spy ace

Chapter 3320 Interrogation

Holding the handcuffs with his hands, he led the man little by little back to the tunnel entrance, then stood up and stretched out his other hand. The other agents pulled him up, and with them, the boy Sheng Li.

"Section Chief, there is a survivor." A person turned around and said. Hua Zhang nodded after hearing this and said: "The fourth group will stay and search this place in detail and visit the surrounding neighbors. For the rest, take the person back and I will interrogate him personally."

As soon as the order came out, everyone immediately started to execute it. Those who pulled the corpses pulled the corpses, and those who brought them alive brought them alive. After getting in the car, Hua Zhang led the team back to the security bureau quickly. After shutting Sheng Li into the interrogation room, an agent waved his hand and said: "Follow the rules, quickly strip him naked and prepare the torture tools. The section chief will interrogate him in person later."

"No need." Hua Zhang did not go upstairs to find Fan Keqin this time. Instead, she got out of the car and briefly gave instructions to the special task force and asked them to cooperate. After the people who stayed in the place where they just acted were ready to provide support, she Then he went directly to the interrogation area.

Hua Zhang said: "This kid surrendered voluntarily. He shouldn't be a tough guy. It's not easy to meet such a red party. So be careful and don't go too far, which will cause the opposite effect." After saying that, he turned around and said: "Miao Xin Feng, Li Qiong, you will come in with me later and help me interrogate him together. Then send a torture expert to stand next to the rack of torture instruments to exert psychological pressure on him. "

"Yes." Several people agreed immediately. Hua Zhang turned around and walked into the office in the interrogation area. He used the phone here to dial an internal number and said: "Hey, it's me, dear. I'm going to report something to Virgo. Well, okay... Virgo, I'm Hua Zhang, the man has been captured. To be precise, one was killed and one was captured alive. I will interrogate him in person right away... Yes, don't worry, there will be no mistake. This guy put down his gun and surrendered on his own initiative. I I think it should be easy to open up a breakthrough for him... Yeah, I understand."

After putting down the phone, Hua Zhang nodded towards the people on duty in the office, turned around and walked out. Yes, she was acting with Fan Keqin, just to let others see her behavior. As long as you see it, that's it. And this behavior is also very natural. After all, it is necessary to tell your immediate boss after the person is captured. But there is no need to make a detailed report, after all, there is no result, so it is very natural to make a phone call and say something here.

As for who my dear is... it's Fan Keqin's confidential secretary, Zhuang Xiaoman. No one would say anything when the two girls called her that, even if Sun Guoxin heard it, it was normal. After all, women are calling each other back and forth, and after a man hears this, he wants to take care of it, participate in it... If you even take care of this, it will make you look like an old woman, and you are too nosy. , the tube is too broad. The ladies are on good terms and can call each other whatever they like. This is not a formal meeting. Just make a phone call and say something like this, what can I do?

"Ready, section chief." After walking back to the interrogation room, an agent reported to Hua Zhang. Hua Zhang nodded and said, "Okay, let's go in."

With that said, he led Miao Xinfeng, Li Qiong, and a torture expert named Zhao into the room. Just looking at this, the boy Shengli was sitting on an iron chair fixed to the cement floor in the middle of the ground. His hands and feet were tied to the deputy and chair legs, and he looked at everyone with a look of fear on his face.

After Hua Zhang and others were seated, Li Qiong was in charge of secretary and Miao Xinfeng was in charge of interrogation assistance. Hua Zhang spoke first and said, "What's your name?"

Sheng Li said: "Sheng Li." Then came the usual set of information, gender, age and so on. After all this had passed, Hua Zhang asked, "Do you know why I arrested you?" Sheng Li opened his mouth and said, "Because..." He once again thought back to what Dongyang De said to him, as well as the introduction of himself. identity. But it was precisely because I thought about it that I felt a little hesitant.

Seeing this, Hua Zhang said coldly: "Mr. Sheng, when I arrested you, you took the initiative to hand over your gun and saved your life. I thought you were a person who knew the current affairs. What, you regret it? If so, I don't mind, I will first pluck out all your nails, and then break your bones into pieces before I ask you again.”

"Don't, don't," Sheng Li said, "I was arrested because I helped the Red Party transport important supplies."

Hua Zhang said: "Avoiding the important and taking the easy? Helping the Red Party transport supplies? How innocent you say you are. What is your identity? Don't say you are not a Red Party!"

Sheng Li said: "I...I am a probationary member."

Hua Zhang said: "If you don't want to give me face, shave off the flesh of his little finger!"

"Yes!" said the torture expert, turned around, took a knife from the torture rack, and came to Sheng Li with a grin. Sheng Li was so frightened that his expression changed and he said: "Really, really, I'm definitely not lying. I was transferred from Guangdong and I have already written the application for joining the party, but I haven't taken the oath to join yet. Listen. You know my accent, don’t, don’t use torture, I really won’t say anything.”

Hua Zhang waved his hand, and the torture expert stepped back with the knife. Hua Zhang asked: "Have I heard that if you are not an official Red Party member, you cannot participate in the action?"

"Who said that... No, I'm not questioning you." Sheng Li felt relieved now, because Dongyang De told himself after drawing lots that he was able to get some questions right at this time. Yes, Dongyang De had already discussed the possible interrogation issues with Sheng Li and Tian Jianhui before. But at this time, after listening to a few questions from Hua Zhang, Sheng Li had an idea. Therefore, I am not so panicked. Said: "Sir, we activists are all doing things for the party... for them. For example, raising materials, publicity, delivering information, etc. are not all tasks that only the real Red Party can do. "

Sheng Li swallowed and said: "I am one of the activists. Originally, I was in Guangzhou to deliver some information and letters. Later, I was specifically responsible for transporting some secret radio stations and other important materials. Before, I was transporting radio stations. , first went to Hangzhou. After I arrived in Hangzhou and delivered the radio station as required, my superior suddenly told me that there were comrades in Nanjing and there was a lack of radio stations. He asked me to come to Nanjing again, and I had to be careful this time. You only Do the transfer work. Although I am not an official member of the Red Party, I understand..."

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