spy ace

Chapter 3210 Portrait

Chapter 3210 Portrait
Everything that needs to be dealt with has been dealt with, and the cross-yard has been sealed.The little devil made the response vehicle belong to the security bureau.Including the properties of these people, of course, this requires timely investigation to see where they live, whether they have a house, and what assets they have in their name.Hua Zhang does not need to complete these follow-up matters personally. He only needs to send a few subordinates to finish the work.Hua Zhang and a group of his men drove back to the security bureau quickly.

After getting out of the car, Hua Zhang said: "Help me get my things...forget it, that's it. You continue to interrogate the person first, and be more detailed." He said that he didn't need to worry about the boxes of gold in his car.Go directly upstairs and enter Fan Keqin's office through Zhuang Xiaoman.

"Virgo." Hua Zhang sat across from Fan Keqin's table and said, "I have brought back all the things, including..." She immediately explained the contents of the inventory and continued: "I'm afraid I won't be able to take it back." It’s convenient, I just put it in my car. If you want to transport it away at night, you can just go and get it from my car.”

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "You forgot, you should take out the seat's share. In this way, you can send the seat's share in person later."

"Yes." Hua Zhang said, "How about I bring it up to you later?"

"No need." Fan Keqin said, "You can just send over your share of the bureau seat. Also, are you sure those guys don't have any other belongings?"

"I interrogated them on the spot." Hua Zhang said: "Looking at their condition, it didn't look like they had other property. However, one of the boys, under pressure, said that he had accidentally met people from other Japanese espionage teams. . This person is from a group of people when he was training locally. He just knows a code name, Hai Liushi..."

Hua Zhang told Fan Keqin the boy's statement in detail and said, "I think this boy's statement should be quite credible."

"Yes, Lanqi Street." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "You can track down Hai Liushi. I saw him twice on Lanqi Street. Once he was shopping with his family and with his entourage. This person is either lurking in the government agency." , and already has a certain status. Or he has established his own industry, company, etc., and it is quite big. And there must be some kind of anxiety near Lanqi Street. It is not difficult or not. It’s too simple a clue. But the most important thing now is that the little devil knows what the other party looks like. Then it becomes simple.”

"Yes." Hua Zhang said: "I will go down in a while and send over the seat share first. Then I will ask this guy to cooperate and let the skilled painter draw the other person's appearance. Then I will send someone secretly. Squat at a few points on Lanqi Street. In addition, when this little guy met Hai Liushi for the first time, he saw him getting into a car. I didn't ask about the car at the time, but now I can let him do it again. Recalling the condition of the car may also be an important clue. In this way, it will be easier to find someone."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "Okay, let's do it. You will definitely gain something." After saying that, he took out the key from his pocket, handed it to Hua Zhang, and said: "You give me the key to my car." Your men, please put my share in my car, and I will take it away directly in the evening."

"Where is the deposit certificate?" Hua Zhang said: "There are US dollars in it. Do you need me to send my brother to take out a piece and bring it back?"

Fan Keqin said: "No, just put it in my car together. Don't forget, keep your share for yourself. If you give it all to me, I won't recognize it anymore."

Hearing this, Hua Zhang smiled and said: "It's all the same." After saying that, he stood up and said: "Virgin, it's okay, I'm going out."

When Hua Zhang got outside, he went downstairs first and called two of his closest men.Put Fan Keqin's share in his own car.Then, he took Sun Guoxin's share and went upstairs in person.Sun Guoxin was also very happy and had an unexpected gain.Moreover, Hua Zhang is Fan Keqin's confidant, so naturally he is also his confidant. Therefore, he was very happy to see so many large yellow croakers in the alley.After Hua Zhang came out again, he directly found the technical painter and asked him to bring paper and pen, and also asked his subordinates to bring camera film to the cell below.The Hai Liushi in that little devil's mind was presented on the drawing paper.

In order to save his life, this little devil mobilized all his brain cells and recalled everything in detail.The painter is also very professional. It doesn't matter anyway, so he just paints slowly. He works slowly and carefully. If there is anything wrong, he will correct it immediately.In addition, Hua Zhang is a great beauty. As a man, if you do some work for a great beauty, you must be doing it intentionally or unintentionally to show off.Didn't you see that when taking the elevator, the brothers were all talking and laughing to relax, but when a beautiful woman suddenly came in, they immediately became serious, and they all looked up and straightened out their chests.

After the painting was finished, the little devil was very sure of the artist's painting and said: "It's definitely him. Yes, the first time I saw him, he was wearing the same clothes. The second time he wore the same clothes. The woman next to him is definitely him. This way. I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Hua Zhang said: "Very good." Then he turned around and said: "Excuse me, great painter."

"Haha. Why is this troublesome? It should be." The painter said: "Then if everything is okay, I will leave. If Section Chief Hua needs anything, you can come to me again."

"Okay, thank you." After the painter left, Hua Zhang ordered: "Reproduce these portraits and develop more photos. Then give them to the brothers in the third group and the fourth group, and they must do everything. One for two. Go ahead."

"Yes." The agent immediately left with a few portraits.Then according to Hua Zhang's instructions, the remake started.

Hua Zhang was still in the cell with a few of his men.He said, "You did a great job. Your life will be saved soon. Congratulations."

"Thank you very much." The little devil was sitting on the iron chair, being restrained, so he could only nod and bow.

Hua Zhang said: "This is the first time I met Hai Liushi. What kind of car is his? Can you tell?"

When things got to this point, it was actually meaningless to try to play a trick or something.Therefore, this little devil is indeed very cooperative.After listening to Hua Zhang's question, he thought about it for a moment and said, "It seems to be... a Cadillac, right? It's a very high-end Midea car. I really didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now that I think about it, the style of that car ... "

(End of this chapter)

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