was kept in a fist, as if his throat was a little uncomfortable and he was about to cough.Then the eyes are slightly fascinated on purpose, in this way, the eyes are also different from before.In this way, even if the newsboy saw his appearance clearly, it was not his original appearance.It's just that the clothes are a bit high-end, but there are a lot of people who wear suits in Shanghai.So no problem.

"Okay sir." The newsboy was very happy to see it, and said, "Thank you, I will deliver it now."

Fan Keqin said: "Wait a minute. Ahem..." Then he took out the letter, put it in his newspaper pocket, and said, "Give him this letter too."

"Okay, sir." The newsboy said, seeing Fan Keqin coughing and waving his hands, he immediately turned and walked into the street.Fan Keqin didn't go there either, and focused on super vision.Although this is on the street and Sanyuan Bookstore is in this street, other people can't see it, but Fan Keqin can see it very clearly.

Seeing that the newsboy had indeed entered the Sanyuan Bookstore, Fan Keqin was relieved.In fact, it is impossible for this newsboy to say that he will not do anything after receiving money. After all, it is normal to run errands for others.For example, when he was selling newspapers, a person in a coffee shop called him over and gave him a dime: "Go and run an errand for me and buy a pack of cigarettes." He would definitely go.So the newsboy really didn't feel that strange.

And he is carrying a newspaper bag, this kind of newsboy has to go to the newspaper office early in the morning, then pick up the newspaper, and then come out to sell it.If he really took the money but ran away without doing anything, and if he really offended someone, he should go to the newspaper to sue.The newspaper office is definitely not willing to offend customers, and the newspaper office is really not short of a newsboy, so it can find a lot of them every minute, okay?

So this newsboy came to the door of Sanyuan Bookstore, pushed the door open and walked in.It seems that a shop owner is probably paying a customer, but it is true that the gentleman with a bad throat said before, the shop owner is a person wearing glasses.So he waited for a while.

Not long after taking the bill, the customer left.The shop owner looked at the newsboy and said, "What's the matter? You're here to sell newspapers, okay, give me a new evening paper."

The newsboy took out Ta Kung Pao, Yahui Daily, and New Evening News and handed them to the shop owner, saying, "Just now there is a gentleman who asked me to deliver three newspapers to you, oh, and there is a letter. He said his name is Tong Yinzhi , the money has already been paid."

"Oh?" The owner of Sanyuan Bookstore became alert instantly, and said, "Okay, did he say anything else?"

"It's gone." The newspaper boy said, "Boss, if you're okay, I'll go out and continue selling newspapers."

"Okay." The owner of Sanyuan Bookstore nodded with a smile, put the three newspapers and letters under the table, and said, "You can go. Thank you."

When the newsboy went out, the owner of Sanyuan Bookstore immediately took...

(End of this chapter)

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