spy ace

Chapter 3130 The Stone in the Pit

Chapter 3130 The Stone in the Pit
He strangled the boy's neck.Several other people also rushed forward, hugged his thighs and lifted him up, directly forced him into the car, followed by a kick of the accelerator, and disappeared at the T-junction in front of the street.

On this street, there were other passers-by, and after seeing it, they knew that they might have been kidnapped.But after all, they didn't know the identity of Shimizuki Hidekazu, they just thought that the kidnappers took down a certain rich man.There are many people with different thoughts.It's more about where there is a lot of discussion, just for fun.However, there were also those with a strong sense of responsibility, who ran directly to the bar and started calling the police.

The special agent of the security bureau didn't care about this, the car drove away from the kidnapping point quickly, and when passing through a very quiet alley, the car stopped for a short while.From a small courtyard next to it, a few people came out, and these people carried Qingshui Mixiuhe directly into the house.Then the car immediately started again, using the alley.

Then, the car started to drive towards the suburbs.It's just that, without passing a relatively secluded place, I paused and got out of the car alone.When the real drive out of the city, there is only one driver.He came to the suburbs, drove to the designated place, and threw the car here.In the end, I rode a bicycle, wandered around again, and returned to the city.

And Kiyomizu Kihideka was already tied tightly.Before the chew was taken off, a basin of cold water was poured on it.Excited, he shivered, and slowly opened his eyes.Seeing him awake, one of the agents held a knife in his hand, and said: "Shimizu Kihidekazu, the agents of the Chrysanthemum Agency, you should probably guess who we are, no nonsense, I invited you here to let you Cooperative. Agree?"

Shimizu Kihidehe listened, although he couldn't speak, he shook his head vigorously with his eyes wide open.Seeing him like this, the Security Bureau agent with a knife took out a large yellow croaker from his pocket, put it on the table, and said, "Cooperating with us is beneficial, and the most important thing is that you don't have to die. Tell me about it." Death is like extinguishing a lamp. If you die, you will lose everything. Do you think about it again?"

This time, Shimizu Kihideka also closed his eyes.The Security Bureau agent with a knife said: "You work in the Chrysanthemum Agency, so you should be very well informed. The Yankees have already defeated you steadily in the Pacific Ocean. In the domestic battlefield, the total number of captured and killed little devils How many? Hundreds of thousands or millions? Your soldiers are already on the battlefield now, and you can’t recognize the situation. So cooperate with us and fight to the end for a war that must be defeated. What's the point?

There are benefits to joining us, there is money to be made, no matter whether you win or lose in the end, you will get huge benefits yourself.Shouldn't you hurry up on such a thing?I'm not afraid to tell you that in all your units, many people have already agreed to our conditions and work for us, so what else do you need to consider?How about it?As long as you nod your head, these two big yellow croakers are your greeting gift, and there will be more in the future. "

Unhurried, but extremely sincere after speaking this paragraph.Shimizu Kihideka opened his eyes and glanced at him again.But there was only anger and ferocity in his eyes.Maybe there is still a little sense of despair.But this is not important anymore. What is important is that all the agents of the Security Bureau present understood the meaning in his eyes.

The Security Bureau agent with the knife waved his hand and said, "Let him suffer."

As soon as the voice fell, an agent next to him had already picked up a length of wire, and clipped it to both sides of Shimizuki Hidekazu's waist.Another agent was behind him, covering his mouth and nose with a towel with a rubber gloved hand.Then the light was turned on.

At this time, they had already taken off the light bulb from the light bulb, and specially connected two wires from the lamp head, and clamped it to Kiyomizu Kihidekazu's body.Therefore, he is equivalent to being a human lamp now.In addition, in order to cope with the possible torture this time, they connected a copper wire to the fuse of this house.Basically no matter how it burns, it will not break.

Shimizu Kihide and Dengshi's eyes were wide open, and within a few seconds, every nerve in the body seemed to be penetrated by electricity, and the urine had begun to flow out uncontrollably, as if a magnifying glass had gathered sunlight to burn it. Yes, it's like a big maggot in the toilet, constantly cooing back and forth.

With a wave of his hand, the agent by the wall immediately turned off the switch.The agent who gagged behind him also released him.The agent with the knife said sincerely: "It doesn't feel good, why bother? How about it? As long as you agree, you don't have to suffer at all, and it will get better and better in the future, and the money will increase. Just nod your head , that's it."

With long nostrils, Kishimizu Kihide and constantly panting heavily.After hearing this, he squinted his eyes in resentment, and looked viciously at the agent holding the knife.The latter said regretfully: "I still appreciate your stubbornness. But I don't like your attitude."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand again, and the agent behind him slammed Shimizuki Hidekazu's mouth and nose again.The next moment, electric current flowed through his body again, washing every cell repeatedly.The urine that seemed to have been emptied in the previous round continued to flow out again as his body twisted.

Watching his pupa's body back and forth, he waved his hands again.After the switch was turned off, the agent with the knife said sincerely: "Mr. Shimizu, please take a good look at your current situation. It doesn't matter if you don't cooperate with us. We will kill you in the end and find a place where no one is really there. Bury it, and no one will find your body for decades. Then we will spread false news that you have surrendered to us. Tell me, will anyone on your side believe it?"

Shimizu Kihideka seemed to be the one who didn't want to eat anything. After hearing this, he once again stared at the agent viciously as if he wanted to eat people.Seeing the latter, he already had some bad premonitions in his heart. Today, he might really encounter the smelly and hard stone among the little devils.But it's not hopeless, after all, they still have a whole night to get the other party to agree.So I picked up the two large yellow croakers with my hands, weighed them, and said: "In this way, I make the decision without permission. As long as you agree, I will give you double the amount. And from now on, the money you get will be US dollars, and I'll give you double the reward. How about it? It's interesting enough. As long as you nod your head, you'll be fine."

Seeing that Mizuki Hidekazu still did not change the stones in the latrine...

(End of this chapter)

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