spy ace

Chapter 3159

Chapter 3159

Wang Tusheng continued: "We judge that Wang Zhaohai's death was most likely secretly done by Fan Keqin. The little devil and Wang Puppet were in such chaos.

Wang Tusheng lit a cigarette for Li Haishi, put the ashtray in his hand, and then continued: "If he is in charge of this matter now, he will definitely not give us a chance. The bureau chief is in Shanghai, It turns out that a group of our people from the Officers Club of the Little Japs mysteriously disappeared. At that time, our stronghold in Shanghai sent a message back, saying that Section Chief Li sent this team of brothers to get rid of the essence left behind by the Little Japs after they retreated. All the lots were occupied in advance. However, things did not go smoothly. The Security Bureau had already occupied them first. One of the teams he sent went to the Officers Club. As a result, no one is alive or dead. I think, It was probably done by Fan Keqin when he was in Shanghai.

Later, we secretly investigated the situation, and we found some nearby neighbors. They had seen our group of brothers indeed appear at the officers' club.But there was no news after that. "

Li Haishi said: "I know everything you said, so I asked you to come over. The Security Bureau is also our opponent, and if you want to deal with the Security Bureau, you can't get around Fan Keqin, so we will focus our energy now and in the future. Put it on him."

Wang Tusheng said: "Then... let Fan Keqin become a red party?"

Li Haishi glanced at him and asked, "Is he then?"

"No... well, I don't know to be precise." Wang Tusheng said: "But Fan Keqin seems to have never dealt with the Red Party, which in itself is suspicious."

Li Haishi said: "Too many people have this kind of suspicion. Moreover, the two sides are negotiating. Even the old man has to worry about the public opinion from all walks of life, let alone us. However, I predict that the old man will delay it for a while at most. Today, let's just show off. In the end, we still have to wipe out the Red Party. After all, the Red Party has been regarded as a serious concern by the old man from the beginning to the end.

Looking at it this way, letting Fan Keqin become a red party is just a move on our part, let's take the first step.Maybe it will be useful in the future. "

"Understood." Wang Tusheng said: "Well, Bureau, you are giving me some advice, what should I take the first step?"

Li Haishi took a puff of cigarette and said: "It's very simple. Isn't it certain that Fan Keqin is a Red Party member? But we must not let him find out that we are investigating him. Therefore, we are because he has never had any suspicion of the Red Party. It is normal to check him. But to conduct a secret investigation, first see if he is a red party member. If he really is, or has had any contact with the red party, then we can start from this point, based on Depending on the situation, make a fuss."

"Understood." Wang Tusheng said: "Let's just investigate normally, but don't disturb Fan Keqin and conduct it secretly. If he is the Red Party, that would be even better, just sit him to death. But if he is not, then See if he has had contact with the Red Party in the past, and if so, use this to make a fuss." Li Haishi showed a childish look, and said: "Just do it like this. Now it is the negotiation period, and his energy is exhausted. Put it on maintaining the security of the negotiation. But you all have to be careful, this kid is a master after all, don't be discovered by him, you can check from the people around him first. He must have a woman, and he was engaged, his Women, relatives of his women, relatives of his female relatives, friends of his female relatives. This will involve many people, and it may involve the Red Party. What do you say. "

"Yes, yes." Wang Tusheng smiled and nodded, saying: "I fully understand now. Thank you for your guidance. I will prepare now."

"Yeah." Li Haishi said: "Okay, you go ahead. If you have any news, tell me. Remember, be careful and investigate secretly."

Wang Tusheng expressed his understanding and left.After returning to his office, he called a few of his confidants and gave these instructions.Let them carry out their own tasks. In the end, he left two people behind and gave special instructions, saying: "You two, go to Hong Kong. He is the director of the Hong Kong Island Office. He is almost the only one in the family. And if one family is the only one, then It will create a feeling of contempt. This may be our opportunity. When you go to Hong Kong Island, check if Fan Keqin is on Hong Kong Island, or if his subordinates are on Hong Kong Island. There may be a chance to come into contact with the Red Party. Don’t forget What I just said was a secret investigation. We can't let the other party discover it."

"Yes." The two expressed their understanding and immediately went out to the finance side. After receiving the operational funds, they started to set off.

By the way, after Miss Tong and the child arrived on Hong Kong Island, they first sent a telegram to Fan Keqin to report that they were safe.In fact, after she arrived on Hong Kong Island, the Japs had just announced their unconditional surrender.It's even better, so Miss Tong did what Fan Keqin told her before coming here, not to set up any commercial companies for the time being, but to buy more land, real estate and the like.

Miss Tong had a lot of money and bought three piers as soon as she made the move, two of which could accommodate large sea ships.In fact, if the other pier is renovated, it can also accommodate seagoing ships.Then she took action to acquire many properties.This property includes, but is not limited to, residential properties.There are also various shops, or houses on the street for doing business.There are also some buildings that can be used for large companies, as well as entire buildings like large shopping malls.In addition, now that the little devils are all done, she also spent money to buy four connected plots.

Hong Kong Island is cheap now. Although the little devil has escaped, there is a saying that it is easier to destroy than to build.So it won't recover for a while.As for Miss Tong, who is capable and willing to buy, it is a good thing to promote the economy. Therefore, she can be said to have purchased many various properties and real estate at a very cheap price.And when the other party cooperates, the speed is very fast.

In the middle of the mountain, Miss Tong, like Miss Tong, acquired a large piece of real estate.Then directly contact the material dealers and construction teams to start building various luxury homes.Miss Tong also purchased a hotel and now lives in a suite on the top floor of the hotel.

It is impossible for Miss Tong to do all these things herself, so a lot of people are hired.Of course, she also hired many servants to take care of him and the children.Even if they have money, anyway, the scale of the pharmaceutical business in Shanghai is bigger than when the little devil was there. When the little devil was there, the Tong family could only smuggle, but it is different now, they can do it openly...

(End of this chapter)

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