spy ace

Chapter 3231 Symbols

Furthermore, the first two days were really about making a summer training plan.I am one of the captains of the field team, and one of the people who was named by Fan Keqin to take charge of this matter. It would be okay if we just do summer training, but if we open a new line here, the manpower may not be enough. use.So, what's there to hesitate about?
So, after hearing this, Zhao Debiao nodded immediately and said: "That's great. It just so happens that summer training requires a lot of people to coordinate, arrange liaison, and some daily tasks, and they can't be left alone. The manpower may not be enough. Now. Once we have people from the special department, it won’t be a problem. We can proceed in two directions without delaying anything.”

Fan Keqin said: "Well, it's good if you can think clearly. I'll ask Hua Zhang to come over now." After saying that, he took off the buzzer and said: "Xiaoman, please bring Hua Zhang over. If it's not in her own The office...forget it, he might be doing something else."

"Understood." Zhuang Xiaoman's voice sounded and disappeared quickly.

The reason why Fan Keqin involved the Special Investigation Division was because he suspected that Zhao Debiao's informants might have discovered members of the Red Party's underground party.Of course, this is just speculation right now.But he couldn't just take this risk by chance and pretend it didn't exist.In this way, as long as people from the special investigation department also participate, it means that Hua Zhang can always know the progress of the investigation.And Huazhang himself is an underground party. If she knew about it, it would be easier for her to act.Regardless of whether the stranger is a stranger or not, Hua Zhang will definitely have a way to take appropriate actions to protect underground party members.

After a while, Hua Zhang walked into Fan Keqin's office and said, "Virgin." Then he nodded to Zhao Debiao and said hello, "Captain Zhao."

"Chief Hua." Zhao Debiao also nodded in greeting, calling him a formal name.This shows that not only him, but also others do not dare to show how close they are to Hua Zhang under any circumstances.After all, who knows what her relationship is with Fan Keqin.Having never seen such a beautiful woman, I was stunned that no one dared to gossip in private, or that anyone dared to pursue her.

In fact, with Huazhang's brain power, how could she not understand this.But there is no need to explain this.And with Fan Keqin as a shield, she can avoid a lot of trouble.

Fan Keqin said: "Tiger discovered something, but he can't relax during summer training, so it's just right for your special adjustment department to cooperate with him and jointly investigate his newly discovered clues. Please introduce the situation to Hua Zhangzai."

"Yes." Zhao Debiao immediately introduced the situation to Hua Zhang again, and finally said, "I still need to trouble Section Chief Hua."

"Nothing said." Hua Zhang said: "Captain Zhao, I heard what you said. Now I am just suspicious of the stranger. According to the current intelligence, the stranger seems to be living alone. So I sent a group of brothers who specialize in investigation. , should be enough. Controlling, tracking, monitoring, and dealing with one person is definitely enough. If it is not enough, you are telling me that I will transfer someone to cooperate with you. "

"Okay." Zhao Debiao said: "From the current point of view, it is definitely enough. We will communicate according to the situation in the future."

Returning to his office, Hua Zhang immediately photographed the fourth group and told them: "Just listen to Captain Zhao, and you will cooperate fully with whatever I ask you to do. In addition, if any confidential information is investigated, we must keep it confidential, even if it is I don’t want to disclose it at will. If there is any situation, just report it directly to Captain Zhao. Until this matter is over." After hearing this, the leader of the fourth group immediately stood up, then turned around and went out to the field team to report to Zhao Debiao. .The reason why Hua Zhang said this was to avoid suspicion.Don't look back and get yourself involved again if something goes wrong.And the situation I have now is enough for me to do something.Therefore, she specially acted with the leader of the third group.

After the other party left, Hua Zhang wrote a message on a piece of paper: "No. XX, XX Street, requesting identity confirmation. Now under the radar of the Security Bureau. If you are gay, please find a way to evacuate." After writing, , Hua Zhang rolled the note into a small paper stick and hid it on his body.

The outreach work is still in progress, so Hua Zhang took advantage of this situation and left directly after lunch.After passing through a dead mailbox that she had agreed with Bing Ling, she hid the note inside, and then actually went to meet an outsider who wanted to develop.In this way, it becomes reasonable for him to come out this time.Even if something goes wrong in the end and requires investigation, his actions this time will be well-documented.

As for developing outside lines, it is the same as her development of Nong Penghai two days ago.If you show your identity directly, of course it will still be the fake identity of the police department, but this identity is enough.Use force to pressure others, and it is impossible for the other party to disobey.In this way, Huazhang soon had another outside line.

On the other side, after checking the dead mailbox, Bing Ling immediately reported the situation to the organization.In the end, the stranger who was targeted was really one of his own.He himself didn't expect that he would accidentally be bumped into by an informant. It would have been fine, but the informant was so unlucky that he pretended to be a second time.And this time when they bumped into each other, they directly saw themselves going home.So it's really a bit unlucky.

But that day on his way home, when he turned a corner, he saw a symbol in the corner that he didn't want to see.It's like a naughty child using bricks to draw a triangle symbol on the wall, and then a vertical line with three arcs goes back and forth between the left side and the right side of the triangle, and finally passes through it again. The middle part of the bottom edge is transparent.

The meaning of this signal is what Xue Mingmin least wants to see.Because what it means is: "You have been targeted, but you are safe for now."

After Xue Mingmin saw it as he walked by, he seemed to go home normally as if nothing had happened.He first checked the situation at home. Fortunately, he found nothing special.So he sat quietly in the room and still thought deeply.

When did I get targeted, I didn't notice it.No, the last time I took action was when I bumped into Old Wei during the handover. So that was the only time I could be targeted. Does that mean that Old Wei was also targeted? But now Lao Wei has gone to other places.Oh, I shouldn't have to behave myself. The organization is aware of any of my actions. If I am reminded of it now, it will definitely remind Lao Wei.

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