spy ace

Chapter 3153 Someone is coming to rob

Chapter 3153 Someone is coming to rob
Yu Yiyuan had a lot of money in his Swiss bank account, so Fan Keqin went to the local Swiss bank, directly used the password to withdraw money, and transferred all the assets to his real account.

Then Fan Keqin came to a warehouse on the warehouse street, went in and took a look, and sure enough, some very precious things were all here.The small suitcases were piled up in a pile, and when they were opened, they were filled with large yellow croakers.There are also some wooden boxes. When I opened it, I found that they were all kinds of jade, jewelry, precious jewelry and so on.In addition, there are some wooden boxes that look rather elegant at first glance. They are all filled with antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and each item is covered with a thick layer of cotton, which will cause damage due to storage.

Unexpectedly, a small president of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce could have so many things at home.But it might be because of the precious belongings in this warehouse that Yu Yiyuan was pinned down by him. After all, these things were too valuable, so how to get out safely was a difficult task in itself.And whether they would send someone to escort them, and if so, who would be sent? Are these people unreliable? Are they safe?Don't look back. These people are working together to swallow up these properties.These things must be carefully considered, which is why Yu Yiyuan did not go through with it.

Coming out of this warehouse, Fan Keqin came to his special telecommunications team.There are actually three people in this team, who take turns on duty and do nothing. Apart from being responsible for contacting Fan Keqin and the headquarters, they are also lurking in Shanghai.Moreover, they are supported by Fan Keqin, they are not short of money, and their life is quite comfortable.

Seeing Fan Keqin coming in person, the team leader of the three people immediately reported the situation. Bai Fengtai had already arrived, and all the content that Fan Keqin wanted to send to the headquarters had been sent.Fan Keqin nodded and said, "I told you to send the telegram again."

"Yes." After the other party agreed, Fan Keqin began to say: "Today in the Guangzhou area, there are relatives and friends visiting. I will receive two cigarettes and alcohol, four gift boxes, and leave them with my friend Li Fei. Please help collect them..." he said In one sentence, the sender started sending tick-tock-tick.

After the long telegram was sent, Fan Keqin gave each person a cigarette.Then, while smoking, I talked to them about some things that happened during my long stay in Shanghai. I just cared about them, how was my life, and did they suffer any hardships.Then Fan Keqin wrote them another check for a total of three hundred silver dollars. He tried hard and said: "During this period, you sent all kinds of intelligence, lurked in the heart of the enemy, and went through risks with me. Every trace of your heroism is revealed. This is due to merit, and I will ask you for credit later. But before I ask for credit, this is my personal reward for you. No one has a hundred silver dollars, just keep them all."

"This... boss, this money..." These three people were still a little shy.Fan Keqin looked at it, laughed, and said: "Oh, you don't know, my father-in-law's family has a lot of money, this is nothing to me. Besides, you three really like me very much, just keep it, don't tell me I'm polite. As long as you follow me well and work hard, there will definitely be many opportunities for rewards like this in the future! So, just take it if I tell you."

"Yes!" The three were very happy, and expressed their opinions one after another: "Thank you, sir, I will be loyal to you, work hard, and repay you for your cultivation."

Fan Keqin chatted with them for a while, and then the Didi transmitter rang.The telecommunications team immediately went to work, this time to receive messages.The content was not very long. After Fan Keqin took a look at the result, he understood that this was the content that Sun Guoxin had personally replied to him, which was a sign of receiving the message.

It turned out that after receiving the message, Sun Guoxin was naturally able to understand the code words between Fan Keqin and him.After everything was translated, he no longer felt the corners of his mouth curling up while holding the paper.He immediately asked the telecommunications team to reply to Fan Keqin with a telegram, saying that he had received it.There is no need to talk about anything else, after all, their relationship is there.

Then Sun Guoxin grabbed his own dedicated line and called his home.After a while, Mrs. Sun answered the phone, and Sun Guoxin said: "Do you have paper and pen on hand? If you didn't go get it immediately, you need to take note of what I said."

"Hey! Take it, you can tell me." Mrs. Sun took a pen and paper next to her and said.Sun Guoxin said: "Ask Fourth Brother to go to Xinde Road in Guangzhou, where there is a Feixiang Liquor Company, find a man named Li Fei, and tell him... after taking over the four shops, tell Fourth Brother to rent them out. It's just small money, that's it... Huh? Ah, Keqin helped us develop some industries. I'll tell you the details later. Didn't this send me a telegram? The nights are long and the dreams are many, so don't ask, and hurry up and ask the fourth child Take over all the cigarette companies, liquor companies, and those furniture factories I mentioned... Well, oops, I know, Keqin is one of our own, how can I treat him badly! Okay, okay, I know, I know. Hang up!"

Oh, that's good. Look at Keqin, the little devil has just been driven away, and he knows that he has given him several big gifts.OK, I have to think carefully about how to return the gift later...

Not to mention, Sun Guoxin was accompanying Du Zhengmei.Fan Keqin returned to the company and stayed there for about an hour when the phone rang suddenly. Fan Keqin picked up the phone and said, "It's me, tell me."

"Boss, we have taken over the officers' club next to Huangpu Garden and the office buildings of their two original secret service agencies. But just now a group of people from the Central Command came and said that they had received orders to go up to the peak. To take over these places, let’s pour it out for them quickly.”

Fan Keqin said: "Where is Lao Bai? Have you contacted him?"

"Contacted. He said he would come right away and asked us to inform you."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "I understand. I will go over immediately and tell the brothers that there is no need to be polite to the Zhongtong people. If they dare to be presumptuous, they will be beaten back severely. If the other party dares to touch the gun, shoot them It doesn’t matter if they are all killed, I will support you! Do you hear me?”

"Yes! I heard it."

With a click, he hung up the phone.Fan Keqin took out a Colt from the safe. He had five magazines in total.Two of the magazines were full of bullets. Normally, every other day, he would unload the two full magazines.After replacing the other two magazines, this can maintain the elasticity of the spring inside the magazine.

So this time, he immediately inserted a magazine into the handle of the gun.Another magazine full of bullets was put in his pocket...

(End of this chapter)

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