spy ace

Chapter 3120 Experienced

Chapter 3120 Experienced
Huazhang nodded and said, "I understand."

Sun Guoxin said: "Now, the devils have reached the most critical moment, or the last moment, so the spies in the accompanying capital are a bit of a sign of resurgence. Or those who could only lurk in the water before, can't do it without showing their heads. Some actions, to drink poison to quench thirst. But we have to guard against it. It is right for you to focus on investigating Lan Ning's matter for the time being. After all, the old man can come first, but the spies who are active cannot relax. "

"I understand the position." Huazhang said: "I will try to take care of it."

Huazhang said so, and he did so.In itself, the spies who accompanied the capital showed signs of resurgence, which was the first thing her special investigation department felt.Targeted deployments are already underway.On the other side, they began to arrange how to get some artificial evidence.

Huazhang opened the door, kicked in and out, and called an agent named Wang Honglei into the house.Asked: "Have you confirmed the case on Jinbao Street, it is most likely a stronghold of spies."

"Yes." Wang Honglei said: "Section Chief, when I was doing the trick, I went in and checked the situation carefully. I can basically confirm that the phonograph in his house is a remodeled radio station. I can guarantee that the other party will never notice it."

"Very good." Huazhang said: "The gramophone is for the radio station, who else knows?"

"No more." Wang Honglei said: "This is a confidential matter. I finished the investigation and just reported to you."

"Well." Huazhang said: "This is right, and don't tell anyone in the future. Just pretend you didn't find that radio station at all, understand?"

"Okay, I got it." Although Wang Honglei didn't know what Huazhang meant, but as a subordinate, you didn't know the reason for the task given to you by your superior. This is a very normal situation.After all, what they are doing is keeping secrets. How can they explain all the ins and outs to you clearly.

Hua Zhang said: "Go out and call Kang Yan in."

"Hey." Wang Honglei agreed, turned and walked out.After a while, an agent named Kang Yan walked in and said, "Section Chief, you are looking for me."

"Well." Huazhang said: "Go now and gather all the people on your team. After 10 minutes, I will personally lead the team to the mission."

"Yes." Kang Yan stood at attention, turned around and walked out immediately.Huazhang watched him close the door, picked up the phone, and was transferred to a place called Duofu Hotel, and it was very fast.The call was transferred to another room, and a male voice rang out, "Hello? Who is looking for me?"

"Boss Zou, it's me." Huazhang said with a smile, "What do you think of the business we discussed last time?"

"Ah, it's Mrs. Wan." The male voice surnamed Zou said: "I think the electrical materials business was successful last time. I think it's very good. I look forward to continuing to cooperate next time. What's the matter, Mrs. Wan, do you want to do it again?" Take care of it?"

"It's not about caring." Huazhang said: "If Boss Zou has time, how about we have an interview later?"

"I have time." The male voice surnamed Zou said: "Madam Wan invites you, how dare you refuse. Then I will wait for you at the same place as last time?"

"Okay." Huazhang said, "I'll be there in a while."

They naturally used code words for their conversation. In fact, this Duofu Hotel was established as a main monitoring point.This monitoring point was established by Huazhang after Wang Honglei found out a highly suspected spy stronghold on Jinbao Street last night.And the content of this conversation was that she was asking if the other party was going out, and the answer was no.As for talking about business, it's all code words for safety.

Putting down the phone, Huazhang pulled out a German PPK pistol from the drawer.That's right, this gun was actually given to her by Fan Keqin.This gun is very small, specially designed for secret agents.And women's palms are smaller than men's, so this gun Huazhang is more convenient to hold and more concealed.

Huazhang checked the magazine and the spare magazine, and put them directly in the pocket of the windbreaker, while the spare magazine was placed in the pocket on the other side.The gun itself is relatively small, and the windbreaker itself is relatively large. If it is in a normal posture of walking, sitting and lying, it is difficult to see that there is a gun in Huazhang's pocket just by looking at it.

Huazhang came out of the office of the head of his special investigation department and went downstairs directly.The members of the first operation team of the special investigation department have been combined under Kang Yan's notice.Huazhang said: "At least two people, break up the whole into parts, and go to the back of the Duofu Hotel on Jinbao Street separately. I will wait for you there. Be sure to arrive within half an hour. Act now!"

With an order, everyone formed their own teams, some in groups of two, and some in groups of three or four.The purpose of doing this is also confidentiality.Hua Zhang sat in the back seat of Kang Yan's car.Soon, the car drove out from the compound of the Security Bureau.

The journey went smoothly to the back of the Duofu Hotel, and I didn't get off the car, just waiting here.In less than half an hour, the members of the action team had already arrived.Huazhang got out of the car, ordered a few people casually, and said: "You group, go to the back of No. 82 Jinbao Street. The purpose is to prevent the people inside No. 82. When we are operating, someone escapes from behind. Catch them. If you resist, you can shoot them to death. Take action in 10 minutes. Watch the time yourself."

"Yes." Several people agreed and immediately turned and left.Huazhang looked at the rest of the people again, and said: "The rest of the people, as soon as 10 minutes are up, immediately launch a surprise attack on No. 82. Same, if you see anyone, you can arrest them and kill them if they resist. Go!"

The remaining eight people expressed their understanding, turned around and left.Huazhang got into the back seat of the car again, waiting for the time.So, with about a minute left, Huazhang said: "It's almost time, let's drive there."

"Yes." Kang Yan in the driver's cab agreed and started the car.He suppressed the speed of the car, and almost at the right time, he stopped across the street from No. 82 Jinbao Street.

As soon as he stopped, he saw a few passers-by on the street who seemed to be here normally, suddenly changed their postures, and pulled out their pistols from their waists.Immediately began dashing into what appeared to be a pharmacy.These agents of the Security Bureau are like wolves and tigers. After all, the Special Investigation Section actually does a lot of operations. Apart from spies, they are often involved in some extremely bad cases in the whole city.Therefore, whether they are facing criminals or spies, their arresting experience can be said to be quite rich.

(End of this chapter)

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