spy ace

Chapter 3208 Rich and rich

"Okay." Fan Keqin turned to Hua Zhang and said, "Let's go take a look."

Hua Zhang agreed and got out of the car with Fan Keqin.Fan Keqin had just reached the entrance of the alley, stopped, and said to the agent next to him: "Police station operation, if anyone comes over, just say so, don't cause too much commotion. Dispose of the bodies and other things quickly. , just use their own cars.”

"Yes." The agent replied and turned away.Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang continued walking in. Their destination was not too deep in the alley, and they arrived in a short while.The two people opened the door and walked in. They saw two people lying dead on the ground in the yard.But they definitely didn't pay attention. Instead, there were two strange guys, taking turns with shovels, digging holes in the ground.

An agent came forward and introduced: "Virgin, Section Chief, these two little devils are quite cooperative. They surrendered as soon as we attacked. The other two had dangerous moves, so they were directly arrested. The brothers were shot dead.”

"Well." Fan Keqin asked: "Has the house been checked immediately?"

"Checked." The agent said: "A few brothers took control of the yard. I and a few other brothers ignored them. We rushed into the house immediately and checked around. There was absolutely no one. Then we came out. ”

Fan Keqin nodded, indicating that he understood. He came to a few boxes on the ground and opened the boxes.Seeing that there were yellow croakers inside, a smile immediately appeared on his face, and he said: "These little devils are quite good at hiding. Turn back to the two people and examine them carefully to see if there is anything else to squeeze out. In addition, all Brothers participating in the action will each take a small yellow croaker."

"Yes." The agent immediately smiled and said, "Thank you, Director."

Fan Keqin pointed to the house and said, "We also need to search the house thoroughly. There may be hidden compartments or something hiding something."

"Understood." The agent said: "We will search immediately. We will definitely search thoroughly."

Fan Keqin turned to Hua Zhang and said: "After the Japs surrendered, there must be kites with broken strings like this. The existence of this group of people is proof. Next, you have to check this aspect and try to get rid of it." If we catch these little devils, we might gain even more."

"Yes." Hua Zhang said, "I will pay attention to this situation."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said, "Okay, I'll leave this to you and I'll go back. When you're done, tell me again."

"I'll see you off." Hua Zhang said, sending Fan Keqin out of the small courtyard, and then back again.At this time, several more agents came in outside the door, coming to collect the bodies.They drove the kid's car in, then dragged a few people in the yard out, threw them into the car, and then drove away to the suburbs.

Hua Zhang was the supervisor of the two little devils who dug out the other three burial spots in the yard.Sure enough, two of the boxes were full of yellow croaker, and the other one was not a box, but a small box tightly wrapped in linoleum.After Hua Zhang opened it, he found a bank safe deposit receipt inside.Hua Zhang asked people to take inventory, and at the same time asked several people to search the house in detail to see if there was anything missed.Then he controlled the two little devils again and asked them to dig many holes in the yard.Every time she pointed to a place, she asked the two Japanese soldiers to put down the shovels and start digging. After digging to a certain depth, if they didn't see anything, they stopped and then moved to another place to continue digging.

They dug more than a dozen big holes in a row, which made the two little devils tired and stupid.But I really didn’t dare to stop, just to survive.After the digging was almost done, Hua Zhang felt that it was OK. There was indeed nothing else hidden.After a detailed search of the house, nothing was found, so the two little devils were tied up and brought into the house.

Hua Zhang said: "Push them to the ground, expose their toes, take the shovel and put it on their fingers."

Immediately, several agents rushed over and took off their shoes. Someone pressed down on their legs to prevent them from moving. Two more agents took out the shovels and hung them on their toes.This time, the two little devils were so frightened that they couldn't stop begging for mercy.

"Shut up." Hua Zhang said: "Let me ask you an answer. We know that you have hidden a lot of property. Where is it? Think about it before you say it. If you answer no, immediately shovel off one of your toes. So you have ten No. 11 chance, when your toes fall off, you will never have a chance again, because No. [-] will directly chop off your head. I can also make a guarantee to you, as long as you cooperate, I will never It will kill you. After all, Japan has surrendered. It is useless to kill you. So please cherish this opportunity. "

After hearing this, the two people looked at each other with fear.He started begging for mercy again.

"Shut up!" Hua Zhang said: "You must answer directly. Now you have a chance to shovel..." The last sentence she wanted to say to her own people was to shovel off one toe of each of them.As a result, one of the people seemed to suddenly think of something at this critical moment and said: "Wait, there is money, there is money, there is money!!"

Hua Zhang waved his hand, but the shovel did not go down after all, and said: "Tell me, where is it?"

The kid who just spoke was sweating and said: "I know the people in another remnant group. Their situation should be similar to ours, so I judge that they should be rich. As long as you find them, you will have money. ”

The other little devil had some luck on his face when he said this.Seeing this, Hua Zhang said: "Do you have contact with other spy groups?"

"No." The kid who just spoke said, "I once saw a person on the street before the empire... surrendered. This person's code name was Hai Liushi. This is what we used when we were at the local agent training base. The code name. Just like me, I am Yun Sisi.

When we were at the training base, we were a group of people.It stands to reason that people training in the same period will be assigned to different areas to perform tasks to avoid accidental encounters with each other.But this situation is not absolute. There are some special situations, such as delivering messages, carrying important information, or transporting items to a certain place.But the most important thing is that I met him locally after the empire surrendered, probably...more than a week ago.The first time we met, he was wearing a suit and tie..."

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