spy ace

Chapter 3092 Contradictions

Chapter 3092 Contradictions
Now that Ma Li is in the front, it is fine. If you really want to meet such a person, Ma Li itself may have a little money. After all, it is impossible to carry too much when performing tasks.Then as soon as you give the money, basically nothing will happen.Taking ten thousand steps back, you can at most give the other party a bicycle that is quite valuable in this year.As for the puppet Wang, or the city defense, the little devil patrol team, and the gang of the police station, if you don't resist too fiercely, there is no time to insist on killing you.Once you cooperate, they will search you out.

But the horsepower is tantamount to blocking the disaster for Lao Qu, and the old Qu who is behind finds out and hides immediately.But they can't do it the other way around, because Lao Qu is indeed carrying something more suspicious, which is the picture he drew before.Even if you don't resist and give everything, what if you meet someone who knows how to do it?Can you guarantee that no one in the patrol team you meet will suspect this thing?
But this time, the two of them went well.There are not too many buildings in the suburbs, and it can be seen that it is quite far away at a glance.Therefore, when I returned to the urban area, I did not meet the patrol team.They immediately reported the situation they detected, as well as the picture drawn, to the upline.

About an hour later, Fan Keqin received the message.He sat behind the desk, looked at the map, and listened to Bai Fengtai's narration in detail.Putting down the map, he said: "My brothers' investigation is quite meticulous. This map can reveal many problems. It seems that there is a smooth road in front of the factory. I believe there should be such a buffer zone in all directions. This is a standard military According to the description, the detective brothers judged from the appearance that this suspected factory has been around for six or seven years, seven or eight years. It was built before and after the little devils invaded Shanghai. If it was built locally in Shanghai... not so much Possibly, the local war was very urgent at that time, would someone build a factory in the suburbs at this time?

So I judged that it was built after the little devils invaded, so you can look it up later.If it was built by little devils, they will catch strong men, or use fake methods to get a batch of local people to help them work.The little devil is very evil, but even if it is a secret massacre.But these people are dead, what about the family?What about their relatives, friends and neighbors in the local area?You can't know all of them, they don't exist, if you send people to start from this aspect, you will be able to find out some things. "

Bai Fengtai nodded, and said: "Don't worry, Brother Heng, I've made a note of it, and I'll instruct my brothers to use this method to check later. The little devil was crazy at the beginning of the war, so if so many workers are involved , They can't get everything clean from beginning to end, I believe they will be able to find it."

"Well." Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "What is the little devil doing to investigate this factory now? If my guess is correct, there is a contradiction now. It is that if this factory is really made by the little devil However, the investigating brothers discovered that the spies of the little devil were investigating this factory. How could they investigate their own people on their own. There must be a big problem here.” While talking, he thought for a while, and then said: It is really difficult to judge with the current information. How about this, you are also called a good detective, and go to watch this factory.

But you have to remember that there are devil spies also investigating this factory, and we only found a group of devil spy investigators, maybe there are such devil investigators everywhere, you have to remind brothers, be careful at this point.To let them investigate step by step, from the periphery, slowly, it is best to find out where the investigators of these devils and spies are investigating and how many people there are.After mastering it, it is also possible to scout the factory.In short, the principle remains the same, I would rather turn around and leave than let the other party find out.Understand? "

"Understood." Bai Fengtai said: "I will tell my brothers carefully."

Fan Keqin said: "There is another suggestion. How were the two devil spy investigators discovered today? I think we can start from this aspect and discover other devil investigators. Anyway, you can give it a try. Anyway, if our current manpower is only for investigation, there will be more than enough.”

After Bai Fengtai and Fan Keqin said goodbye, they immediately began to dispatch troops according to the situation discussed by the two of them, and carefully emphasized some precautions that Fan Keqin had instructed.And the investigators, after receiving the order, also began to act.

There are several groups of people guarding the passable road where the Nagata Mansion is located. Although they can't get too close to the Nagata Mansion, it's like investigating a house. You are in a community and we can't see it intuitively. What should we do? ah?We sent people to watch all the intersections in the community.Then even if you come out, unless you fly in place, otherwise, you will definitely be able to keep an eye on it.

Some investigators took a roundabout way, first went to Taicang, and then hid in it.After all, the factory is still quite close to Taicang, so it will be more convenient to go there, and then from the periphery, we will investigate bit by bit, narrowing down and approaching the factory.

Some people directly started to make unannounced visits in Taicang, which is also the reason why the factory is close to Taicang.Therefore, if it was really a little devil who messed with the factory, it is unlikely that people in Taicang would be unaware.

In this way, pieces of information were quickly collected in Fan Keqin's place.After sorting it out with Bai Fengtai, he got some preliminary information about the factory.Speaking of which, at that time, it was indeed the little devils who made the factory, and many people were recruited in the local area. At that time, the devils were very rampant. You should slow down a little bit, and sometimes even look at each other, and just whip the whip, and some people even disappeared immediately. up.Therefore, the local people in Taicang know about this factory.

It happened to be one month after the little devils invaded Shanghai, and started to set up this factory.Moreover, the investigators also found a local worker who was digging the earthwork at that time. The other party reported a situation, that is, the earthwork dug at that time was very deep.They were very scared of each other, at first they thought it was a mass grave.Because the little devil did such immoral things, but he did it a lot.But after doing it, I found that it was not, because the large pits of mass graves are not so regular, and there is nothing wrong with irregular shapes.

But the hole dug by the devil this time is quite regular, and it doesn't need to be that deep even for laying the foundation.At that time, there were knowledgeable workers here, in order to let everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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