spy ace

Chapter 3297 Hospital

"Yes." The boy smiled and said, "Virgo, is our section chief... suspected by someone?"

Fan Keqin looked at him and said, "Why do you ask that?"

The boy said: "Virgin, you don't have to think about it. You...have come to investigate in person...is there anyone who has trouble with our investigation department?"

Fan Keqin took off his gloves and threw them away, and asked with a smile: "What's the matter? You still want to complain on behalf of your section chief? It's the director, you go find him."

The boy immediately shrank his head, but asked hesitantly: "Is this okay?" While speaking, he pointed to the body and continued: "I said, our section chief must be fine. This It’s impossible for a Red Party member who was beaten to death by his own hands to cheat.”

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said: "Okay, don't think about it. The bureau chief means that if you want to make great use of your section chief, then you need to check and check beforehand. So, don't think too much." , held a cigarette in his mouth, lit it, and continued: "Hurry up and bury it, let's go back."

"Yes." The boy picked up the shovel and began to fill the hole. In fact, there was no need to fill in the hole more solidly this time, it was almost done.After finishing, Fan Keqin and others returned directly to the security bureau.First, he went directly upstairs and entered the director's office.

Sun Guoxin stopped writing and said, "How is it? Judging from your condition, it should be fine?"

"No problem." Fan Keqin said: "After I went there, I took a look at the surrounding situation and found no trace of anyone approaching in the short term. When digging the soil, the soil was soft and there was no sign that it had been dug up later. . The corpse was dug out, and the time was basically correct in terms of the degree of decomposition. I personally inspected the wounds, and it was completely consistent with what was reported and what a brother who followed Hua Zhang to the secret execution said. I dug out the bullet with my own hands. .no problem."

"Well, that's good." Sun Guoxin looked at Fan Keqin and said, "Looking back... I'd better explain this matter to Huazhang. After all, Huazhang should be able to understand the current special circumstances."

"No problem." Fan Keqin smiled and said, "She must understand."

Sun Guoxin said with a "haha" smile: "Do you understand? Is your kid so able to make decisions for her?"

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "There is nothing wrong with this. She is my subordinate. I must understand it."

"Yes." Sun Guoxin nodded and said with a smile, "I think I understand it well enough."

Fan Keqin nodded generously and said: "That must be sufficient. After all, we have done too many tasks together."

"Okay, your kid is still so flawless." Sun Guoxin said happily, "Since Huazhang is fine, that's the best. But she is seriously injured now. I heard that if she had been sent to the hospital three to five minutes later, I'm afraid there will be no one left. Then you should check it yourself first. After Hua Zhang is well, check and ask her to help you." At this point, Sun Guoxin sighed slightly and said: "Oh, undercover... this thing, It's too scary. This is the focus of your work in the future, you must find him out. Everything else can be put in a row. "

"Understood." Fan Keqin said: "We must find this person out." He stood up and said: "Bureau chief, then I will not accompany you. I will go to the First Military Hospital. See Hua Zhang again."

"Okay." Sun Guoxin said, "Go ahead."

After bidding farewell to Sun Guoxin, Fan Keqin came out of the bureau and started to go to the First Military Hospital. On the way, he got off the car and bought two bags of fruit.He went directly to the hospital and entered Huazhang's ward.This time when I looked at Hua Zhang, his face finally turned a little red, unlike last time when his face was so pale.He put the fruit on the small cabinet beside the hospital bed and said, "I got some oranges and apples for you. Grape didn't look at them, so I didn't get them for you."

"Thank you." Hua Zhang got up.Fan Keqin held her right armpit, put a pillow on her back, adjusted it, and asked, "Looking at your complexion, it looks much better than last time. How do you feel?"

"Much better." Hua Zhang said: "It hurts a little when I change the dressing every day, but nothing else. Even lying down all the time is tiring."

Fan Keqin said: "I just met the director from the bureau. Before that, I went to the outskirts of the city." As he said that, he turned to his bodyguard and a female agent from the special division and said, "Okay. You go out and I'll talk to Hua Zhang alone."

"Yes." Several people agreed, turned around and walked out of the ward.And the door was thoughtfully closed.

Fan Keqin said: "You handled it well. I can't see any problems with the body. The details are also very good. The bullet and the location where it hit are also very good. I reported this matter to Lao Sun, but , I think he still hasn’t completely dispelled his suspicion on you." After saying that, he told Hua Zhang the cause and effect of the matter in detail.

Hua Zhang frowned and said, "Didn't he ask you to explain to me?"

Fan Keqin said: "Yes, and then he also said that after you recover from your injuries and come out, you will help me investigate. I think there is a problem with this sentence. But he just did not completely lift the restrictions on you. Doubt, I think, may be his normal reaction to having an undercover agent within the bureau."

Hua Zhang said: "I will be careful."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "I will find another suitable target and let him become the undercover agent. This is not difficult, as long as the matter progresses steadily. When the time is right, I will seize this substitute. Come out, but you must be able to live without seeing anyone, and die without seeing corpses."

Hua Zhang said: "Then the timing must be very good."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "We can't be too hasty yet, so I said that I just need to push forward steadily, and then at this time, observe carefully, select a suitable person, make him an undercover, and choose another person." A suitable opportunity makes him disappear, and he will naturally become this undercover agent."

Hua Zhang said: "For example, when she disappeared, she also stole some confidential documents or something?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "It has a similar meaning. In short, this substitute must be established and killed immediately so that no one, including Sun Guoxin, can find fault."

Hua Zhang said: "Actually... I should be able to leave the hospital in two days."

Fan Keqin said: "No need, you just need to recover. These things are not so urgent. You just need to do it step by step in the hospital, and I will check it step by step outside. "

"That's not the reason." Hua Zhang said, "Didn't I ask you to explain it to me? I know I'm under suspicion, so shouldn't I behave as I should? Think about it, right?"

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