spy ace

Chapter 3097 Reminder

Chapter 3097 Reminder
It can really destroy the devil's actions.However, it is quite difficult to implement it concretely.Because the vehicle information held by the devils is somewhat scattered.The rental car dealers are fixed, after all, those car dealers are there.As long as the devil makes an appointment for the car dealer to use the rented vehicle at a certain moment before the action, the car dealer will prepare the car in advance.For insurance, they can make appointments with several car dealers.In this way, even if a certain car dealer does not have so many cars, it can still have cars from the surplus.

In addition, the little devil also prepared three places to hide vehicles.One is a factory and the other two are residential areas.The factory is kind of abandoned and has been requisitioned by the Nagata Mansion through the Defense Office.Then these little devils steal cars all over the world, and once they park the stolen cars in this factory, it's over.The owners of the lost cars could not be found either. After all, the factory was taken over by the Defense Office, and no one could go inside to check.The other two residential areas are two places with relatively more cars.

The density of parking downstairs in these two places is relatively high, so the little devil didn't have to steal the car before, as long as he needed the car again, he would use some means to get the car and drive away immediately.If it wasn't for the people from the Security Bureau to track down the devils in charge of this area, and if there were insiders, it might not be possible to find out.After all, they didn't do anything, just monitored and visited, and the car was not lost. It was not easy for people to think of this in advance.

Fan Keqin could even imagine that after the devil had these cars, the cars from the taxi shop...or, in other words, some of the several taxi companies could be used as spares.Once in action, even if some cars cannot be driven away for some reason, the devil also has a backup in terms of the number of cars needed.

But it is precisely because the cars that these devils like are a bit scattered, so it is really not easy for Fan Keqin to start with the car.The most important thing is the timing of the devil's action, which is not known in advance.Even if Fan Keqin is fully supported by the headquarters, he can get whatever he wants, such as timers, TNT and the like.But how do you install it? Even if you can install it, will your timer start or not?The little devil didn't do anything after starting it, but when the time came, it exploded, wouldn't the devil find out?
People in the Nagata Mansion can find another car, this time it will definitely be more secretive.In addition, the bombing of vehicles was done by the Security Bureau.In the eyes of everyone, the Nagata Mansion has nothing to do with this matter.So it was very convenient for them to find a car again.Furthermore, if it is more secretive, I may not be able to discover and deal with it in time like now.

Therefore, Fan Keqin immediately began to count the number of equipment in his possession, regardless of whether he could use it or not, at least he had to have it.Having something in your hand and whether you need it or not are two completely different concepts.

In addition, there is another piece of information, that is, those who were recently recruited as insiders, those from the third wing, responded to the suspected factory in the suburbs, but it was actually a secret warehouse of the devils.From the original, supplies were delivered twice a month, and now, they have to be delivered once every ten or eight days.This is because the little devil's supplies are indeed scarce, and it was okay from the beginning, and a lot of things that could be pulled were sent over.Up to now, the pull is much less than before.So just reduce the quantity.But it is definitely not enough for the people inside to eat, so if you collect some, you will give some away.There are also more batches.

Fan Keqin was wondering if this situation could be used to further investigate the suspected factory.For example, let these insiders have a wider range of activities inside the factory.In this way, more situations can be seen.

But after trying it once, it is not easy to find.First of all, even if they have a reasonable excuse, they cannot go underground.And their excuses can only be a look at certain places on the ground, for example, it is late, so they can only go to the cafeteria for a meal.Or to help transport materials, when unloading the truck, they can only transport these items to the storage room of the factory.It is impossible to enter more secret places.

Therefore, Fan Keqin was thinking about whether he could send people in to investigate, but finally dismissed the idea.Once this thing is discovered, there will be big trouble.Even if Fan Keqin went there in person, it wouldn't work.It wasn't that he was unsure, but he thought that if it was a secret warehouse, then the entrance must be guarded at all times, unless you kill the guards, otherwise you will not be able to get inside anyway.

So Fan Keqin called Bai Fengtai, who came to his office quickly.Fan Keqin said: "I just thought about it, if I remind the little devils in the factory."

"Remind the little devils guarding the factory?" Bai Fengtai repeated, thought for a while, and said, "If this is the case, the little devils in the factory will be alert. And we will not go back to attack that factory, only the Yongtian Mansion The little devils in the factory may be detrimental to the factory. Then if the little devils in the factory are prepared... I don’t know the effect, but it will definitely add trouble to the other party. It’s just that the method of reminding must be careful, and the people in the Nagata Mansion must not be suspicious. We were involved. Otherwise they might change their tactics or do things in some other way that we don't know about. That would be bad for us."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Yes, we should pay more attention to the method of reminding. In other words...the timing, the timing must be well controlled. As long as we do a good job in this aspect, then the devils in the Yongtian Mansion want to change their tactics. It's no use anymore."

Bai Fengtai said: "For example, the moment before they launched?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "Similar timing. Think about it, if the devils in the Nagata Mansion are about to start their actions. Then, on the other side of us, immediately 'remind' the devils in the factory that someone is going to harm them. They raised their vigilance and made good defensive preparations. In this way, it happened that the people in the Nagata Mansion were hit head-on when they were attacking. This time difference is very short, even if the devils in the Nagata Mansion were unable to react, they still thought that the factory The devils are the same as before. What effect will that have?"

Bai Fengtai said: "There are at least two squadrons of devils in the factory, that is, more than 100 people. And this is just a conservative number. I personally think that it is more reasonable to have a squadron of devils inside. They are defensive, and they will be more defensive. Take advantage of……"

(End of this chapter)

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