spy ace

Chapter 3214 Visit

Chapter 3214 Visit
Hailiushi, whose current pseudonym is Huang Shun, is responsible for almost all the business and management of this pharmaceutical company.In short, Huang Shun has the final say in this pharmaceutical company.

After investigation, investigators from the Special Investigation Division found that Huang Shun seemed to be very satisfied with his current life. He worked hard at work. After work, unless it was very late, he would go out to have a meal with his wife, or go shopping or watch a movie. A theatrical performance or something like that.However, Hua Zhang analyzed that this is a normal phenomenon. If you lose your online, sometimes it is a kind of relief. This should be the case for Huang Shun, which is why he cherishes his life at this time so much.

After learning about this situation, Hua Zhang immediately reported to Fan Keqin.Fan Keqin said: "Then this kid has not contacted anyone. Oh, I mean, he seems to have no accomplices?"

"Yes." Hua Zhang said: "After so many days of tracking, unannounced visits, and investigations, we have not found that Huang Shun has done anything in this regard. We have also done everything about the friends he has contacted, the company's business, and the company's employees. The investigation found nothing.”

"Yeah." Fan Keqin thought for a while and said, "Have you figured out the situation of his company?"

"It's basically clear." Hua Zhang said: "He came quite early. It was at the beginning of [-], and he had already arrived in Chongqing. He opened a pharmaceutical company with him. He did all the pharmaceutical business of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. And It seems that he has not been involved in any espionage activities, but this may not be absolutely accurate. It is just that it has been too long and we have not found out yet. In addition, the scale of his pharmaceutical business is getting bigger and bigger. After all, pharmaceuticals these days It’s a very valuable thing, and I don’t have to worry about selling it. Moreover, I have cooperated with the government in business, providing various medicines, and the government paid for it.”

Fan Keqin asked: "Can the whereabouts of his company's funds be found?"

Hua Zhang said: "Yes, one thing that is very strange is that the company's accounts are very clear, and the taxes that should be paid are also paid very honestly. There seems to be no slippery spots. It is doing business honestly, so The reputation of this pharmaceutical company is well-known in the industry...at least in the local industry."

Hua Zhang said this, paused, and said: "When we checked, we also found one thing, which can explain the problem very well. That is, the pharmaceutical company chaired by Huang Shun actually sold his products for free every month. A batch of medicines can be supplied to various clinics, hospitals, or any buyers in advance without any pledge. If the other party is short of funds, you can also take the goods first and pay later."

Fan Keqin understands that this situation is not easy at this time.The main point is that it is a seller's market. If you really have something like medicine in your hands, you will be the boss.You said you don't have convenient funds, does that have anything to do with me?You don’t do it now, but there are many others who want to buy from me.To put it bluntly, I don’t have to worry about selling this thing at all, so who do I care about you?Regular customer?It would be better if the capital chain is broken. When the company collapses, I will just buy it at the bottom.Then I will further improve the upstream and downstream chains of my business.After all, the saying that shopping malls are like battlefields is not for nothing.

But it is very commendable that this company is so kind.If Huang Shun has evidence, he is a Japanese spy.I'm afraid Fan Keqin is too embarrassed to swallow up the other party's company.However, the little devil who is still in prison can accurately describe the other party's appearance, draw a portrait, and can also describe the appearance of the other party's wife.As well as information such as how many years the other party was trained in a certain place, as well as the other party's training code name and other information.Without these things, Huang Shun's behavior would really have nothing to do with spies.

Hua Zhang said: "Virgo, there is really no doubt about the people Huang Shun has contacted and other business companies. Otherwise, I will withdraw the brothers who followed these things. We can do our best to investigate Huang Shun's past. After all, as long as he is a Japs If you work hard to investigate a spy, it's impossible not to find him out. No matter how he identifies himself, it's useless."

After hearing this, Fan Keqin waved his hand and said: "No need." Then he was silent for a while, as if thinking about something, and then said: "What time does he usually come home?"

Hua Zhang said: "If there is no other business and the latter is necessary to work overtime, Huang Shun will definitely go home around six o'clock, or before."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, such a person is actually a spy. If someone hadn't confessed him, it would be a bit unbelievable. There is no need to investigate. According to what you said, check the people and companies who have contact with Huang Shun. Brothers, please withdraw, but the Huang Shun family will not withdraw for now. Today, we will go out in the open and meet him." Hua Zhang said: "Go out in the open? What do you mean, arrest him directly?"

Fan Keqin paused again and then said: "Let's meet him first and then talk."

"Yes." Hua Zhang said, "Do you need me to make any preparations?"

"No other preparations are needed. I will just make some arrangements then." Fan Keqin said, "Let's go visit him before he gets off work today."

"Understood." Hua Zhang said, "Then I'll go get the brothers back first and then go change clothes?"

"Okay." Fan Keqin smiled and said, "You go ahead."

When it was almost five o'clock in the evening, Fan Keqin went downstairs and found Hua Zhang. By this time, Hua Zhang had changed into a lady's suit.Well, it’s no longer a pure and capable look.Instead, he added a lot of accessories, went downstairs with Fan Keqin, got into the car, and drove out of the renamed Security Bureau compound.

Accompanying Ken and Fan Keqin's eight bodyguards, a total of three cars, quickly arrived near the small villa located on the edge of Huangshan District.Fan Keqin asked them to wait outside and not approach the target villa.Then he drove his car to the villa.

He Huazhang got out of the car, held hands, stood in front of the door and started calling.After a while, a kind and experienced voice came from inside and asked: "Who is it?" As he said that, the door on the left side of the opposite door had a small sliding window in the upper part. Come.The face of a man about 50 years old was revealed. When he saw Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang, he felt that he didn't know them, so he looked inquiringly.

"Hello." Fan Keqin smiled and said, "Is this Manager Huang's home? I am the boss of Hailan Company and I came here to visit. I wonder if Manager Huang is at home?"

Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang look well dressed. The man is handsome and the woman is also very pretty.

(End of this chapter)

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