spy ace

Chapter 3310

The officer waved his hand in a very pretentious manner, then pointed towards the back room and said: "Go, go into the back room and take a look at the table. I remind you, be mentally prepared and don't be scared."

Not to mention that the officer was pretending to be with his wife. When Lao Wang was walking home, he found a public phone booth. After entering, he dialed a number. When the call was connected, he said: "Hello, hello, please give me a call." Mr. Feng left a message... Yes, I made an appointment with him, and he said that it was a pleasure to cooperate with him this time, thank you very much, and look forward to the next time... Well, no more, thank you."

This message is undoubtedly a code word, that is to say, everything on my side is ready, and you need to start on your side too.What is needed here at Bai Fengtai?Very simple, respond.

After Bai Fengtai returned to the company and his office in the morning, the external relations officer told him this message.Of course Bai Fengtai knew it, so he picked up the phone and dialed a number again. After waiting for the answer, he said: "Old Wang, you are going on a business trip. Buy a few more ferry tickets... Yes, and then you just wait for my notification." ”

By the way, there are several fixed execution grounds for executions here.This time, when it was executed, it was at Laohushan, which was only three kilometers away from Stanley.The terrain here is very suitable. It is in a small valley in Laohu Mountain. As long as you guard the way you came, there will be no one around.

A law enforcement officer followed the car, holding a standard form book in his hand.One of the pages had already been filled out, and when the car stopped, he hadn't even gotten off the car yet.The captain of the execution team came over, leaned against the window, and said, "Brother Lei, this is what we agreed to do. Besides, the buyer was generous and gave me an extra three floors. They are all here." With that, he rushed a small bag into the car. Passed in through the window.

The man named Lei Ge took the small bag and was not in a hurry. He opened it and took a look, with a smile on his face, but then he showed a serious expression and said: "Then there is no problem for me here, and there is no problem here?"

"Brother Lei, don't worry." The captain said, "Everyone has a share, no one is left behind."

"Ah, that's no problem." Hearing this, Brother Lei smiled and said, "Then let's get started." With that, he opened the car door and got off.At this time, the prison van had stopped. The captain waved his hand and said, "Open the door and let the three parties identify you."

The three parties are the law enforcement officer, the law enforcement team, and the prison escort. This is called mutual testing among the three parties.But at this time, everyone involved in the execution has received money, so this is just a formality.It is conceivable that for this kind of thing, you can do it with less money.And no one can be left behind. With so many people, each one has to spend a lot of money. After all, it is considered a risk for the other party.If you want to get things done with just a few bucks, that's a joke.

The prison car is opened, and for every prisoner who gets out of the car, people from the three parties will check it. It is a real check.Because you have to be responsible for the buyer, you will be in trouble if you get the wrong one.After everything was checked, the heads of the three parties signed in the law enforcement officer's notebook.

After signing, law enforcement officer Lei Ge nodded to the captain of the law enforcement team.The latter said: "Okay, the escort team will be on guard around the area, and the family members of the car will be arranged to wait outside. They can be taken away after the execution is completed! The law enforcement team is ready to execute!"

After saying a few words, everyone started to take action.With a vigilant guard all around, several prisoners were held in a row.A total of ten people were executed this time, six of whom had sold their lives.After lining up in a row, there were members of the law enforcement team, swinging them to get them to stand.But the six people in charge said: "Don't be nervous in a moment, the clothes are all ready. I ask you to change clothes, and you start changing. After changing, we will collect the bodies. When the time comes, you don't have to worry about it. See The road in front of you is right, go out along the road. There will be a car waiting for you on the roadside not far away, just get in the car, remember it."

After finishing speaking, he arranged the things and put the clothes, pants, shoes and other items, euphemistically called "shrouds", aside.Then he turned around and walked back, standing in a row.The captain shouted: "Get ready!!" With a crash, everyone raised their guns.After waiting for a second or two, the captain gave another order, saying: "Let it go!" "Bump..." The gunshots rang out neatly.However, only four of the ten prisoners fell.

The captain shouted loudly: "The families of six prisoners requested to take back the bodies immediately. After examination, they were determined to be dead. We agree that the families can take back the bodies of the prisoners!" As he said this, he waved his hand.Several people from the law enforcement team walked forward and said, "Change your clothes!"

The six people were really frightened, one of them had just been executed.The fireworks from the muzzle, as well as the four people beside them who died instantly without even saying a word, made them all a little shocked.And the most important thing is, who knows whether life-buying is real or fake.If not, then he would be dead.

It wasn't until this moment that they knew that their lives were saved.Upon hearing "change clothes", the three men immediately began to take off their prison uniforms.The "shrouds" on the ground were changed very quickly and were actually casual clothes.After changing, a member of the law enforcement team said: "Go along the road and don't look back!"

Only now did a few people know that six of them could survive this time.But in this situation, no one dared to ask each other. When they heard the words "go along the road," they immediately started walking back.Not far away, I turned a corner along the road and saw six cars on the dirt road.

There were three people standing next to each car, looking at them.Every time someone comes, open the car door and let someone get in.After everyone got in the car, the car drove away quickly and left the scope of Tiger Mountain.The people in the few cars didn’t talk much.Including Tian Zhu, who used to have his own way of doing things, was very silent after this kind of thing.

But the person in one of the cars, after leaving the scope of Laohu Mountain, said, "Where are we going?"

A person sitting in the back seat with him turned to look at him and said, "Just follow our arrangements."

The man said: "You promised to let me see my mother before leaving."

The person next to him said: "I only know that I will send you to the crossing. I don't know about your business."

The man nodded and said nothing.Soon, a group of cars arrived at the ferry.After they got off the bus, a man came over and gave each of them a boat ticket.This boat goes to the southern district on the opposite side. It won't take long to reach there by driving on the water...

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