spy ace

Chapter 3081

Chapter 3081
"Hey." Fan Keqin said, "Succeed, you have figured out this point of office politics."

"It's okay, there is still room for improvement." Qian Jinxun said: "Hey, you have to help me after the establishment."

"Why should I help?" Fan Keqin said: "This matter, if you offend others, you should just suffer the pain yourself, and you need to bring a back-up?"

"Hey, that's true." Qian Jinxun said: "I have asked the Shanghai Station to conduct a self-examination, which is the method you told me to use time clues to delineate the area. But no matter how strong they are, can they be stronger than you? I wondered So, quickly straighten things out, and then go back to the headquarters, Shanghai is too dangerous, only a master like you can enter the land of no one, I can't."

Fan Keqin glanced at him and said, "Why didn't you understand? Didn't you just say that Boss Dai asked you to stay here to set up a supervisory office? After you established it, wouldn't it be equivalent to completing the task? Directly Can't you just slip away?"

"Huh?" Qian Jinxun was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It seems... no, or no, I still have to send a telegram to Boss Dai, and then he orders me to leave. The safest way is to Find out the inner ghost, and then I will be able to leave for sure."

Fan Keqin said: "Then you try it first. When Boss Dai really says so, you will be close to it. Anyway, just a little bit of grinding. If you can delay it, a little bit is a little bit. Maybe at that time Shanghai The Red Party was caught inside the station. Then it has nothing to do with you.”

"It seems to be okay." Qian Jinxun said: "But I hope what you said is true. If the internal inspection of Shanghai Railway Station can be successful, hey, then everyone will be happy. To be honest, the Red Party is not easy to deal with. So I really don't want to touch it at all in the future. If I really offend you to death...then, it's dangerous, very dangerous."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "Well, it's enough to know the danger. But just procrastinating is not the solution, you have to let Boss Dai see that you have been busy working here, so you have to be diligent in reporting, and report on the progress every now and then. Let Boss Dai know that you are very busy and devoted to your work. The work you do must be necessary. Didn’t he ask you to set up a supervisory office? The safe house needs to be prepared. What will happen after the person arrives? The composition of the structure, how to transmit information. How to make up the code name and contact password of each person, where they will live after they come. A group of several people, or each of them is a single line. Wait, etc., these are you This chief executive must consider, and the content of the primary job.

Then, when your subordinates come, you let them look it up and explain the content.As for how they investigate, it must be their own abilities.Then you check the situation with them and report diligently.In this way, what I just said, the work you have to do, will be reported to the past every now and then.That's it.In fact, you haven't reached out to the Red Party, and you haven't offended anyone in Shanghai.If it doesn't work, I'll design a play for you that will cause you to be seriously injured.The very reasonable kind that ended up getting away with it.In this way, can't you go back to the headquarters?Anyway, there are means. "

"Damn it." Qian Jinxun said, "I'm a bit confused when you say that, but if you design a play, let's forget about it, and then it will be seen."

"Look at the fart." Fan Keqin said: "I designed it, how can people see it. The little devil is not given for nothing, and the devil's spies are even better than monkeys. They also check the local In various situations, then your actions are theoretically possible to be detected by the devils. Then the devils will logically launch actions against you, right? You are their leader, and they will target you The action is reasonable, right?

Then, as the deputy director of the military command, you have good skills, and they want to capture you alive without scaring you to death. If you are lucky, it is possible for you to escape from death with a narrow escape, right?As long as all the links are in place, Boss Dai is accompanying the capital. How can he tell if he is so far away?What's more, if the details are in place, even eyewitnesses can't tell it's fake.Who can tell?Are you sure it's fake?Is there any evidence?Talk nonsense with just one mouth.Besides, you are honorably injured, who is so cruel, inhuman, rubbish, immoral, stinky shit, just talking nonsense there.Can such a person be trusted? After finishing speaking, he raised his eyebrows towards Qian Jinxun.

"I'm stupid." Qian Jinxun said, "It's really true when you say that."

Since then, the topic of the two of them has been a little skewed, so they just chatted nonsense, what happened with each other, how is Lu Xiaoya doing recently.What book did you write again, Dad, how is your uncle's family doing?Then Qian Jinxun also asked Fan Keqin how he was doing in Shanghai, and he was ordered to have a quick meeting with Miss Tong.Anyway, just say anything.

In the end, the two drank all the beer in a box, not the kind of later generations, but the big box with 24 bottles in a box.But the two brothers are the type of drinking beer without getting drunk, so there is nothing wrong with it other than getting drunk.After saying goodbye to each other, they each fled.

The next day, after Fan Keqin returned to the company, at about ten o'clock, Bai Fengtai walked in and said, "An insider on Line No. 20 reported that the Yongtian Mansion has made a big move. They have been ordered to Find some independent houses in some places in Shanghai. Then use the most normal means to take them down, such as renting them out. Or some hotels, inns, etc., have opened long-term private rooms. But the insiders are just doing these these days It’s not clear what the matter is.”

Speaking of this, Bai Fengtai paused for a moment, and then said: "Brother Heng, is it possible that these little devils are going to set up some kind of safe house? If so, does that mean that more people are needed to come in, so the Will do this. There must be some action. But these days they are all over Shanghai, looking for these houses and hotel rooms in many places. The insider said that he alone found a full twelve house."

"Safe house?" Fan Keqin said: "If it's really a safe house, there must be too many people here. He found twelve of them himself. What about the devil's other spies? Or did he just find it by himself? "

"It's not just him." Bai Fengtai said: "Our insider was originally from the inspection brigade, but was just transferred to Yongtian Mansion. He is just one of several former inspection brigades who were recently transferred to Yongtian Mansion to perform peripheral tasks. "

(End of this chapter)

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