spy ace

Chapter 3188

Chapter 3188
"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding." Hao Zhao stood up immediately and said, "Uncle Jiang, let me introduce you. This is our section chief Hua Zhang. I came here specifically to ask my father to introduce you."

"Huh?" Seeing him like this, Jiang Wubing knew something was wrong.He quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Oh, I'm sorry." Then he blamed Hao Zhao's father and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You have to let me say it," Hao Benzi said.Hua Zhang could tell that these two people were indeed very familiar.So he extended his hand to shake Jiang Wubing's hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Jiang, I am indeed here for you today, but it would be rude of you to come here specially."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Jiang Wubing said, "Does Section Chief Hua have any business with me?"

Hao Benzi said: "There must be something going on, but don't talk about it here. You can go to my study, it's clean there."

"Thank you, Uncle Hao." Hua Zhang waved to the other two female agents he brought, then looked at Jiang Wubing and said, "Sorry to trouble you."

Under the guidance of Hao Benzi, several people entered a room on the side of the first floor.His house is actually not too small, with three bedrooms and one living room.There are two bedrooms, one for the old couple and one for Hao Zhao.There is also a bedroom.Of course, this does not include the kitchen and a toilet.A total of more than 110 square meters.

After entering the study, Hao Benzi was very discerning and exited the room with his wife.Hua Zhang, two female agents, and Hao Zhao stayed behind.He and Jiang Wubing sat on the sofa on the side of the study.

"Chief Hua." Jiang Wubing said, "I know Xiao Zhao works in the Security Bureau and you are his chief. Do you have anything special to do with me? Don't worry, the relationship between our two families is very good. As long as it can be done, I will definitely be willing to cooperate.”

"It's to help." Hua Zhang said, "Of course, it's also business." After saying that, she showed Jiang Wubing Fan Keqin's official seal of the warrant, and then said: "Uncle Jiang, let me show you this. The purpose is just to prove to you that this is a business matter, and we are asking for your help to get the support of our bureau. It is not a private action. I hereby prove it. It is by no means forcing Uncle Jiang to cooperate. It is just that our bureau is responsible for some matters within the bank. I really can’t get involved in the matter. I had no choice but to take this last step. "

"Ah." Jiang Wubing said, "It's okay, just say it, Chief Hua."

Hua Zhang said: "There is an account called Li Shuhui, which contains 240 seven yuan of silver. The money was deposited on April 11 last year, and it has not been touched yet. This account, according to the information we have obtained, It is very likely that it was opened secretly by a spy organization, and I would like to invite you to help monitor it."

"Oh." Jiang Wubing nodded clearly and said, "So that's what happened. It's okay...but there are too many people depositing money in our bank. I have to go back and check this."

Hua Zhang said: "Excuse me, how do you check?"

Jiang Wubing said: "Don't you have time now? No. 11 in April last year. There's also a name, Li Shuhui. It's quite simple to check. I just need to go to the business side of the hall and check by time. It's quite simple. It can be checked." "This... I'm afraid that's not possible." Hua Zhang explained: "Uncle Jiang, think about it, this account is probably a secret account for espionage activities, so there is no way that someone is monitoring this account. If you do this If we check, it might alert the other party. The reason why we found you is because we were afraid that if we went directly to the bank to check, we would be discovered. "

"Oh, I understand." Jiang Wubing said, "That really can't be checked like this." As he said that, he began to think about what to do.

However, Hua Zhang didn't let him think for too long and said: "Uncle Jiang, let me introduce you to two people. One of them is Hong Huiya and the other is Pang Anzhu. They are the financial personnel of our bureau. Can you see if you can Through your personal relationship, arrange for the two of them to enter the Central Bank of the Government. Uncle Jiang can leave everything else alone and they can handle it themselves. "

After Jiang Wubing heard this, he thought for a moment and said, "This must be no problem. Let me just say, you are my relatives, and you learned this. You are also in my hometown, and I have done financial work, so it is easy to get started. I just need to Just say hello to the HR person."

"Thank you very much, Uncle Jiang." Hua Zhang said with a smile, "Let's leave each other's phone numbers and see if we can start making arrangements soon?"

"Okay." Jiang Wubing agreed happily. After all, he was the vice president, so he arranged for two people to go in, and they also learned the same thing, so it was naturally easier.Hua Zhang will also forge academic certificates for Hong Huiya and Pang Anzhu.The two of them actually graduated from middle school and then studied finance.Later, he entered the Security Bureau and also entered the financial department.However, forging academic qualifications is too easy for the Security Bureau.They will get the template of almost any document immediately because they have dedicated people to do this, especially the Investigation Department and even the General Affairs Department can do this.

As long as we find the materials, according to their age, we can forge a book with all kinds of chapters, or it will be fine now.Then make it old-fashioned, it is the same as the real thing, and no one can tell that it is fake.If two people are actually put on file in a certain school, it is basically equivalent to living together.The most important thing is still that sentence, these are relatives and friends arranged by the vice president, and they come in through connections, who can really check it?As far as this relationship is concerned, it doesn't matter if there are not a few walk-ins in any department.

After the two parties reached an agreement, they left each other's contact information.Then walked out of the study.Seeing that they had reached an agreement so quickly, Hao Benci and his wife were very enthusiastic. They had already prepared the meals that they would normally make every night.So Hao Zhao's mother went to a restaurant in the alley in front and ordered some dishes.Nearly a table was moved, and it looked quite sumptuous.Hua Zhang and others were left to have a meal and then dispersed.

When Hua Zhang and the two Hong Huiya and Pang Anzhu left, Hao Zhao saw them out.It was not too early at this time, and there happened to be no one around. Hua Zhang lowered his voice and said: "You will be their liaison from now on, specifically responsible for this matter. And you and President Jiang still know each other, they are acquaintances, even if there is any contact , and it will not make people suspicious."

"I understand." Hao Zhao said, "Section Chief, don't worry."

After bidding farewell to Hao Zhao, Hua Zhang sent the two female agents home. In the car, he gave instructions...

(End of this chapter)

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