spy ace

Chapter 3165

Chapter 3165

So if that’s the case, then I’m going to be so polite to you.Just retaliate directly, there is no need to give face at all.

"You!" Li Haishi was obviously a little angry, but he quickly adjusted his mood, glanced at Fan Keqin, and said: "I am talking to your director, is it your turn to talk to me? As a subordinate, it is so rude. , I don’t know how the commander usually teaches you a lesson. It turned out to be..."

Still not finishing the sentence, Fan Keqin interrupted again and said: "What do you care about? Idiots are idiots. I even clearly said that you are mentally retarded, but you are still polite to me, um, As expected, you are very well-educated. In this way, if you are troubled, you will show your face, and I will slap you to see if you can still maintain your grace."

"You've seen it all, right? You've seen it all!" After being told this, Li Haishi really lost his temper and said angrily: "You, a subordinate, how dare you talk to a superior like this... I think you are going to shake the world. ."

Fan Keqin stared at him and said: "Who are you? Let me tell you, there is only one person in this world. Who the hell are you? If you dare to say something like this in front of me again, will you believe it?" If you don’t believe me, I’ll whip you right now!”

Yes, Fan Keqin is acting stupidly.But now this kind of confusion has left the other party at a loss.Xu Shizeng patted Li Haishi and said, "Okay, he's so good at chewing words, how can we be opponents? Sit down."

After hearing this, Li Haishi glanced at Fan Keqin again and sat down directly.Xu Shizeng also took the first seat on the right and said: "Brother Guoxin, you are really loved by your subordinates. I really envy you. It must be very stressful to have a top master like Keqin as your subordinate."

Before Sun Guoxin could say anything, Fan Keqin looked at Xu Shizeng and said, "Are you big? I think you have the biggest face. If you say one more word, believe it or not, I will slap you as well."

Xu Shizeng really didn't expect that Fan Keqin would dare to fight with him.After staring at Fan Keqin for a long time, Fan Keqin also looked at him, but then spoke again and said: "If you take a look, I will slap you in the same way."

Xu Shizeng was really losing his face at this time. After all, he was at the level of director. He could still accept what Sun Guoxin or Dai Yunong said.But in front of these two people, being criticized like this by Fan Keqin, no matter how high-ranking he is, he still needs to fight back, otherwise he will really have no place to put his face as the chief director of the Central Bureau of Statistics.He slapped the table with a loud bang, stood up and said angrily: "How dare you, you are a boss, I will jump on you now, no matter who..." He wanted to say, but no one could say anything.

As a result, before he could finish speaking, he exclaimed in surprise.However, Fan Keqin picked up the tea cup in front of him and poured the water directly across the table, hitting him all over.Fan Keqin put down the tea cup and said: "Do you think I don't dare to take action? I said I would whip you. This is the first time I'm giving you a warning, but don't be shameless. What did you just say? You want to be beaten. If you break me, come on, just take out your gun. Believe it or not, I will continue to fight back. And my fight back is no longer as simple as a warning. I must make you die first. Come on, take out your gun. I Take a look." Xu Shizeng wiped a handful of water on his face and said: "Okay, Fan really does what he says, I admire him. I have suffered this loss, and I have taken it with all my heart. Otherwise, you Seriously, come here and slap me in the mouth, my face is indeed a little uncomfortable."

Dai Yunong, who was standing next to him, wanted to watch the fun. After all, Zhongtong and him were mortal enemies.Seeing the other party deflated, Dai Yunong felt very happy.In fact, Dai Yunong actually appreciated Fan Keqin's response. After all, he had already broken up with each other, so what could he do?And without such an agitation, the other party may actually have loopholes in their actions when their emotions fluctuate greatly, and then they may be able to use the loopholes to deal with the other party.

But he didn't expect that Xu Shizeng would start to imitate Fan Keqin in the end and start acting mischievously.So we have to talk. After all, no matter how arrogant you are, in this place, don't really hurt the other party. Otherwise, if you and I are really against each other, we will finally make a move.If the government loses its face, then the government will definitely have to deal with it if it loses its face.But the problem is, even if I don't say a word next to me, I can't escape the joint responsibility.

So Dai Yunong said: "Oh, there will be a meeting soon. It's important to see what happened to Chief Yan. But let me be fair. Some people are really hateful, and they frame themselves everywhere. People are just happy, and they are always accused of a common crime. If it is true, then we will not say anything, but it will not work to eradicate dissidents and deliberately frame them. Look, you are so cruel , I couldn’t hold the water steady, and it spilled all over the table. Just calm down when I see you. You’re here for a meeting, not a quarrel. When Chief Yan sees it, I won’t explain it to you.”

As a result, Xu Shizeng actually didn't say a word this time and just sat on the chair like that.Dai Yunong knew this old rival. The more this happened, the more it meant that Xu Shizeng was not really afraid of things and dared not speak, but that he was serious about taking action.But at least now, the meeting will not be affected, and I am not jointly and severally liable for "inaction".As for whether to remind Sun Guoxin and Fan Keqin, there is no need.

"Secretary-General! All the participants have arrived." The voice came from the door again.In fact, in the situation just now, the door of the conference room was not closed, and the guard at the door must have heard it, but the guard definitely couldn't say anything.After all, there is no substantive action, so there is no need to move the guard himself.As for the glass of water that Fan Keqin spilled...didn't you hear what Director Dai said? Director Fan was so excited that he spilled the water without holding the glass firmly.

When Yan Ying and his secretary Deng Zhi walked in, except for the water stains on the table, it was as if nothing had happened just now.Fan Keqin, Sun Guoxin, Dai Yunong and others all stood up around the table.

After Deng Zhizhi gave a few instructions at the door, he closed the door of the conference room.Yan Ying sat directly at the main seat, and Fan Keqin and others also sat down. Yan Ying looked around and saw water stains on the left table and water on Xu Shizeng's clothes.But he just thought it was because of the spilled water, so he didn't care about it.So he said: "Everyone, I want you to come here today for two things. The first one..."

(End of this chapter)

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