spy ace

Chapter 3212 Language Traps

Chapter 3212 Language Traps
It looks quite high, with a total of three floors, one above and one below, so the area is not too small.The car drove in and the door closed.After losing sight, an agent from the Security Bureau said: "Xiao Du and I are watching. You quickly find a phone number and report to the section chief. Xiao Du, go around and stare behind the point. Be careful not to be exposed."

"Yes." An agent immediately turned and left.The Xiao Du in his mouth also began to find a way around further away and began to monitor the back.

By the way, in the Huangshan area of ​​​​the capital, since Lao Jiangtou arranged his residence here, the number of people with some wealth and status living here has begun to increase.Therefore, the situation on the street is pretty good compared to other areas.

Therefore, the agent didn't go far when he saw a restaurant.He immediately went inside, threw down a piece of money, took the phone and started to make a call: "Hey, I just had a business negotiation, help me pick up the manager's office... Hey, manager, Xiao Du and I have already started to communicate with each other. The company has been negotiated... Yes, it's in Huangshan District... Well, okay, don't worry, the contract will be signed today and we can't run away. Well, goodbye."

Naturally, what he said was a code word. After all, this was the bar of a restaurant, and the waiter was still inside.Not far from the side is the place where guests dine, and there are also people here.It's definitely impossible to say clearly.He said that he had just discussed business, which meant that he was a member of the bureau who was performing a mission. If he had reached an agreement with the other party, it meant that he had discovered the target.The contract must be signed today, which means that he will continue to keep an eye on it and will not let the other party escape.

His acting skills were good. After he hung up the phone, he looked like a real salesman who had negotiated a large contract and was about to get his share of the profit.With a smile on his face, he sang a few lines in a low voice: "Go to Xianyang first, for the king..."

Then after leaving the restaurant, he immediately returned to the villa and began to continue to monitor it.Hua Zhang immediately asked the two team leaders to personally lead people to establish a surveillance point.I went upstairs to report the latest progress to Fan Keqin, so as to maintain complete transparency with Fan Keqin.

After the report was finished, Fan Keqin thought for a while and said: "Looking at the current situation of this kid, he is doing well. So, don't rush to take action yet. But the premise is that the other party must not be aware of it, and even the number of people under surveillance can be reduced. Or if you think there is a risk after he goes somewhere, you don’t need to follow him or let the other party find out. Then under this premise, first touch this kid secretly. Try to understand his life and actions as much as possible. See if there are any other gains.

For example, did he have contact with some people in the government?In fact, he himself is a figure lurking in a certain government agency.If he is not, but is just a businessman, then he must have a backstage. Find out this backstage.Moreover, it is actually possible to find out what companies his business is related to.Anyway, he has come into our sight now, so let's investigate carefully so as to maximize the benefits. "

"Yes." Hua Zhang nodded and said, "I understand what you mean. I will find out his relationship and then try to catch them all. In this way, by attacking the remaining Japanese spies, we can also intercept all his chains of interests. "

"Yes." Fan Keqin smiled and said: "The chain of interests is a good word. That's what it means. Just go ahead and do it."

Hearing this, Hua Zhang said "Yes" again. He turned around and left the office.In fact, as soon as he walked out of the office, Hua Zhang recalled the state in which Fan Keqin spoke just now.Because this is almost the first time Hua Zhang has seen Fan Keqin make a mistake.Actually...it can't be said that it was a mistake. At most, it was just a wrong choice of words.You know, at present, I only found a villa on the edge of Huangshan District through that woman.

From the time of discovery to the time of my report, I haven't seen Hai Liushi appear yet.But Fan Keqin said in his words just now, "Anyway, he has entered our sight." You know, if it were in the past, people like Fan Keqin would be extremely rigorous, and even such small mistakes in words would be called There is no wrong choice of words.But now that he said this, Hua Zhang felt that Fan Keqin might have really changed a bit.

But what Huazhang didn't know was that this was Fan Keqin's invisible influence on her.You know, if it affects other people, it may not necessarily work well.Because another person's heart is not as delicate and sharp as Hua Zhang's.In other words, the more expert you are, the better you will be able to detect Fan Keqin's situation.As a result, I will gradually receive his influence, thinking that Fan Keqin has indeed changed a bit.But if it were anyone else, who would be able to pay attention to this little problem?But Huazhang was different. He could be said to be his direct disciple, and Fan Keqin had no reservations at all. As long as it was something he knew, he gave it all to Huazhang.

In addition, many times, Fan Keqin personally took Huazhang on missions to improve Huazhang's abilities through actual combat.It can be said that in this world, only Hua Zhang's spy business, or thinking, is definitely the most advanced except for Fan Keqin.In addition, Huazhang himself is a genius in the spy category, so his ability is definitely second to none.And it was because of her superb ability, very keenness, and rigor that she was able to detect the small inaccuracies in Fan Keqin's words.

But overall, Fan Keqin is brilliant, and there is nothing wrong with him saying that.After all, he had discovered that woman, and his words contained a bit of hope and anticipation. Who can say that he was wrong?

Watching Huazhang go out, Fan Keqin actually didn't know whether the other party heard it. After all, Huazhang also had a city. No matter what he thought in his heart, he could interpret it through her body. Even Fan could tell it. Keqin didn't even dare to say he could do it.Unless under certain circumstances, very careful arrangements and preparations must be made in advance.But Fan Keqin thinks it’s half and half.In addition, Fan Keqin's current approach is the same: not radical, but slowly changing himself, so that it will not be abrupt.Therefore, regardless of whether Hua Zhangcha noticed it or not, there would be no loss anyway if Fan Keqin did this.

Hua Zhang went out, but instead of going out immediately, he went back to the special adjustment department.He called the heads of the first group and the second group to his office and ordered: "Hai Liushi's woman has appeared. If there are no accidents, Hai Liushi will also appear soon..."

(End of this chapter)

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