spy ace

Chapter 3295 Doubt

Therefore, he personally investigated and no one was allowed to enter and cause possible damage to the site. No one would doubt this.Therefore, after he entered, he immediately wrapped his shoes with two towels, turned out the window and stepped on it before jumping back in the air. In fact, this kind of footprints can also be seen if it is inspected by the footprint masters of later generations. There are clues, but the footprint science of this era may have just developed. Therefore, what he did was to take advantage of the gap in the times to get through.

After putting away the towels, he moved the positions of two of the corpses.There is no need to move too much, no more than one meter, and then let the blood cover the traces of dragging so that no one can see it.In this way, the shooting angle will basically match the shooting angle. It can be seen that one is acting inside the house and the other is acting outside.

Following that, Fan Keqin came downstairs, found the boss, and interrogated him alone.Then he checked the employee list of the Yingbin Hotel and finally chose a scapegoat. He took people directly to the other party's house to get the person. Fan Keqin rushed in first, but the other party was frightened and cleverly blocked it with his hands. Fan Keqin Seizing this opportunity to make the other party appear to be resisting, he shot him in the heart instantly, killing him on the spot.After searching the other party's home, Fan Keqin finally brought the other party's shoes to the scene, and compared them with other agents' witness documents, and found that the shoe sizes matched.

In fact, Fan Keqin certainly took advantage of poor information on this point, because he had discussed with his boss before to determine who was more suitable to be the scapegoat.In addition, he also checked where the employees rested and found that the scapegoat's shoe size was the same as his own.Then he was made a scapegoat.In this way, the person's time of employment and shoe size match.Even if nothing else is found in his home in the end, it can still be said that "this kid disguised himself very well. There is nothing pointed in his home."

But on this point, the more professional you are, the less likely you are to doubt it. After all, someone is lurking somewhere, hiding confidential documents or various weapons and equipment at home. Isn’t that giving people a clue?Therefore, his home is very clean, which is normal.Even the cleaner he is, the more professional he is.

Furthermore, didn’t Fan Keqin have a separate conversation with the owner of the store?So how did he choose the scapegoat?One of the conditions is personality. The more introverted the personality, the more suitable it is.Why?It's very simple. The more introverted people are, they must know fewer people than extroverts.In this way, he seems more real.

In addition, this boy was shot to death by himself because of his "resistance."It can be said that there is no proof, and since the shoe size is correct, he is at home and no one can testify.Or someone who just got off the evening shift.And when arresting, there is an arresting action.One of the people at the assault scene was not him, it had to be him.

Then there is nothing wrong with Fan Keqin's action of killing the opponent with one shot?If it is normal, there may indeed be something wrong.But it's different now. In the eyes of everyone in the Security Bureau, of course, no one dares to say it clearly.The relationship between Hua Zhang and Fan Keqin is definitely a bit unclear.We carry it with us everywhere, and the two of us sometimes go out for drinks after work, or go out for a meal or something.In addition, before the little devil was driven away, the two of them often pretended to be husband and wife to carry out missions... This makes it reasonable for Fan Keqin to act with some hatred, isn't it?In addition, there were other agents present, and they indeed saw the other party reach out to block Fan Keqin's surprise attack.This is indeed an "arrest" action.Who knows if the other party is trying to grab the gun? If you fire decisively at this time, you are not wrong at all.

Fan Keqin recalled everything carefully, hid the pistol, washed his hands, and came out of the bathroom.Then he walked out of the Yingbin Hotel and said: "If there is no other situation, let's seal it."

Two agents immediately stepped forward and put a cross on the door.She followed Fan Keqin directly back to the Security Bureau. As soon as she came in, Zhuang Xiaoman told her that Sun Guoxin asked him to come back and go upstairs to find him.Fan Keqin went upstairs and entered the director's office. After sitting down, he asked: "Director, are you looking for me?"

"Yes." Sun Guoxin handed a folder to Fan Keqin and said, "This is the attendance list I compiled. But I didn't find any mistakes or omissions. You can take a look again."

After Fan Keqin took it, he looked at it and said, "They are all normal. It's true that there is nothing visible."

Sun Guoxin said: "What did you find at the scene? Didn't you kill one, and the other, no clues?" Fan Keqin said: "The other one left very few traces at the scene, but I feel that he was thin and injured. One of the bullets shot by one of the brothers has not been found. It must have been taken away by this boy. I have ordered to investigate all clinics, hospitals, pharmacies and other places, but there is no information feedback yet. I estimate that by this time Yes, he should have been prepared, for example, somewhere, a safe place, with some medical drugs and the like. It is a bit difficult to find this person now. "

Sun Guoxin said: "Then we can be sure of one thing. This gunman and the undercover agent within our bureau cannot be the same person."

"That's right." Fan Keqin said: "The top priority now is not this gunman. Although this gunman has clever tactics, the threat he poses to us is nothing compared to the existence of this undercover agent."

Sun Guoxin pondered for a moment and said, "How is Huazhang...?"

Fan Keqin said: "I just came back from the hospital and asked the doctor. I was just out of danger. In fact, it was a fluke. I was able to escape a disaster."

"Yeah." Sun Guoxin looked at Fan Keqin and said, "She...did she secretly execute a few red party members in the previous stage?"

Fan Keqin said: "You mean, there is something wrong with Huazhang?"

"Hey!" Sun Guoxin waved his hand and said: "She is the only one who survived. Wouldn't it be better to clear her suspicion first? And it is easy to investigate. In this way, it can also give Hua Zhang a psychological Relax."

"Oh, I understand what the director means." Fan Keqin said: "The secret execution you just mentioned, is it..."

"Yes." Sun Guoxin said, "As long as you open it and take a look, everything will be clear."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Well, I'll send someone when I get back."

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