spy ace


In this way, the film in the film has been received inside the film, and no exposure will be formed.Then he opened the back cover of the camera, took out the handout, and put it in a separate compartment on the inside of the briefcase.He took out a new one and quickly installed it in the camera.

Chu Shun came out of this corridor, as if nothing had happened, took a briefcase, walked around, found his bicycle, and rode away again.On the road he was not riding very fast, his normal speed.Therefore, it took about 10 minutes to come from the South District to the West District.His goal this time is the little devil's equipment transfer point and storage warehouse.But this transshipment point and storage warehouse are not located in the city.But in the suburbs not far away.

Chu Shun first rode out from the dirt road normally, and then judged that he had completely passed the transfer point and storage warehouse, and saw that there was no one in private.Chu Shun immediately turned a corner and went straight to the grove beside the road.When he got inside, he pushed the car nearly 100 meters and put it upside down on the ground.Then I picked up some branches and covered them up.Then go back again.When you reach the edge of the woods, start walking along the edge.In this way, he has been walking for nearly an hour.After leaving the woods, I took some small paths formed by small dirt bags.

Eventually rounded out to the back of this transfer point and storage warehouse.In the low area formed between the two small soil pockets, he took out his camera and snapped pictures of the devil's transfer point and storage warehouse.Several photos were taken in succession.Then he put away the camera and listened to the movement around him.Once again along this path, began to circle up.

In this way, Chu Shun took a lot of photos in three different positions at the devil's transit point.After the filming was over, Chu Shun returned to the grove when it was already dark.There is no way, because of the terrain, and the opponent cannot be aware of it, he needs to walk very carefully, and has to detour back and forth.

Chu Shun has a good sense of direction. Regardless of the darkness, he still found his bicycle in the woods, but he didn't move.Instead, I found a big tree next to it and rested for a while.I don't sleep either. After all, the weather has cooled down. Sleeping here may freeze the body to death.It's even more dangerous if you lose your temperature.Therefore, I would rather walk slowly in the woods than find a place to rest.And for one night, it's fine.

It's just that he really suffered. In the middle of the night, he was a little hungry, so he took out a few sausages in his briefcase and made a big meal.These things are all meat products, so they are quite full.By the next morning, it was light.Looking at his watch, it was almost time, Chu Shun pushed the car to the outside of the woods.He was optimistic when he came out, and it was a time when there were no people.So he got on the bike and quickly returned to the city.

It would be fine if he entered the urban area, and now he was most afraid of running into patrols in the suburbs.If this happened, it would be really bad.Fortunately, I am careful all the way and always pay attention.It's not so scary to enter the urban area, just beware of the checkpoints or checkpoints that the Japanese puppets may set up on the main roads.Just walk some small paths between the buildings.Furthermore, it was morning at this time, and there were quite a few people coming out, so he was not conspicuous at all among the passers-by.

I'm just a little tired, after all I haven't slept all night.The body is very tired, after a few laps.Arriving at the agreed dead mailbox, he put Dong XZ in the door of a community unit, above the door frame as soon as he entered.There is a hole here.Two rolls of film just fit inside.

Then Chu Shun came out really generously this time, even if he encountered any inspections, he would be fine.After all, it's nothing without film, so I found a phone booth, dialed a number, rang twice, and hung up.I was calling, and hung up again after two rings.After doing this three times in a row, Chu Shun bought some food and drink on the street again, and walked home.

In other words, after Fan Keqin's order came down, there were as many as a dozen investigators like Chu Shun.These investigators are all people with real investigative ability.Each of these people is basically in charge of a place, such as the little devil's military warehouse, barracks, and the location of the city defense artillery battalion, supply stations, and so on.The Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their abilities, and photographed these places in their own ways, just like Chu Shun.Some also photographed the surroundings of the target, so that more references can be made.

There are about twenty film rolls alone, nearly thirty.Fan Keqin directly asked Bai Fengtai to contact Lao Qi's secret transportation line.Let them transfer these films to the rear headquarters. Of course, how to get them in the capital and how to screen the targets for air strikes.Then forget about his business.

After all this was done, Fan Keqin still listened to reports every day to see what the little devil's agencies such as the Nagata Mansion were doing.But still the same, no problem.But the more this happened, the more Fan Keqin felt that his judgment was right, because he felt that he used the weapon of that situation, and there were so many houses in Shanghai.The lethality will be extremely fierce, so this method must be used last.There is no movement now, but it has confirmed my judgment even more.

On this day, Fan Keqin had breakfast at home as before, kissed Miss Tong goodbye, at the door of an empty house.Then drove the car to the company.But in the middle of the drive, a sharp and long-lasting sound suddenly entered the ears.The whining sound, from low to high, made people feel in their hearts that something extremely dangerous was about to happen.

Fan Keqin looked through the car window and saw that the pedestrians on both sides of the street were not the same as before. Some of them heard the sound and ran into the nearby buildings, or restaurants, or various shops.Some people were curious or bold, but stopped and looked up, as if they were looking for something in the sky.Some also pulled their family members or friends, and changed from a leisurely gait to a brisk walk. They didn't know whether they were going to the air-raid shelter or wanted to go home as soon as possible.

Since the street was more chaotic than before, the car drove very slowly because of some pedestrians crossing the road.And just as the screaming sound sounded, it didn't take long for Fan Keqin to see a row of planes in the sky, passing through the urban area.At the same time, the direction to the south of the city seems to be...

(End of this chapter)

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