spy ace

Chapter 3172 The Death of a Giant

Chapter 3172 The Death of a Giant
The things are not the same thing, but the meanings are completely the same.The same is true for the rumors, that someone has been mastered by the military commander.If so-and-so is really fine, he will definitely not believe it, but what if something happens to him?Based on the virtue of the state officials these days, to put it bluntly, this is not a small probability event, it is definitely a high probability event.So, what would they think if this kind of words reached their ears?

As the number of people involved increases, the number of people with many ideas will also increase.Of course Dai Yunong also knew the rumors about himself, but he wanted to stabilize the strength of the military commander first.Therefore, he personally took a large number of his men to carry out activities in Shanghai, Tianjin, Peking and other cities.

Fan Keqin immediately found Hua Zhang again and asked her if she had stopped.Hua Zhang has already sent his men who carried out the rumor plan to Hong Kong.Fan Keqin felt relieved and asked who these people were and when they would arrive. Then Fan Keqin also sent a telegram to the Hong Kong side.Have someone pick them up and make arrangements for follow-up.

In the past few days, the newspapers have been full of articles about the consultative meeting being attacked and destroyed by a large number of spies for no reason.Even many foreign newspapers are constantly reporting on these things. Various interviews with ordinary people, celebrity meals, in short, interviews from all walks of life, and their views on this incident have also begun to be reported continuously.It can be said that Lao Jiangtou did make a mistake this time.

Especially Michelle, who facilitated this conference, was extremely angry.You know, Michelle was very busy running before and after the consultation meeting.In the end, I saw a large group of spies storming the venue and causing damage, injuring so many people.He was so angry that he called Da Laomei directly. He believed that Chiang Kai-shek and the National Government under his rule had made a very vulgar joke on him.In anger, he suggested that the United States cancel its financial assistance to Chiang Kai-shek, and the US$[-] million that could be withdrawn at any time was also stopped.Military aid has also been suspended.Since then, the people have also clearly understood who does not want to establish a democratic government and who is the party causing trouble.

However, Lao Jiang must have ignored the voices of the people, while strengthening various military mobilizations and generally making full preparations.Just wait for the right time to start the war.In his opinion, as he said, you can stay in Northeast, North China and other places, but the remaining chassis are mine.Moreover, my current troops, various equipment, and number of people are not comparable to that of your Red Party, so: the advantage lies with me.If so, how can I not hit you?

On this day, Fan Keqin had just used the radio to send a telegram to Hong Kong, asking Miss Tong to enter the retail industry.It can be used in various industries in the retail industry, such as stores, shopping malls, etc.After handing out the newspaper, when he was coming out, Zhuang Xiaoman came over and said, "The Bureau Chief, please go to his office immediately."

"Okay, I understand." Fan Keqin replied, and then said: "You tell the training base that all the people who have recently graduated can be mobilized to Hong Kong. Then the training base will reduce the scale of training. Next The first phase has been implemented, and this has been approved by the bureau."

"Yes." Zhuang Xiaoman said, turned and left.Fan Keqin also went upstairs directly and entered Sun Guoxin's office.Sun Guoxin's face looked a little bad, but it wasn't the negative emotion of being angry or in trouble.But there is a feeling of pity and regret.

Seeing Fan Keqin come in, Sun Guoxin pointed to the chair opposite and said: "Boss Dai is dead!"

"Ah?" Fan Keqin asked: "Is the news accurate? When did it happen?"

"Very accurate." Sun Guoxin said: "Didn't he take a large number of people to Shanghai, Tianjin and other places? As a result, when passing through Daishan in Banqiao, Jiangning, Jiangsu, the plane directly hit it. The nearby army sent a large number of The investigation team has gone and can confirm that Boss Dai is indeed dead. Just yesterday. However, I was not sure yesterday, or maybe I found it, but I didn't dare to report it. "

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Well, it's a pity. After Boss Dai dies, the military commander may not be able to maintain his authority." Sun Guoxin also agreed and said: "Yes, although Boss Dai later had some disagreements with us. To deal with it, but overall, it has not reached the point of irreversibility and a big fight. To put it bluntly, without respecting the deceased, his death actually saved us from trouble. I guess the military command will not be very easy in a short period of time. Maybe it has slowed down. Moreover, the old man should have some scruples in his heart because he has done so much to the military commander. So it is impossible for him not to attack the military commander. In this way, it is absolutely impossible for the military commander to still want to dominate the army as before. ."

Fan Keqin said: "Then our posture must be adequate. After all, the deceased is the most important. It is also appropriate to pay homage. In addition, I guess who can take the position after Boss Dai dies. I guess there will only be one person and no one else." If you walk too close to Mao Qiwu, you will get confirmation from the old man."

"Mao Qiwu?" Sun Guoxin said: "Can you? How do I feel that your brother should have a better chance? You know, Mao Qiwu's background is not as good as your brother's. Your brother has many people in the Ministry of National Defense and even in the attendant's room. friend's."

Fan Keqin said: "So it is even more impossible for him to rise to power. Old man, this is what is taboo in my heart now."

Sun Guoxin thought about it carefully and said: "That's true. Look, if your brother takes over, everything will be easy. If Mao Qiwu... it's not bad. After all, he doesn't have the courage to be boss. Military commanders can't afford it either. coming."

Fan Keqin said: "What about us?"

"Let's not move." Sun Guoxin said: "Boss Dai died so suddenly. I don't know if there was anything wrong with it. You said he hit the mountain on purpose. Then the pilot and some people on the plane couldn't be. Be of the same mind as Boss Dai, and you must be determined to die. But is there such a thing? Maybe there is. But Boss Dai has been to several places for activities, flying here and there, so why is it okay? But to say it is purely In addition to that, although it is not impossible, where did the rumors about Boss Dai come from some time ago. So it is not clear now. It is impossible to continue to investigate, and it is impossible for anyone to investigate. "

Fan Keqin said: "Well, it seems that's the only way it can be. If you die, the established fact has been achieved, and nothing can be changed."

"Yes." Sun Guoxin said: "When a person dies, no matter how brilliant he is, as long as he dies..."

(End of this chapter)

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