spy ace

Chapter 3226

If this is the case, then can this prison be more "convenient"?

That's right, Fan Keqin is secretly using his own way to pave a way out for the organization from beginning to end.It can be regarded as insurance. First of all, it is Huazhang. Those who can notify people to evacuate in time can evacuate in time. If it is really impossible to evacuate, unfortunately, they will be caught.Well, it's the same thing. It will definitely be a lot more convenient if you have yourself and Hua Zhang here.Then when it comes to being imprisoned in prison, there are also people in the prison who take care of you.This is the one-stop convenience provided by Fan Keqin.

After Hua Zhang came out of Fan Keqin's office, he returned to his own office and thought carefully about Fan Keqin's instructions just now.There are two things in total. One is to pull back the airs of the local Red Party underground party.The second one is to prepare for the establishment of its own prison affiliated with the National Security Bureau.

What Hua Zhang was thinking about was that it seemed that some manipulation could be done on these two things.The second thing, don’t think too much about it for now.But you must also report your ideas to the organization in a timely manner. When the preparations start, you don't have to do some work so suddenly.

The first thing, this thing is actually easy to handle, is to build a safe house locally.Now that I have Sun Guoxin's warrant, I can just go directly to the finance department of the General Affairs Office to withdraw operational funds.Then use these funds to find suitable security bureaus in the local area, and then prepare some bases that are convenient for operations.Of course, we also have to develop some outside lines.Think of these outer lines as eyes, and the shelf will be opened.

What can be manipulated here is not financial.Although this thing can do tricks, Hua Zhang can't do it. That means Fan Keqin asked her to do things, but she used Fan Keqin to make money.This one was different from before. It was requested by Fan Keqin.If he did anything this time, he did it on his own initiative without telling Fan Keqin.There is a big difference.Hua Zhang felt that once he did this, unless it was impossible for Fan Keqin to detect it, his impression in Fan Keqin's mind would be lowered.And once this kind of score drops below a certain level, then you are really in danger.So Hua Zhang felt that this was a place where he couldn't do anything.

Where is the one who can do anything?Outside personnel.If you want to spread your wings and develop various local information networks, you must not miss the outside line. This is like the information tentacles. Only beginners who reach out can collect outside information.Although agents of the National Security Bureau can also run outside.But it's impossible to really wander around the streets all day just to find suspicious people.

As for outside lines, what if we gather members of several organizations to come in?In this way, your comrades can put on a layer of protective clothing and can convey information back to the organization in a more timely and convenient manner.

Another advantage is that the existence of outside lines is quite secretive.For example, one of my subordinates develops a perimeter outside.It is impossible for me, the section chief, to directly ask: "Hey, what is the name of your outside line, and does it live there?" This is a big taboo. The reason why the outside line works for you is that it can first get benefits, and then you can also His information must be kept confidential.Therefore, this is a very good opportunity for your comrades to put on this protective shell.Don’t worry about leaks yet.

After thinking about it, Hua Zhang called his team leaders to the small conference room for a quick meeting.Who is responsible for sending people to explore suitable locations around Nanjing City.Who is responsible for surveying the Security Bureau and who is responsible for preparing some strongholds.In addition, let your agents develop outside members.Funding is provided by the bureau.

This thing is quite popular, especially in the past.These agents have no other place to make money, so what should they do?If allowed, get a few more informants.Among them, the number of false reports is confidential anyway. Do you know how many there are?I reported five, but only three of them exist.The other two informant fees went into his own pocket.

But in this case, the people below can do it, but Huazhang cannot.For the same reason, this was something ordered by Fan Keqin. The subordinates below him could play like this, but Hua Zhang couldn't let his trust in Fan Keqin weaken.Unless Fan Keqin actively requested it, it would be impossible for Hua Zhang to do this.

However, as the section chief, she could still get a few more informants on her own.In fact, many people on the street can develop, but there are relatively few people who can be truly valuable.In the next few days, Hua Zhang only developed one outside line. Mainly because she had a high vision and looked down on too many people.If anyone could do it, she could make dozens of them in a day if she worked hard, but it was no use.She's looking for something that can really be used.It is better to obey what you say, rather than feel like you are a peripheral of the National Security Agency, who only listens to the National Security Agency's orders and acts on the periphery.There is an essential difference.

But on the fourth day, after Hua Zhang returned to the office, he picked up that day's Nanjing Daily and started reading.The first thing she scanned was the advertising section.There was a piece of information that quickly caught Hua Zhang's eyes.It was an advertisement for buying wild ginseng and angelica. The words printed on it were completely consistent with the code in my mind.

Very good, it seems that Bingling has arrived in Nanjing and has prepared a stronghold.This is another signal to myself.Hua Zhang looked at the advertisement and wrote down the information, and then found a book called "Wired and Wireless" from the drawer.

Wired telephones, radio waves, this is a reference book.But it can be considered a bad product, after all, there are some extremely basic things in it.For example, there are some short stories about the birth of the telephone and the birth of the telephone.There are also how radio waves were invented, what are the scientific principles, and a few short stories about radio waves.On the contrary, there is relatively little serious professional content, like enlightenment readings.All in all, it's very basic, nothing too advanced.

But it’s not surprising that Hua Zhang has such a book. After all, she is a senior agent of the National Security Bureau.But she is not a professional in technology, but her identity requires her to have a certain understanding of these communication methods.Therefore, it became very normal for her to have this book.But this book is what Hua Zhang made an agreement with Bingling...

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